(A)   Purpose and intent.
      (1)   The purpose and intent of this section is to prevent a net increase in nonpoint source pollution from new development and achieve a 10% reduction in nonpoint source pollution from redevelopment.
      (2)   The performance standards establish the means to minimize erosion and sedimentation potential, reduce land application of nutrients and toxics, and maximize rainwater infiltration. Natural ground cover, especially woody vegetation, is most effective in holding soil in place and preventing site erosion. Indigenous vegetation, with its adaptability to local conditions without the use of harmful fertilizers or pesticides, is an especially effective filter of stormwater runoff. Minimizing impervious
cover enhances rainwater infiltration and effectively reduces stormwater runoff potential.
      (3)   Except as otherwise expressly stated in this chapter, development in Chesapeake Bay Preservation Areas shall comply with state regulations found at 9 VAC 25-830-130, 9 VAC 25-830-140, and 9 VAC 25-830-150.
   (B)   General performance standards for development and redevelopment.
      (1)   Land disturbance shall be limited to the area necessary to provide for the proposed use or development.
         (a)   In accordance with an approved site plan, the limits of land disturbance, including clearing or grading, shall be strictly defined by the construction footprint. These limits shall be clearly shown on submitted plans and physically marked on the development site.
         (b)   Ingress and egress during construction shall be limited to one access point unless otherwise approved by the Zoning Administrator.
      (2)   Indigenous vegetation shall be preserved to the maximum extent practicable, consistent with the use or development proposed, and in accordance with the Virginia Erosion and Sediment Control Handbook.
         (a)   Existing trees over six inches DBH shall be preserved outside the construction footprint. Diseased trees or trees weakened by age, storm, fire or other injury may be removed.
         (b)   Clearing shall be allowed only to provide necessary access, positive site drainage, water quality BMPs, and the installation of utilities, as approved by the Zoning Administrator.
         (c)   Prior to clearing or grading, suitable protective barriers, such as safety fencing, shall be erected one foot outside of the dripline of any tree or stand of trees to be preserved. These protective barriers shall remain erected throughout all phases of construction. The storage of equipment, materials, debris, or fill shall not be allowed within the area protected by the barrier.
      (3)   Land development shall minimize impervious cover to promote infiltration of stormwater into the ground consistent with the proposed use or development permitted.
      (4)   Notwithstanding any other provisions of this division (B) or exceptions or exemptions to this division (B), any land disturbing activity exceeding 2,500 square feet, including construction of all single-family houses, shall comply with the requirements of Chapter 152 of this code.
      (5)   All existing sewage disposal systems not requiring a VPDES permit shall be pumped out at least once every five years, in accordance with the provisions of the County Health Code. New septic tanks and private sewage plants are not permitted.
      (6)   For any development or redevelopment, stormwater runoff shall be controlled by the use of BMPs that achieve the following.
         (a)   For development, the post-development nonpoint source pollution runoff load shall not exceed the predevelopment load, based on a Chesapeake Bay watershed-wide average impervious surface cover of 16%.
         (b)   For any redevelopment site and for sites within IDAs, the nonpoint source pollution load shall be reduced by at least 10%. The Zoning Administrator may waive or modify this requirement for redevelopment sites that originally incorporated BMPs for stormwater runoff quality control, provided the following provisions are satisfied:
            1.   In no case may the post-development nonpoint source pollution runoff load exceed the predevelopment load;
            2.   Runoff pollution loads must have been calculated and the BMPs selected for the expressed purpose of controlling nonpoint source pollution; and
            3.   If BMPs are structural, evidence shall be provided that facilities are currently in good working order and performing at the design levels of service. The Zoning Administrator may require a review of both the original structural design and maintenance plans to verify this provision. A new maintenance agreement may be required to ensure compliance with this division (B)(6).
         (c)   For redevelopment, both the pre- and post-development loadings shall be calculated by the same procedures. However, where the design data is available, the original post-development nonpoint source pollution loadings can be substituted for the existing development loadings.
      (7)   Prior to initiating grading or other on-site activities on any portion of a lot or parcel, all wetlands permits required by federal, state, and local laws and regulations shall be obtained and evidence of such submitted to the Zoning Administrator, in accordance with § 157.161.
      (8)   Clearing, land disturbance, or development exceeding 500 square feet on slopes 20% or greater is prohibited.
   (C)   Buffer area requirements.
      (1)   To minimize the adverse effects of human activities on the other components of RPAs, state waters, and aquatic life, a 100-foot buffer area of vegetation that is effective in retarding runoff, preventing erosion, and filtering nonpoint source pollution from runoff shall be retained if present and established where it does not exist. The delineation of the 100-foot RPA boundary for the retention of an undisturbed and vegetated 100-foot-wide buffer area with permissibility of only water dependent facilities or redevelopment shall be shown on all plans and plats.
      (2)   The buffer area shall be located adjacent to and landward of other RPA components and along both sides of any waterbody with perennial flow. The full buffer area shall be designated as the landward component of the RPA, in accordance with sections § 157.153 and 157.161.
      (3)   The 100-foot buffer area shall be deemed to achieve a 75% reduction of sediments and a 40% reduction of nutrients.
      (4)   The buffer area shall be maintained to meet the following additional performance standards.
         (a)   In order to maintain the functional value of the buffer area, indigenous vegetation may be removed only, as permitted by the Zoning Administrator, to provide for reasonable sight lines, access paths, general woodlot management practices, including those that prevent upland erosion and concentrated flows of stormwater and BMPs, as follows.
            1.   Trees may be pruned or removed as necessary to provide for sight lines and vistas, provided that where removed, they shall be replaced with other vegetation that is equally effective in retarding runoff, preventing erosion, and filtering nonpoint source pollution from runoff.
            2.   Any path shall be constructed and surfaced to effectively control erosion.
            3.   Dead, diseased, or dying trees or shrubbery and noxious weeds may be removed and thinning of trees may be allowed pursuant to sound horticulture practice as recommended by the town.
            4.   For shoreline erosion control projects, trees and woody vegetation may be removed, necessary control techniques employed, and appropriate vegetation established to protect or stabilize the shoreline in accordance with the best available technical advice and applicable permit conditions or requirements.
         (b)   When the application of the buffer areas would result in the loss of a buildable area on a lot or parcel recorded prior to October 1, 1989, the Zoning Administrator may allow encroachments into the buffer area in accordance with § 157.161 and the following criteria.
            1.   Encroachments into the buffer areas shall be the minimum necessary to achieve a reasonable buildable area for a principal structure and necessary utilities.
            2.   Where practicable, a vegetated area that will maximize water quality protection, mitigate the effects of the buffer encroachment, and is equal to the area of encroachment into the buffer area shall be established elsewhere on the lot or parcel.
            3.   The encroachment may not extend into the seaward 50 feet of the buffer area.
         (c)   Redevelopment within IDAs may be exempt from the buffer area, in accordance with § 157.161. Where possible a buffer area shall be provided in order to remove pollutants and protect water quality. Any and all buffer exemptions are to be granted by the Zoning Administrator.
(1998 Code, § 66-200) (Ord. passed 9-5-2017; Ord. O-2022-01, passed 4-5-2022) Penalty, see § 10.99