(A)   Application requirements.
      (1)   Any person applying for a site plan in accordance with Chapter 155 of this code or applying for a building, electrical, or sign permit to install outdoor lighting fixtures shall, as a part of said application, submit evidence that the proposed work will comply with this subchapter.
      (2)   The lighting plan application shall include the following:
         (a)   A site plan drawn to scale showing building(s), landscaping, parking areas, and proposed exterior lighting fixtures;
         (b)   Location of all post, canopy, supports, and light fixtures, including the height of each fixture, relative to the buildings, structures, parking, and display and loading areas;
         (c)   Specifications of the illuminating devices, lamps, supports, and other devices including designation as Illuminating Engineering Society of North America (IESNA) “cut-off” fixtures. This description may include, but is not limited to, manufacturers catalog cuts, and drawings including sections where required; and
         (d)   A photometric plan indicating the minimum and maximum foot-candle levels within the lighted area of the site. Such plan shall show locations of all pole mounted and building mounted fixtures and a numerical 25 foot by 25 foot grid of lighting levels, in foot-candles, that the fixtures will produce on the ground. (See Figure 4 below.)
      (3)   The required plans and descriptions shall be sufficiently complete to enable the Planning Commission, Zoning Administrator, Building Official, or their designee to readily determine compliance with the requirements of this subchapter. If such plans and descriptions cannot enable this ready determination by reason of the nature or configuration of the devices, fixtures, or lamps proposed, the applicant shall submit evidence of compliance by test reports performed by a testing lab certifying that the tests were conducted according to the standards of the Illuminating Engineering Society of North America (IESNA).
   (B)   Conformance with this subchapter.
      (1)   Prior to issuance of a building, electrical, or sign permit, the Zoning Administrator or designee shall determine that the submitted plans and details for said permit are in conformance with this subchapter.
      (2)   The stamping of the plans and the signature of the Building Official or designated representative and the date of the signature shall indicate that the plans are in conformance.
   (C)   Changes after approval. Should the applicant desire to substitute outdoor light fixtures or lamps to be installed on private property after a lighting plan has been approved, the applicant shall submit said changes to the Zoning Administrator or designee for approval, with adequate information to assure compliance with this subchapter.
   (D)   Special requirements for public or private outdoor recreational facilities.
      (1)   For each athletic field or complex to be illuminated, a lighting plan shall be submitted detailing the property lighting installation. The plan shall include the lighting requirements for each sports field, the lighting specifications, and technical measures showing how those requirements will be achieved. Special tree planting and/or buffering to assist in light control and protection of adjacent properties and roadways may be required.
      (2)   All applications for lighted outdoor recreational facilities shall include an accurate photometric plan in conjunction with a site plan for the proposed field and associated facilities.
Figure 1: Full Cut-off Lighting Fixture
Source: Fairfax County, Virginia Zoning Ordiance - Appendix 2 (Illustrations)
Figure 2: Full Cut-Off Light Fixtures
Figure 3: Mounting Height
Source: Fairfax County, Virginia Zoning Ordinance - Appendix 2 (Illustrations)
Figure 4: Photometric Plan
Source: Hubbell Outdoor Lighting
(1998 Code, § 66-353) (Ord. passed 9-5-2017)