   In addition to leave authorized heretofore, the appointing authority may authorize an employee to be absent without pay for personal reasons for a period or periods not to exceed eighty hours in any calendar year. The appointing authority may authorize a special leave of absence without pay or any other employee benefits received or accumulated during such period or periods not to exceed three months in any one calendar year for the following purposes: attendance at a college, university or business school, or urgent personal business requiring the employee's attention for an extended period, such as settling an estate, or liquidating a business.
(Ord. 88-1976. Passed 12-13-76; Ord. 98-2005. Passed 1-23-06; Ord. 10-2018. Passed 3-12-18.)
   (a)   Each full-time non-bargaining City employee shall have earned and be due vacation as follows: eighty hours of vacation after one year of completed service, accrued at the rate of six hours and forty minutes for each month on the payroll; 120 hours of vacation after five years of completed service, accrued at the rate of ten hours for each month on the payroll; 160 hours of vacation after ten years of completed service, accrued at the rate of thirteen hours and twenty minutes for each month on the payroll; 200 hours of vacation after fifteen years of completed service, accrued at the rate of sixteen hours and forty minutes for each month on the payroll; and 240 hours of vacation after twenty years of completed service, accrued at the rate of twenty hours for each month on the payroll. Vacation leave for classified part-time employees shall be prorated.
   (b)   Employees shall forfeit their right to take and be paid for any vacation to their credit, which is in excess of the accrual for one year, plus the current year's accrual. Such excess leave shall be eliminated from the employee's leave balance. Upon separation from City service, an employee shall be entitled to compensation at his or her current rate of pay for all lawfully accrued and unused vacation leave to his or her credit at the time of separation, up to one year.
   (c)   The City recognizes vacation leave credit earned by an employee from prior or current service with the State of Ohio or any other political subdivision of the State of Ohio; however, the City does not recognize vacation leave credit earned by an employee from prior or current service with any other State or political subdivision or the Federal government. Employees transferring time from another political subdivision may take vacation after six months.
(Ord. 6-1997. Passed 2-10-97; Ord. 69-2000. Passed 8-28-00; Ord. 89-2001. Passed 1-14-02; Ord. 98-2005. Passed 1-23-06; Ord. 10-2018. Passed 3-12-18.)
   (a)   Each full-time employee non-bargaining employee who is disabled from performing the duties of his or her employment with the City as a proximate result of bodily injury sustained by said employee in the pursuit and performance of the duties of such employment, shall receive, injury leave at his or her normal rate of pay, less any compensation received by such employee in lieu of salary or wages received from any governmental authority or fund, and less all legal and usual payroll deductions. To be eligible for injury leave pay from the City, the employee shall have filed for Worker's Compensation benefits and signed a waiver assigning to the City those sums of money (temporary total benefits as determined by law) he or she would ordinarily receive. Said leave shall be paid for such period of time as such member is totally disabled from performance of his or her normal duties of employment by such bodily injury, but for no longer than a period of one year from the date of such disabling injury. The City's share of the State of Ohio Retirement Systems payments shall be based on the amount actually received by the employee from the City. (Ord. 15-1984. Passed 2-13-84.)
   (b)   The chief of the division or the director of the department shall keep accurate records of such injury leave and file a statement of such leave with the Administrative Officer at the end of each month.
   (c)   The Administrative Officer may prescribe appropriate rules and regulations for the establishment, eligibility for, and administration of, the benefits conferred by this section, and shall have the right to require the employee to have a physical exam by a physician appointed and paid for by the City. The receipt of benefits pursuant to the provisions of this section shall not take the place of nor otherwise affect the accrual of sick leave, vacation time, seniority or other benefits of employment.
(Ord. 58-1977. Passed 9-12-77; Ord. 98-2005. Passed 1-23-06; Ord. 10-2018. Passed 3-12-18.)
   (a)   All employees of the City who are members of the Ohio National Guard, or the Ohio Naval Militia, or members of the reserve components of the Armed Forces of the United States, are entitled to a leave of absence from their respective duties for a period not to exceed thirty-one calendar days or twenty-two eight-hour work days or 176 hours within any calendar year.
