The Planning Commission will review the plans for construction of a Rural Residential Village. The Planning Commission's review will consist of an evaluation of the locations, bulk and general design of buildings; the relationship of buildings to each other and to yards and other open spaces; the locations and widths of streets and private access drivers (when used); and the locations of pedestrian walkways, paved areas, landscape planting, exterior lighting, signs and other exterior landscape features. Such Village plans shall be developed in accordance with the criteria set forth in the following provisions.
(a) Rural Residential Villages shall be limited in area, oriented around a defined center as well as a formal network of open green areas, and have a delineated edge.
(1) Village centers are a common open space which may be a square, green, town commons or an important street intersection with a surrounding green area. These Village centers shall be designed for use, not merely viewing.
(2) Village edges may vary in character. Edges may include natural features, such as forests, meadows, flood plains, wetlands or steep slopes. Edges can also be man-made and include such elements as rurally designed infrastructure improvements or land designated for agriculture, including farms, orchards or nurseries. Edges can also be a system of parks or a golf course. Buffering shall be required as specified in Section 1288.05 and shall be a minimum of a fifty-foot natural planting buffer which shall be maintained between an RRV and other single-family property lines.
(b) Rural Residential Villages shall allow for homes to occupy a major portion of the defined private lot. Residents of each home shall have access to open green areas as well as the town square, commons or green. The design of each home shall emphasize front porches, reduce the impact of driveways and restrict the placement of garages to the rear of the property.
(c) In general, the design of Rural Residential Villages shall emphasize the public character of the streets, the aesthetic character of the front porch, the private character of the back yard and the service nature of private access drives (when used).
(d) Rural Residential Villages shall create architectural diversity among the homes while maintaining a design theme for each Village. Design themes shall be maintained by an established homeowner's association.
(e) Rural Residential Village street networks shall be configured to create blocks of appropriate building sites and to shorten pedestrian routes. The street networks are designed to keep local traffic off arterial roads and keep through traffic off local streets. An interconnecting street pattern provides multiple routes which effectively diffuse traffic congestion.
(1) Neighborhood streets of various types should be detailed to provide equitably for pedestrian safety and for automobile movement.
(2) The design of Villages using private access drives is encouraged. Private access drives serve in a variety of capacities, including auto parking and garage access, thus creating an improved streetscape for residents.
(Ord. 95-150. Passed 10-3-95.)
A building envelope shall be determined for every buildable lot in RR-2 and RR-3 Districts. The use of building envelopes is in lieu of building setback lines in order to achieve greater flexibility in house placement to protect natural features and views. The determination of the building envelope shall include the following considerations:
(a) Building envelopes should be selected that do not include the tops of ridge lines. (See Figure 5 following the text of this chapter.)
(b) Building envelopes should avoid open fields. (See Figure 5 following the text of this chapter.)
(c) Building envelopes should be located on the edges of fields and in wooded areas to minimize the visual impact of development. (See Figure 5 following the text of this chapter.)
(d) Building envelopes shall not include wetlands and flood plains.
(e) Building envelopes shall not include areas with slopes in excess of thirty-five percent. (See Figure 5 following the text of this chapter.)
(f) Septic systems, sewers, water lines, wells and driveways may be located outside building envelopes.
(g) Building envelopes shall be indicated on the subdivision sketch plan and preliminary plat. Final locations of the building envelope shall be shown on the record plat, including dimensioning to clearly define the limitations.
(Ord. 95-150. Passed 10-3-95.)
In RR-2 and RR-3 Districts, existing vegetation should be preserved in areas where disturbance is not necessary outside the building envelope.
(a) Lawn areas should be minimized in wooded areas.
(b) Where building envelopes are located in woodlands, a treed area of at least forty feet between the building envelope and the common drive or roadway shall be retained. (See Figure 6 following the text of this chapter.)
(Ord. 95-150. Passed 10-3-95; Ord. 15-11. Passed 1-20-15.)
In RR-2 and RR-3 Districts, permanent on-site development identification signs are discouraged.
(a) Where the Planning Commission determines that a development identification sign is appropriate, its area shall be limited to ten square feet, its construction shall be of natural materials (i.e. wood and stone), and the base area shall be appropriately landscaped.
(b) Resident identification signs are permitted at entrances to driveways. The maximum height of resident identification signs shall be eight feet. Each individual name sign shall not be more than one square foot. (See Figure 8 following the text of this chapter.)
(Ord. 95-150. Passed 10-3-95.)
Deed restricted lands shall be indicated on the record plat, including dimensioning, to clearly define the restricted areas.
(Ord. 95-150. Passed 10-3-95.)
Density Per Acre | Dwelling Type | Lot Area | Lot Width | |
RR-V | 1 | 1 familty | 7,000 sq. ft. | 60 ft. |
Build-To lines | Measured From | Side Setback Line | Rear Setback Line | |
RR-V | 20 ft. | ROW | 8 ft. | Garage 20 ft. |
Home 40 ft. |
Density Per Acre | Dwelling Type | Minimum Lot Area | Minimum Lot Width | Minimum Building Envelope | Maximum Total Lot Disturbance |
Density Per Acre | Dwelling Type | Minimum Lot Area | Minimum Lot Width | Minimum Building Envelope | Maximum Total Lot Disturbance | |
RR-2 | .5 | 1 family | 31,250 sq. ft | 125 | 20% | 40% |
RR-3 | .33 | 1 family | 45,000 sq. ft. | 150 | 15% | 30% |
Minimum Building Envelope Setback1 | Measured From | Minimum Setback of Building Envelope | Minimum Building Envelope From From Side Lot Line2 | Maximum Height Main Building Rear Lot Line3 (stories) | ||
RR-2 | 40 ft. | ROW | 20 ft. | 40 ft. | 2 | |
RR-3 | 70 ft | ROW | 30 ft. | 75 ft. | 2 | |
1 The Planning Commission may approve building envelope setbacks less than what is required here if the lesser setback will better preserve natural features and protect views.
2. Ibid.
3. Ibid.
(Ord. 95-150. Passed 10-3-95.)