Employees Generally
EDITOR'S NOTE: Because of the frequency of change, provisions relating to regular compensation are not codified. Copies of the latest relevant legislation may be obtained, at cost, from the Clerk of Council.
The City enters into Agreements, from time to time, with representatives of various classes of Municipal employees, which Agreements provide for compensation, benefits and other incidents of employment. The provisions of these Codified Ordinances, therefore, apply only to those persons and those subjects not otherwise provided for in such Agreements. Copies of the latest relevant legislation and of such Agreements may be obtained, at cost, from the Clerk of Council.
258.01   Bonds.
258.02   Overtime compensation.
258.03   Longevity compensation.
258.04   Holidays.
258.05   Sick leave.
258.06   Bereavement leave.
258.07   Special leave.
258.08   Vacation leave.
258.09   Injury leave.
258.095   Military leave.
258.10   Absence without leave.
258.11   Pay while on jury duty.
258.12   Tuition reimbursement.
258.13   Travel allowances.
258.14   Affirmative action.
258.15   Deferred Compensation Plans.
258.16   Pick-up of Police and Firemen’s Disability and Pension Fund contribution.
258.17   Pick-up of Ohio Public Employees Retirement System Contribution.
258.18   Cell phone.
258.19   Direct deposit.
   Compensation not to be changed during term - see Ohio Const. Art. II, § 20
   Welfare - see Ohio Const., Art. II, § 34
   Workers' compensation - see Ohio Const., Art. II, § 35; Ohio R.C. Ch. 4123
   Wages and hours on public works - see Ohio Const., Art. II, § 37; Ohio R.C. Ch. 4115
   Deductions for labor dues and savings - see Ohio R.C. 9.41, 9.43
   Deductions for Municipal income tax - see Ohio R.C. 9.42
   Public Employees Retirement System - see Ohio R.C. Ch. 145
   Expenses - see Ohio R.C. 733.79, 737.23
   Leave for military training - see Ohio R.C. 5923.05
258.01 BONDS.
   The following officers and employees of the City shall give bond, as follows:
      Officer/Employee            Amount of Bond
   (a)   Director of Finance            $100,000
   (b)   Account Clerks III
      (Department of Finance)         $10,000
   (c)   All others, Blanket Employees
      Dishonesty Bond of up to         $100,000
(Ord. 98-2005. Passed 1-23-06; Ord. 10-2018. Passed 3-12-18.)
   (a)   An employee who is required to work in excess of forty hours in any given work week shall be paid for such overtime work at the rate of one and one-half times the employee's regular hourly rate of pay or accumulate compensatory time at the rate of one and one-half hours for each hour of overtime.
   (b)   Such overtime work shall be established and granted at the discretion of the chief of the division and/or director of the department.
   (c)   Each part-time officer in the Police Division shall be compensated for all time spent attending court on other than his or her regular shift at his or her regular rate of pay. Each part-time officer shall be paid a minimum of three hours for each court appearance. At the beginning of the fourth hour, he or she shall be paid at one and one-half times his or her regular hourly rate. All hours are to be verified by the Command Officer. A court appearance shall mean one appearance regardless of the number of cases which such part-time officer may appear in during any given day in court.
(Ord. 84-1976. Passed 11-22-76; Ord. 88-1976. Passed 12-13-76; Ord. 98-2005. Passed 1-23-06; Ord. 10-2018. Passed 3-12-18.)
   (a)   As of December 1 of each calendar year, all full-time employees, in addition to their regular compensation, shall receive a single lump-sum longevity allowance, payable on or before the second pay of December of each calendar year, based upon the length of full-time service to the City. Said payment to be subject to all taxes and retirement deductions in the same manner as regular pay.
   (b)   The longevity schedule for non-bargaining personnel, excluding the officers of the Police and Fire Department, shall be the same as the amounts enumerated in the AFSME Local 256 Collective bargaining agreement.
   (c)   The longevity schedule for the non-bargaining officers of the Police Department shall be the same as the amounts enumerated collective bargaining agreement between the OPBA and the City of Norton.
   (d)   The longevity for the non-bargaining officers of the Fire Department shall be the same as the amounts enumerated collective bargaining agreement between the IAFF and the City of Norton.
(Ord. 82-1983. Passed 2-13-84; Ord. 94-2000. Passed 12-11-00; Ord. 98-2005. Passed 1-23-06; Ord. 94-2010. Passed - -10; Ord. 10-2018. Passed 3-12-18.)
258.04 HOLIDAYS.
   (a)   All full-time non-bargaining employees and classified part-time employees shall receive the holidays enumerated in the AFSME Local 256 Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) and in accordance with the terms outlined in the CBA. Classified part-time employees will receive a pro-rated holiday pay based on the average hours worked.
   (b)   The Fire Chief, Chief of Police and any other full-time non-bargaining unit supervisory employee of the Fire and Police Divisions, excluding the Administrative Officer and Director of Public Safety, is hereby granted one day of pay in addition to his or her regular earnings for each of the holidays set forth in subsection (a) hereof, to be paid on December 1 of each year.
(Ord. 3-1997. Passed 2-10-97; Ord. 20-1986. Passed 5-12-86; Ord. 98-2005. Passed 1-23-06; Ord. 77-2017. Passed 10-10-17; Ord. 10-2018. Passed 3-12-18; Ord. 005-2020. Passed 2-10-20.)