258.01 BONDS.
   The following officers and employees of the City shall give bond, as follows:
      Officer/Employee            Amount of Bond
   (a)   Director of Finance            $100,000
   (b)   Account Clerks III
      (Department of Finance)         $10,000
   (c)   All others, Blanket Employees
      Dishonesty Bond of up to         $100,000
(Ord. 98-2005. Passed 1-23-06; Ord. 10-2018. Passed 3-12-18.)
   (a)   An employee who is required to work in excess of forty hours in any given work week shall be paid for such overtime work at the rate of one and one-half times the employee's regular hourly rate of pay or accumulate compensatory time at the rate of one and one-half hours for each hour of overtime.
   (b)   Such overtime work shall be established and granted at the discretion of the chief of the division and/or director of the department.
   (c)   Each part-time officer in the Police Division shall be compensated for all time spent attending court on other than his or her regular shift at his or her regular rate of pay. Each part-time officer shall be paid a minimum of three hours for each court appearance. At the beginning of the fourth hour, he or she shall be paid at one and one-half times his or her regular hourly rate. All hours are to be verified by the Command Officer. A court appearance shall mean one appearance regardless of the number of cases which such part-time officer may appear in during any given day in court.
(Ord. 84-1976. Passed 11-22-76; Ord. 88-1976. Passed 12-13-76; Ord. 98-2005. Passed 1-23-06; Ord. 10-2018. Passed 3-12-18.)
   (a)   As of December 1 of each calendar year, all full-time employees, in addition to their regular compensation, shall receive a single lump-sum longevity allowance, payable on or before the second pay of December of each calendar year, based upon the length of full-time service to the City. Said payment to be subject to all taxes and retirement deductions in the same manner as regular pay.
   (b)   The longevity schedule for non-bargaining personnel, excluding the officers of the Police and Fire Department, shall be the same as the amounts enumerated in the AFSME Local 256 Collective bargaining agreement.
   (c)   The longevity schedule for the non-bargaining officers of the Police Department shall be the same as the amounts enumerated collective bargaining agreement between the OPBA and the City of Norton.
   (d)   The longevity for the non-bargaining officers of the Fire Department shall be the same as the amounts enumerated collective bargaining agreement between the IAFF and the City of Norton.
(Ord. 82-1983. Passed 2-13-84; Ord. 94-2000. Passed 12-11-00; Ord. 98-2005. Passed 1-23-06; Ord. 94-2010. Passed - -10; Ord. 10-2018. Passed 3-12-18.)
258.04 HOLIDAYS.
   (a)   All full-time non-bargaining employees and classified part-time employees shall receive the holidays enumerated in the AFSME Local 256 Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) and in accordance with the terms outlined in the CBA. Classified part-time employees will receive a pro-rated holiday pay based on the average hours worked.
   (b)   The Fire Chief, Chief of Police and any other full-time non-bargaining unit supervisory employee of the Fire and Police Divisions, excluding the Administrative Officer and Director of Public Safety, is hereby granted one day of pay in addition to his or her regular earnings for each of the holidays set forth in subsection (a) hereof, to be paid on December 1 of each year.
(Ord. 3-1997. Passed 2-10-97; Ord. 20-1986. Passed 5-12-86; Ord. 98-2005. Passed 1-23-06; Ord. 77-2017. Passed 10-10-17; Ord. 10-2018. Passed 3-12-18; Ord. 005-2020. Passed 2-10-20.)
258.05 SICK LEAVE.
   (a)   Each full-time employee hired prior to January 1, 2018, shall be entitled to accumulate sick leave at the rate of ten hours per month and may accumulate sick leave to an unlimited amount. Sick leave for classified part-time employees shall be prorated. New employees shall not be entitled to use sick leave until they have completed thirty calendar days of employment. Part time employees will receive a prorated sick leave, based on the number of hours worked. An employee may use sick leave, upon approval of the chief of the division and/or director of the department, for absences due to personal illness, injury or death in the employee's immediate family. "Immediate family" for sick leave purposes is defined as the employee's spouse, parents, children, or other person residing with the employee under dependent status. An employee may transfer sick leave from any political subdivision of the State of Ohio, including the State of Ohio, but excluding the Federal government. The chief of the division and/or director of the department shall require an employee to justify the use of sick leave. If an employee is absent for more than two consecutive days, a certificate stating the nature of the illness from a licensed physician may be required to justify the use of sick leave and to certify that the employee was released by the physician to return to work. Falsification of either a written signed statement or a physician's certificate shall be grounds for disciplinary action, including dismissal. No sick leave shall be granted to a City employee upon or after his or her retirement or termination of employment.
   (b)   Upon the death of a full-time employee during his or her tenure of employment, the City shall pay to the estate of such employee compensation for accumulated sick leave, earned while an employee for the City of Norton, up to 960 hours.
   (c)   A City employee paid directly by warrant of the Finance Director at the time of retirement from active service with the City and with ten or more years of service with the City, shall be paid, in cash, for up to 960 hours of unused accumulative sick leave upon retirement and earned while an employee of the City of Norton under an appropriate State Retirement System. An employee who retires under an appropriate State Retirement System with less than ten years of service shall receive a prorated payout, 1/10 for every year up to ten years of service. Such payment shall be based on the employee's rate of pay at the time of retirement. Only time accumulated as a City of Norton employee shall be eligible for payment under this provision. Payment for sick leave on this basis shall be considered to eliminate all sick leave credit accrued by the employee at that time. Such payment shall be made only once to any employee. The maximum payment, which may be made under this section, shall be for 960 hours.
(Ord. 23-1983. Passed 3-14-83; Ord. 99-1984. Passed 12-20-84; Ord. 21-1986. Passed 5-12-86; Ord. 12-2001. Passed 3-26-01; Ord. 98-2005. Passed 1-23-06; Ord. 10-2018. Passed 3-12-18.)
