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North Plains, OR Code of Ordinance
§ 155.655 RESERVED.
   (A)   For the purposes of this section, the following definitions shall apply regarding streets and alley ways.
      PRIVATE ALLEY. A narrow vehicular service access, generally 20-feet in width, to the back or side of properties that is privately owned and maintained, either by an association such as an HOA, or by a specific individual, and/or is not open to all members of the public.
      PRIVATE STREET. A street that provides for private or individual use for the purpose of vehicular and pedestrian traffic and the placement of utilities that is owned and maintained by a private entity, either by an association such as an HOA, or by a specific individual, and/or is not open to all members of the public.
      PUBLIC ALLEY. A narrow vehicular service access, generally 20-feet in width, to the back or side of properties that is publicly owned and maintained and is open as of right to the public.
      PUBLIC STREET. The entire width between the boundary lines of every way of travel which provides for public use for the purpose of vehicular and pedestrian traffic and the placement of utilities and including the terms “road”, “highway”, “place”, “avenue” and other similar designations.
   (B)   Except in the C-1 Zone, a clear vision area shall be maintained on the corners of all property immediately adjacent to the intersection of the following:
      (1)   All public streets and public alleys intersecting with another public street or public alley.
      (2)   All public streets and public alleys intersecting with a private street or private alley.
      (3)   All public streets intersecting with a railroad.
      (4)   All driveways providing vehicular access to a public street or public alley, intersecting with such public street or public alley.
   (C)   Lots or parcels that are immediately adjacent to any of the intersections described above shall maintain a sight triangle with no sight obstruction between three feet and ten feet in height as measured from street grade. Sight obstructions include, but are not limited to, fences, vegetation, berms, signs and structures. The sight triangle shall be measured from the corner of the street, alley, driveway, or railroad in question (apex), to a distance of 20 feet along each side of the applicable intersecting way described above. (See Figure 1.) The city may require additional vision clearance based on a hazard identified by the city. However, tree trunks and sign poles not exceeding 12 inches in diameter may be located within the vision clearance area; provided, the diameter does not exceed 24 inches.
   (D)   For clarity’s sake, the following intersections are exempt from the city’s clear vision standard requirements of this section, and any HOA or other associated private entity shall bear full responsibility in connection with the same:
      (1)   All private streets and private alleys intersecting with another private street or private alley.
      (2)   All driveways providing vehicular access to a private street or private alley, intersecting with such private street or private alley.
(Prior Code, § 16.160.000) (Ord. 491, passed 10-2-2023)
   (A)   Description. The public right-of-way described in the deed of dedication and shown on the accompanying map (attached to the ordinance codified herein as “Exhibit A”) is a public street in the city and that the same be and hereby is vacated under the terms and provision of ORS Ch. 271.
(Prior Code, § 16.165.000)
   (B)   Filing. The city is hereby instructed to file a certified copy of this chapter with the County Clerk and the County Surveyor or the county under the terms and provisions of ORS Ch. 271.
(Prior Code, § 16.165.005)
   (C)   Community safety. It is necessary and desirable for the peace, health and safety of the citizens of the city for the purpose of providing suitable and appropriate protection of property owners, that this subchapter shall be effective immediately upon passage by the Council and approved by the Mayor, and an emergency is declared to exist.
(Prior Code, § 16.165.010)
§ 155.670 PURPOSE.
   The purpose of this subchapter is to provide adequate areas for the parking, maneuvering, loading and unloading of vehicles for all land uses in the city.
(Prior Code, §16.155.000) (Ord. 450, passed 12-18-2017; Ord. 451, passed 6-4-2018; Ord. 477, passed 2-22-2022)
   (A)   The provision and maintenance of off-street parking and loading spaces are continuing obligations of the property owner. No building or other permit shall be issued until plans are presented that show property that is and will remain available for exclusive use as off-street parking and loading space. The subsequent use of property for which the building permit is issued shall be conditional upon the unqualified continuance and availability of the amount of parking and loading space required by this chapter.
