(A) Fences and walls may be located in any required yard or along the edge of any yard, subject to the maintenance of clear-vision areas. Fences and walls shall not exceed a height of three feet along the front property line or within a front yard setback. A fence or wall may not exceed six feet in height on a residential lot without approval of a variance.
(B) On residential lots, the fence height may be measured from the elevation of the ground where the fence sits (Figure 1, below) or from the finished floor elevation of the first floor of the home located on the same lot (Figure 2, below). For residential lots where the home sits at an elevation above the location of the fence, a retaining wall or other approved method shall be used to raise the base height of the fence equal with the finished floor elevation of the first floor of the home.
Figure 1
Figure 2
(Prior Code, § 16.105.010) (Ord. 451, passed 6-4-2018; Ord. 470, passed 8-17-2020)