1273.01 Intent.
1273.02 Permitted buildings and uses.
1273.03 Accessory structures and uses.
1273.04 Area and density regulations.
1273.05 Site disturbance.
1273.06 Driveways.
1273.07 Existing structures.
1273.08 Lighting.
1273.09 Design of rural residential villages (RR-V).
1273.10 Designation of required building envelope in RR-2 and RR-3 Districts.
1273.11 Landscaping and fences in RR-2 and RR-3 Districts.
1273.12 Signs in RR-2 and RR-3 Districts.
1273.13 Deed restricted lands.
Municipal zoning - see Ohio R.C. 713.06 et seq.
General provisions and definitions - see P. & Z. Ch. 1260
Amendments - see P. & Z. Ch. 1266
Residential Districts - see P. & Z. Ch. 1270
Off-street parking and loading - see P. & Z. Ch. 1282
Signs - see P. & Z. Ch. 1284
Nonconforming uses - see P. & Z. Ch. 1286
Buffering - see P. & Z. Ch. 1288
The purpose of Rural Residential Districts is to provide a regulatory mechanism through which development can occur with the least environmental and visual impact in accordance with the objectives of the City's adopted Master Plan. Development within Rural Residential Districts will be located in such a way as to preserve critical natural areas such as steep slopes, flood plains, streams/rivers, ponds, critical soils and wetland areas; to maintain open areas in order to preserve visual character; and to conserve a connected system of wildlife habitats. Such development, preserved critical natural areas and preserved open areas are considered integral parts of a whole, irrevocably joined through deed restriction or like device, in order to create a coordinated balance of development with preserved areas.
(a) Rural Residential Village Cluster (RR-V). Rural Residential Villages are compact areas of single-family housing surrounded by areas that remain undisturbed in order to preserve critical natural features and open areas. The development of homes and the preserved natural area around them are treated as a whole; one element cannot exist without the other. Rural Residential Villages will be structured around a common open space, the circulation system will support vehicular as well as pedestrian traffic and the Village will have discernible edges.
(b) Rural Residential Two Acre (RR-2). Rural Residential-2 allows for the development of single-family lots while still preserving an equal amount of natural area. This type of single-family development will provide an alternative to the R1-A lifestyle by ensuring the preservation of natural features within each lot as well as within the natural areas.
(c) Rural Residential Three Acre (RR-3). Rural Residential-3 allows for the development of large-lot single-family development.
(d) Minor Subdivisions. Rural Residential zoning does not apply to minor subdivisions or single lots. Minor subdivisions are not more than five lots, as defined in Section 1244.04 of this Planning and Zoning Code. R1-A zoning shall apply for minor subdivisions and single lots.
(Ord. 95-150. Passed 10-3-95; Ord. 10-166. Passed 12-21-10.)
Buildings and land shall be used, and buildings shall be erected, altered, moved or maintained, in Rural Residential Districts, only in accordance with the following:
(a) Permitted Uses. Detached one-family dwellings.
(b) Conditional Uses (With Appropriate Permit and Minimum Acreage). Commercial equestrian uses (ten acres minimum); bed and breakfast inns; plant husbandry; private sport recreation, including golf courses and country clubs; government agencies, such as fire stations and police stations; and the same conditional uses enumerated for the R1-A District in Section 1270.02(a).
(Ord. 95-150. Passed 10-3-95.)
(a) Parking and Garage Facilities. Private and storage garages and open off-street parking areas shall be permitted on each lot in the RR-V District, and within the building envelope in the RR-2 and RR-3 Districts, as provided for in Section 1273.10, if accessory to a dwelling or if the use is considered and approved as a conditional use in accordance with the standards and regulations set forth in Section 1262.07 of this Planning and Zoning Code.
(b) Home Professional Offices. An office may be permitted in Rural Residential Districts in the home of a person practicing any of the recognized professions, including, but not limited to, an accountant, architect, artist, engineer, lawyer, musician, physician, realtor, appraiser, photographer, planner or mental health counselor, provided that:
(1) No more than one assistant, other than members of the resident family, works therein.
(2) The residential character of the dwelling exterior shall not be changed.
(3) No equipment shall be used which will create objectionable disturbances beyond the premises.
(4) The number of automobiles attracted to the premises shall not exceed five automobile spaces (excluding enclosed garage spaces) per each 1,500 square feet of the main building.
(c) Home Occupations. Gainful home occupations may be permitted in Rural Residential Districts, including dressmaking, interior decorating, arts and crafts, or any other similar home occupations, but excluding uses permitted as commercial or industrial uses, and may be conducted in the dwelling used by such person as his or her residence, provided that:
(1) No more than one assistant, other than members of the household, is employed therein.
