§ 155.722 CRITERIA.
   (A)   The following criteria shall apply to all annexation requests:
      (1)   The proposed use for the site complies with the city’s Comprehensive Plan and with the designation(s) thereon. If a re-designation of the plan map is requested concurrent with annexation, the uses allowed under the proposed designation must comply with the Comprehensive Plan;
      (2)   An adequate level of urban services and infrastructure must be available or made available in a specified time period determined by Council. An ADEQUATE LEVEL OF URBAN SERVICES is defined as:
         (a)   Municipal sanitary sewer, storm drainage and water service meeting the requirements enumerated in the Comprehensive Plan for provision of those services;
         (b)   Rights-of-way with adequate design capacity for the proposed use and projected future uses; and
         (c)   Where construction of improvements necessary for delivery of the urban services identified in division (A)(1) above or the rights-of-way identified in division (A)(2) above are not thought to be immediately necessary, the applicant shall note the methods that are proposed to be used for providing and/or financing those services/improvements including, but not limited to, dedication of right-of-way, granting waiver(s) of remonstrance against possible future local improvement districts created or other approaches/devices to pay for improvement costs.
      (3)   Findings documenting the availability of police, fire, parks, school facilities and all related services shall be made allowing for conclusive findings either for or against the proposed annexation. The adequacy of each of these services shall be considered in relation to each annexation proposal;
      (4)   The proposed annexation represents a logical direction for city expansion, promotes an orderly, reasonable and economically feasible expansion of the city boundaries and, in the judgment of the city, serves the present and future interests of the city; and
      (5)   The burden of providing evidence supporting the findings hereof.
   (B)   Improvements for needed infrastructure may be secured by a funding mechanism that will place the primary economic burden on the territory proposed for annexation and not on the city generally.
(Prior Code, § 16.205.010) (Ord. 464, passed 9-16-2019)