   (B)   Parking requirements for types of buildings and uses not specifically listed herein shall be determined by the Planning Commission, based upon the requirements of comparable uses listed.
   (C)   In the event several uses occupy a single structure or parcel of land, the total requirements for off-street parking shall be the sum of the requirements of the several uses computed separately, except as specified in division (D) below.
   (D)   Owners of two or more uses, structures, or parcels of land may agree to utilize jointly the same parking and loading spaces when the hours of operation do not overlap, provided that satisfactory legal evidence is presented to the Building Inspector in the form of deed, leases or contracts to establish the joint use. Of the total number of required off- street parking spaces, when the two or more joint uses include a mix of residential and commercial, one parking space per business shall be designated as a short-term parking space for use by patrons.
   (E)   Off-street parking spaces for dwellings shall be located on the same tax lot with the structure, and within 250 feet of the dwelling unit for which the parking space is required. Garages and/or carports may be used to satisfy the off- street parking requirements for dwellings, however, one required parking space may be uncovered. Parking spaces required for other uses may be located on a separate tax lot and shall be located not farther than 500 feet from the building or use they are to serve.
   (F)   Parking and loading spaces shall not be located in a required side or rear yard, except that off street parking spaces may be located in a required side or rear yard adjacent to a street on commercial or industrial zoned land provided that the parking spaces are developed consistent with the development standards of this chapter.
   (G)   Required parking spaces shall be available for parking of operable passenger automobiles of residents, customers, patrons and employees only, and shall not be used for storage of vehicles or materials or for the parking of trucks used in conducting the business or use.
   (H)   Required parking spaces shall be improved and available for use before the final inspection is completed by the Building Inspector. An extension of time may be granted by the Building Inspector providing an irrevocable letter of credit, assignment of bank account, performance bond, or its equivalent, is posted equaling the cost to complete the improvements.
   (I)   On-street parking credit. The amount of off-street parking required may be reduced by one-half off-street parking space for every one on-street parking space adjacent to the development (where curbs and sidewalks are present and parking is allowed). On-street parking shall follow the established configuration of existing on-street parking, except that angled parking may be allowed for some streets, where permitted by city standards. The following constitutes an on-street parking space:
      (1)   Parallel parking, each 24 feet of uninterrupted curb;
      (2)   Forty-five degree diagonal, each 14 feet of curb;
      (3)   Sixty degree diagonal, each 11.5 feet of curb;
      (4)   Ninety degree (perpendicular) parking, each ten feet of curb;
      (5)   Curb space must be connected to the lot which contains the use;
      (6)   Parking spaces that would not obstruct a required clear vision area, nor any other parking that violates any law or street standard; and
      (7)   On-street parking spaces credited for a specific use may not be used exclusively by that use, but shall be available for general public use at all times. No signs or actions limiting general public use of on-street parking spaces are permitted.
   (J)   When the calculation of the minimum number of parking spaces required results in a fraction of a space, the applicant must round up to the nearest whole space.
   (K)   When 50 or more parking spaces are either required or proposed with a development application, a minimum of 5% of the total number of parking spaces shall be available for future installation of electric vehicle charging stations, as defined by Oregon Administrative Rule (OAR) 918-020-038. Fractional numbers derived from this calculation must be rounded up to the nearest whole number.
   (L)   All new developments may be required to provide for joint-use access to all adjacent undeveloped or underdeveloped parcels.
   (M)   Attached or detached garages may count toward the minimum parking requirement, provided the interior dimension of the garage contains a minimum width of 12 feet and depth of 22 feet for each vehicle.
(Prior Code, §16.155.005) (Ord. 450, passed 12-18-2017; Ord. 451, passed 6-4-2018; Ord. 477, passed 2-22-2022)
    The parking requirements of this subchapter shall not apply to existing commercial buildings within the commercial core of the city, as defined on the official zoning map of the city as the C-1 zone.
(Prior Code, §16.155.010) (Ord. 450, passed 12-18-2017; Ord. 451, passed 6-4-2018; Ord. 477, passed 2-22-2022)