(2) No window display or signboard is used to advertise such occupation, except that the nameplate provided for in Section 1284.07(a) may designate such occupation thereon.
(3) The occupation must be conducted wholly within the dwelling.
(4) No merchandise is sold except that which is produced on the premises.
(5) No equipment is used which will create objectionable disturbances beyond the premises.
(6) The space used for sale and production does not occupy more than twenty-five percent of the dwelling unit area.
(7) The use does not change the residential character of the dwelling exterior.
(8) The use does not require the storage of any equipment, materials or vehicles outside the main building.
(d) Renting of Rooms. The renting from a resident family, of not more than one room to not more than one person, shall be permitted.
(e) Gardens and Pets. The raising for private use of fruits, vegetables or nursery stock, and the keeping of pets, is permitted in Rural Residential Districts, provided that:
(1) Household pets shall be construed to include dogs, cats, canaries, parakeets, fish and other regular domestic animals and birds. As used herein, household pets shall not be construed to include cows, bulls, swine, sheep, goats, rabbits, fowl, snakes, bees or pigeons and other domesticated animals, or tamed wild animals or birds.
(2) Upon the issuance of a permit by the Building Commissioner, not more than ten horses, mules or donkeys (not for commercial use) per parcel of land will be permitted in the Rural Residential District. No piles or accumulations of refuse and/or manure from any animals will be permitted within 250 feet of any street or highway or within 150 feet of any dwelling. Minimum lot size for one horse is two acres and one additional acre for each horse. The grazing of horses must be confined to an area that is fenced and meets the requirements outlined in Chapter 1467.
(f) Barns and/or Stables. Any accessory building used in conjunction with the keeping of horses must be a minimum of 250 feet from any street or highway or development boundary line and 150 feet from any dwelling.
(g) Pools. Pools must be located within the building envelope as provided for in Section 1273.10, when applicable, in the RR-2 and RR-3 Districts.
(Ord. 95-150. Passed 10-3-95; Ord. 15-11. Passed 1-20-15.)
See Table 1 and Table 2 (Schedules of Area, Yard and Height Regulations) following the text of this chapter. Overall density of the development shall be limited by the Rural Residential option selected. Actual minimum lot sizes and dimensions will be determined by the physical characteristics of the parcel to be developed. A site development evaluation (SDE) will be submitted by the developer for each parcel to be developed. The SDE will analyze the impact that the critical physical characteristics enumerated in Section 1273.01 will have on potential developments. Based on these impacts, a Rural Residential option can be selected. Rural Residential Villages will be permitted only on parcels where the RR-2 or RR-3 option is not feasible. If the SDE shows that full size lots are not possible, then lot sizes may be reduced to no less than the minimum (shown in Table 2) to allow the total number of permitted lots to occupy the developable portions of the parcel.
(a) Rural Residential Village (RR-V). There shall be a maximum overall density of one lot for each one acre of development area, with a minimum development parcel of fifteen acres.
(b) Rural Residential-2 (RR-2). There shall be a maximum overall density of one lot for each two acres of development area.
(1) Grouping shall be permitted upon the approval of the Planning Commission of the group design and the submission of an SDE identifying developable lands within the parcel. Grouping shall be defined as an adjustment of lot sizes within RR-2 or RR-3 subdivisions to maintain those respective overall densities. Undevelopable lands shall be included in the larger lots. (See Figure 1 following the text of this chapter.)
(2) All subdivision preliminary plats shall show building envelopes and deed restricted lands. Any change in the proposed building envelope placement shall be subject to the review and approval of the City Engineer and the Building Department.
(3) No increase in density shall be permitted when using the grouping option.
(c) Rural Residential-3 (RR-3). There shall be a maximum overall density of one lot for each three acres of development area.
(1) Grouping shall be permitted upon the approval of the Planning Commission of the group design and the submission of an SDE identifying developable lands within the parcel. Grouping shall be defined as an adjustment of lot sizes within RR-2 or RR-3 subdivisions to maintain those respective overall densities. Undevelopable lands shall be included in the larger lots. (See Figure 1 following the text of this chapter.)
(2) All subdivision preliminary plats shall show building envelopes and deed restricted lands. Any change in the proposed building envelope placement shall be subject to the review and approval of the City Engineer and the Building Department.
(3) No increase in density shall be permitted when using the grouping option.
(Ord. 95-150. Passed 10-3-95.)