(A)   Residential uses: townhouse, multifamily, duplex, and single family units:
      (1)   One bedroom unit: two spaces; and
      (2)   Units with two or more bedrooms shall have one additional parking space per bedroom (i.e., three bedroom unit is required to have four parking spaces).
   (B)   Business uses (other than places of assembly) require the following spaces per 400 square feet (net floor space); except that in the Old and Historic Occoquan District, the number of required spaces shall be one for each 800 square feet (net floor space) or portion thereof:
      (1)   Commercial: one space; and
      (2)   Office: one space.
   (C)   Places of assembly require one space per four seats; except that in the Old and Historic Occoquan District, the required number of spaces shall be one per eight seats or portion thereof; except that no parking spaces shall be required for restaurants and places of assembly in the Old and Historic Occoquan District with fewer than 50 seats. Restaurants and places of assembly in the Old and Historic Occoquan District with more than 50 seats shall be one for eight seats or portion thereof, the difference of the total number of seats minus 50.
   (D)   Mixed use developments shall provide spaces in accordance with the percentage of floor space devoted to each use.
   (E)   For uses not otherwise set forth in this section, parking spaces shall be provided in sufficient quantity to accommodate the parking demand generated by the proposed use as determined by the Zoning Administrator.
   (F)   Parking areas shall be graded at a slope not to exceed 5%. Slope may be up to 10%, with approval of the Town Engineer.
   (G)   Parking computations yielding fractional spaces of one-half and above shall be rounded up to the next whole number, and fractional yields below one-half shall be rounded down to the nearest whole number.
   (H)   Parking spaces expressly designated for compact cars may be provided. Each space must be clearly marked by an above-grade sign. Such spaces shall not constitute more than 30% of the entire parking space requirements and meet the minimum dimensions outlined in Table B in § 157.198.
   (I)   All off-street parking spaces shall have an all-weather, dust-free, and impervious surface, where appropriate.
   (J)   Under no circumstances shall alterations to existing structures reduce existing parking below that which would be required for the entire structure as altered.
(1998 Code, § 66-230) (Ord. passed 9-5-2017) Penalty, see § 10.99