   (a)   An employee shall be granted three days leave with pay, not chargeable to sick leave, for the purposes of attending the funeral of a member of the employee's immediate family. "Immediate family" shall be defined as husband, wife, mother, step-mother, mother-in-law, father, step-father, father-in-law, brother, step-brother, brother-in-law, sister, step-sister, sister-in-law, son, step-son, son-in-law, daughter, step-daughter, daughter-in-law, grandchild, grandparents of employee, grandparents of spouse of employee, or any person who resided for an extended period of time in the home of the employee under dependent status.
   (b)   The chief of the division and/or director of the department may request proof of death from an employee for bereavement leave. One of the following three items will be considered acceptable as proof of death:
      (1)   A newspaper clipping;
      (2)   A death certificate; or
      (3)   A statement from a funeral director.
(Ord. 49-1997. Passed 6-9-97; Ord. 98-2005. Passed 1-23-06; Ord. 10-2018. Passed 3-12-18.)
   In addition to leave authorized heretofore, the appointing authority may authorize an employee to be absent without pay for personal reasons for a period or periods not to exceed eighty hours in any calendar year. The appointing authority may authorize a special leave of absence without pay or any other employee benefits received or accumulated during such period or periods not to exceed three months in any one calendar year for the following purposes: attendance at a college, university or business school, or urgent personal business requiring the employee's attention for an extended period, such as settling an estate, or liquidating a business.
(Ord. 88-1976. Passed 12-13-76; Ord. 98-2005. Passed 1-23-06; Ord. 10-2018. Passed 3-12-18.)
   (a)   Each full-time non-bargaining City employee shall have earned and be due vacation as follows: eighty hours of vacation after one year of completed service, accrued at the rate of six hours and forty minutes for each month on the payroll; 120 hours of vacation after five years of completed service, accrued at the rate of ten hours for each month on the payroll; 160 hours of vacation after ten years of completed service, accrued at the rate of thirteen hours and twenty minutes for each month on the payroll; 200 hours of vacation after fifteen years of completed service, accrued at the rate of sixteen hours and forty minutes for each month on the payroll; and 240 hours of vacation after twenty years of completed service, accrued at the rate of twenty hours for each month on the payroll. Vacation leave for classified part-time employees shall be prorated.
   (b)   Employees shall forfeit their right to take and be paid for any vacation to their credit, which is in excess of the accrual for one year, plus the current year's accrual. Such excess leave shall be eliminated from the employee's leave balance. Upon separation from City service, an employee shall be entitled to compensation at his or her current rate of pay for all lawfully accrued and unused vacation leave to his or her credit at the time of separation, up to one year.
   (c)   The City recognizes vacation leave credit earned by an employee from prior or current service with the State of Ohio or any other political subdivision of the State of Ohio; however, the City does not recognize vacation leave credit earned by an employee from prior or current service with any other State or political subdivision or the Federal government. Employees transferring time from another political subdivision may take vacation after six months.
(Ord. 6-1997. Passed 2-10-97; Ord. 69-2000. Passed 8-28-00; Ord. 89-2001. Passed 1-14-02; Ord. 98-2005. Passed 1-23-06; Ord. 10-2018. Passed 3-12-18.)
   (a)   Each full-time employee non-bargaining employee who is disabled from performing the duties of his or her employment with the City as a proximate result of bodily injury sustained by said employee in the pursuit and performance of the duties of such employment, shall receive, injury leave at his or her normal rate of pay, less any compensation received by such employee in lieu of salary or wages received from any governmental authority or fund, and less all legal and usual payroll deductions. To be eligible for injury leave pay from the City, the employee shall have filed for Worker's Compensation benefits and signed a waiver assigning to the City those sums of money (temporary total benefits as determined by law) he or she would ordinarily receive. Said leave shall be paid for such period of time as such member is totally disabled from performance of his or her normal duties of employment by such bodily injury, but for no longer than a period of one year from the date of such disabling injury. The City's share of the State of Ohio Retirement Systems payments shall be based on the amount actually received by the employee from the City. (Ord. 15-1984. Passed 2-13-84.)
   (b)   The chief of the division or the director of the department shall keep accurate records of such injury leave and file a statement of such leave with the Administrative Officer at the end of each month.
   (c)   The Administrative Officer may prescribe appropriate rules and regulations for the establishment, eligibility for, and administration of, the benefits conferred by this section, and shall have the right to require the employee to have a physical exam by a physician appointed and paid for by the City. The receipt of benefits pursuant to the provisions of this section shall not take the place of nor otherwise affect the accrual of sick leave, vacation time, seniority or other benefits of employment.
(Ord. 58-1977. Passed 9-12-77; Ord. 98-2005. Passed 1-23-06; Ord. 10-2018. Passed 3-12-18.)
   (a)   All employees of the City who are members of the Ohio National Guard, or the Ohio Naval Militia, or members of the reserve components of the Armed Forces of the United States, are entitled to a leave of absence from their respective duties for a period not to exceed thirty-one calendar days or twenty-two eight-hour work days or 176 hours within any calendar year.
   (b)   Such an employee shall be paid the difference between his or her regular pay from the City and the pay the employee receives for said military service. In determining such employee's military pay for the purposes of this section, allowances for travel, food, or housing shall not be considered, but any other pay or allowances of whatever nature, including longevity pay, shall be considered.
   (c)   An employee while on a military leave in excess of thirty-one calendar days in any calendar year is not entitled to receive nor accumulate any employee benefits, except as required by law.
(Ord. 23-1973. Passed 2-12-73; Ord. 98-2005. Passed 1-23-06; Ord. 10-2018. Passed 3-12-18.)