   (b)   Such an employee shall be paid the difference between his or her regular pay from the City and the pay the employee receives for said military service. In determining such employee's military pay for the purposes of this section, allowances for travel, food, or housing shall not be considered, but any other pay or allowances of whatever nature, including longevity pay, shall be considered.
   (c)   An employee while on a military leave in excess of thirty-one calendar days in any calendar year is not entitled to receive nor accumulate any employee benefits, except as required by law.
(Ord. 23-1973. Passed 2-12-73; Ord. 98-2005. Passed 1-23-06; Ord. 10-2018. Passed 3-12-18.)
   An employee who intends to be absent from duty shall report the reason therefor to his or her supervisor prior to the date of absence when possible and in no case later than one hour prior to the start of his/her shift on the first day of his/her absence. All unauthorized and unreported absences shall be considered as absences without leave and a deduction in pay shall automatically be made for the period of such absences. Such unauthorized absences may be grounds for disciplinary action, including termination.
(Ord. 88-1976. Passed 12-13-76; Ord. 98-2005. Passed 1-23-06; Ord. 10-2018. Passed 3-12-18.)
   (a)   An employee of the City receiving notice of being on jury call or jury duty from any Federal, State or municipal court shall report the same to his or her chief of the division and/or director of the department. The chief or director may seek to have the employee excused from such service if the employee's service to the City is deemed essential. An employee who cannot attend his or her normally scheduled workday due to being on jury call or jury duty, shall receive his or her normal wage. An employee shall reimburse to the City any remuneration, other than the employee's regular City pay, received while performing a jury call or jury duty service.
   (b)   An employee whose normally scheduled workday is other than the first shift shall be scheduled for the first shift during the period of being on jury call or jury duty.
   (c)   An employee shall return to work for the remainder of his or her scheduled workday if he or she has been released for the day from the requirement of being present for jury call or jury duty, if such release is before 3:00 p.m.
(Ord. 59-1979. Passed 7-9-79; Ord. 98-2005. Passed 1-23-06; Ord. 10-2018. Passed 3-12-18.)
   (a)   The Mayor or Administrative Officer is hereby authorized and directed to implement a tuition reimbursement plan for the benefit of employees of the City, which plan shall be based on the following:
      (1)   Any full-time, permanent employee who has completed the probationary period is eligible to make application.
      (2)   Courses must be job-related, add to the employee's ability to perform his or her present job, relate to his or her future work for his or her department, or increase his or her potential to the department.
      (3)   Courses must be taken at an accredited college or university.
      (4)   Courses must be taken outside the employee's normal working hours and all course work must be completed on the employee's own time.
      (5)   The amount of reimbursement shall depend upon performance standards as follows:
            Grade Received         Percentage of Reimbursement
            “A” or equivalent            100%
            “B” or equivalent            80%
            “C” or equivalent            60%
            “Satisfactory” or equivalent         100%
         No refunds shall be made for grades below “C” or its equivalent. If the employee receives an “Incomplete” or “In Progress” grade, no refund shall be made until a final grade is received.
      (6)   Reimbursement shall include tuition, application fees, activity fees and the cost of textbooks. Lab fees are excluded unless they are specifically included in the course tuition. Also, the course of study must be approved by the Mayor or Administrative Officer.
      (7)   Any refund obligation of the City shall be canceled upon the termination of employment or the failure to maintain a satisfactory job attendance or performance record prior to the completion of courses.
      (8)   After being reimbursed under the tuition reimbursement plan, the employee shall repay to the City all monies paid for any courses reimbursed during the previous year if the employee terminates his or her employment with the City within the previous one.
      (9)   Acceptance into the plan shall be subject to the sole discretion of the Mayor or Administrative Officer, based on the availability of funds, the strength of the application and the needs of the City as determined by the Mayor or Administrative Officer. The tuition reimbursement plan is a grant to, and not a right of, any particular employee of the City.
   (b)   The Mayor or Administrative Officer is hereby authorized and directed to establish the procedures necessary to implement the tuition reimbursement plan as set forth in subsection (a) hereof.
(Ord. 68-1995. Passed 10-23-95; Ord. 98-2005. Passed 1-23-06; Ord. 10-2018. Passed 3-12-18.)