The following lists set forth the type of review procedure for administrative and land use applications.
   (A)   Type I administrative permits by city staff.
      (1)   Accessory structures, residential;
      (2)   Extension for a Type I permit;
      (3)   Fence, wall and hedge permit;
      (4)   Home occupation permit Type 1;
      (5)   Sign permit;
      (6)   Building permit (plot plan review);
      (7)   Code interpretation;
      (8)   Final plat with minor modifications;
      (9)   Grading permit;
      (10)   Lot of record determination;
      (11)   Lot line adjustment permit;
      (12)   Right-of-way permit;
      (13)   Temporary use permit; and
      (14)   Floodplain development permit as determined by § 155.339(A) of this chapter.
   (B)   Type II land use permit by the City Manager, Planner or Engineer.
      (1)   Accessory structures, non-residential up to 500 square feet or 20% of existing structure, whichever is greater;
      (2)   Minor design review;
      (3)   Minor modifications to development approvals per code;
      (4)   Minor variance permit;
      (5)   Other application not specifically described;
      (6)   Extension of Type II permit; and
      (7)   Land partition without right-of-way creation.
   (C)   Type III quasi-judicial permits by Planning Commission.
      (1)   Appeal of Type I and Type II land use decisions;
      (2)   Conditional use permit;
      (3)   Design review permit;
      (4)   Final plat approval with major modifications;
      (5)   Extensions of Type III permits;
      (6)   Floodplain development permit as determined by § 155.339(A) of this chapter;
      (7)   Historic overlay demolitions;
      (8)   Home occupation (conditional use);
      (9)   Land partition with right-of-way dedication;
      (10)   Multi-family dwellings (conditional use);
      (11)   Non-conforming structure/use permit;
      (12)   Planned unit development permit;
      (13)   Significant natural resource permit;
      (14)   Similar use permit;
      (15)   Subdivision permit;
      (16)   Major modifications to development approvals;
      (17)   Variance permit;
      (18)   Historic overlay alterations;
      (19)   Accessory structures, non-residential over 500 square feet or 20% of existing structure, whichever is greater;
      (20)   Heritage tree;
      (21)   Master plan approval;
      (22)   Refinement to an approved master plan; and
      (23)   Exception to public facility standards.
   (D)   Type IV legislative and other decisions made by both the Planning Commission and City Council.
      (1)   Appeal from Planning Commission;
      (2)   Annexation;
      (3)   Comprehensive Plan map or text amendment; and
      (4)   Zoning Code map or text amendment.
(Prior Code, § 16.170.000) (Ord. 427, passed 5-16-2016; Ord. 435, passed 12-5-2016; Ord. 445, passed 5-15-2017; Ord. 451, passed 6-4-2018; Ord. 467, passed 1-21-2020)