(A)   Applications for annexation shall be made on forms provided by the city and include, at a minimum, the following material:
      (1)   Written consent to the annexation signed by the affected property owners as required by state law;
      (2)   Legal description of the property to be annexed and a boundary survey certified by a registered engineer or surveyor licensed in the state;
      (3)   Vicinity map and map of the area to be annexed including adjacent city territory;
      (4)   General land use plan indicating types and intensities of proposed development, transportation corridors, watercourses, significant natural features and adjoining development; and
      (5)   Payment of annexation fees, as the same are set by Council resolution.
   (B)   In addition to the information and fees required under division (A) above, an applicant shall also be required to provide the following information:
      (1)   A statement of the overall development concept and methods by which the physical site, surrounding area and community will be affected as well as proposed actions designed to mitigate negative effects from the development, if any;
      (2)   A statement addressing the availability, capacity and status of existing water, sanitary sewer, drainage, transportation, park and school facilities as determined and an analysis as to the anticipated increased demand for said facilities generated by the proposed development;
      (3)   A statement analyzing anticipated additional facilities required to meet the increased demand and proposed phasing of such facilities in accordance with projected demand;
      (4)   A statement setting out proposed method(s) and source(s) of financing required to provide the additional facilities identified in the analysis described in division (B)(3) above; and
      (5)   A narrative demonstrating the need for the urban development proposed for the annexation area analyzing the following:
         (a)   Availability within the city of undeveloped land designated for proposed urban development;
         (b)   Analysis of immediate, short-term (one to five years) demand for proposed urban development; and
         (c)   Probable phasing of proposed urban development consistent with projected demand for period in which the annexation area is expected to develop.
   (C)   A statement addressing how the proposed annexation represents a logical direction for city expansion, promotes an orderly, reasonable and economically feasible expansion of the city boundary and serves the present and future interests of the city.
(Prior Code, § 16.205.020) (Ord. 464, passed 9-16-2019)