(A) In accordance with the VA Code, all statements, plans, profiles, elevations, and other demonstrative material submitted with an application for rezoning shall be annotated with one of the following statements. Each statement shall be signed by the applicant; however, the applicant is not restricted to use the same statement on every submitted document. The applicant may vary statements as necessary to proffer certain statements, plans, profiles, and elevations, and not proffer other information or pieces of demonstrative material related to the same application.
(B) One of the following statements should accompany any application for zoning modification.
(1) Commitment to proffer. “I hereby proffer that the development of the subject property of this application shall be in strict accordance with the conditions set forth in this submission, unless an amendment thereto is mutually agreed upon by the Town Council and the undersigned.”
(2) Noncommitment to proffer. “The conditions set forth in this submission are not to be construed as to be binding on the development of the subject property of this application.”
(1998 Code, § 66-334) (Ord. passed 9-5-2017)