   (A)   Subject to the requirements of §§ 155.045 through 155.057 of this chapter, if applicable, and § 155.200 of this chapter. Refer to § 155.143 of this chapter.
   (B)   The following uses and their accessory structures may be permitted in the R-2.5 District when authorized by the Planning Commission pursuant to conditional use permit.
      (1)   Single-family detached dwellings on properties that were within the city limits prior to February 28, 2022;
      (2)   Civic / governmental use;
      (3)   Educational facility;
      (4)   Extended care facility / convalescent / nursing home;
      (5)   Home occupations exceeding administrative, subject to §§ 155.430 through 155.432 of this chapter;
      (6)   Manufactured home parks, subject to §§ 155.515 through 155.518 of this chapter;
      (7)   Fraternal lodge;
      (8)   Places of worship; and
      (9)   Utility facilities.
(Prior Code, § 16.030.010) (Ord. 427, passed 5-16-2016; Ord. 451, passed 6-4-2018; Ord. 477, passed 2- 22-2022; Ord. 487, passed 11-21-2022)
   The following dimensional standards are the minimum requirements for all development in the R-2.5 District except for modifications permitted under §§ 155.530 through 155.533 or §§ 155.610 through 155.614 of this chapter.
   (A)   Density.
      (1)   The density of new townhouse, multifamily and cottage cluster developments within the R-2.5 Zoning District shall be between 15.3 and 21.8 dwelling units per net acre, with a target density of 17.4 dwelling units per net acre.
      (2)   The density of duplexes and triplexes shall be based on the minimum required lot size of 3,000 square feet.
      (3)   Density bonus. Residential developments that include a minimum of 20% affordable dwelling units may increase the maximum density of the development by 20%. Affordable units are housing units that are reserved for households with a maximum household income of 80% of a city’s mean household income. The affordable units must be reserved as affordable units for a minimum of 25 years.
      (4)   Mixed density. If a residential development includes more than one housing type, the maximum density of each housing type shall be calculated separately, in compliance with divisions (A)(1) through (A)(3) above.
   (B)   Lot/parcel size.
      (1)   New lots created by plat shall have a maximum lot size of 4,000 square feet per dwelling unit.
      (2)   Existing single-family dwelling shall have a 4,000 square feet minimum per lot.
      (3)   Townhouse dwellings: 2,000 square feet minimum per dwelling unit.
      (4)   Duplex dwellings and triplex dwellings: 3,000 square feet minimum per lot.
      (5)   Multi-family dwellings (greater than three units) and cottage cluster projects: 2,000 square feet minimum per dwelling unit.
      (6)   All other uses 4,000 square feet minimum.
   (C)   Lot/parcel depth and width. No minimum lot width or depth.
   (D)   Setback requirements. Principle structures, accessory dwellings and accessory structures with a floor area greater than 200 square feet shall maintain the following minimum yard setbacks.
      (1)   Front yard.
         (a)   For all structures: ten feet; and
         (b)   Garage: 20 feet.
         (c)   Garages, carports and accessory structures shall be accessed from the rear of the building via an alley where appropriate and feasible. If front access garages are proposed, the applicant must provide justification as to why rear access garages are not appropriate or feasible.
         (d)   A porch, garage, carport, accessory dwelling or accessory structure shall not exceed the front building elevation of the principle structure by more than six feet.
      (2)   Rear yard.
         (a)   Street-access lots: ten feet;
         (b)   Alley-access lots: two feet; and
         (c)   Accessory structures and accessory dwellings: five feet.
      (3)   Side yard.
         (a)   Side yards should be established to create separation between structures and meet fire codes and provide space for pervious surface area;
         (b)   All multi-family structures shall be set back 20 feet from the property line of an abutting single-family residential lot or use unless approved otherwise by the Planning Commission.
         (c)   Adjacent to street: ten feet plus additional space necessary to comply with the standards of § 155.656 of this chapter;
         (d)   Accessory structures and accessory dwellings: five feet adjacent to street setback, except as provided for in §§ 155.500 through 155.502 of this chapter; and
         (e)   Attached dwellings do not require side yard setbacks along the side the dwelling units are attached.
      (4)   Flag lots approved. Flag lots are subject to §§ 155.545 through 155.552 of this chapter.
      (5)   Height of buildings. Buildings shall not exceed a height, measured from grade, of 35 feet. Cottage cluster dwellings, accessory dwellings and accessory structures shall not exceed 25 feet.
      (6)   Maximum lot/parcel coverage.
         (a)   Single-family detached: 65%;
         (b)   Duplex and triplex: 75%;
         (c)   Townhouse: 80%;
         (d)   Multifamily: 80%; and
         (e)   All other uses: 65%.
(Prior Code, §16.030.015) (Ord. 427, passed 5-16-2016; Ord. 451, passed 6-4-2018; Ord. 477, passed 2-22-2022)
   Parking requirements are specified in §§ 155.670 and 155.676 of this chapter.
(Prior Code, §16.030.020) (Ord. 427, passed 5-16-2016; Ord. 451, passed 6-4-2018; Ord. 477, passed 2-22-2022)
    The following standards will be applied to all dwellings:
   (A)   (1)   All units shall utilize at least two of the following design features to provide visual relief along the front of the home:
         (a)   Dormers;
         (b)   Gables;
         (c)   Recessed entries;
         (d)   Covered porch entries;
         (e)   Cupolas;
         (f)   Pillars or posts;
         (g)   Bay or bow windows;
         (h)   Eaves (minimum 6" projection); and
         (i)   Offsets on building face or roof (minimum 16 inches);
      (2)   If alternative design features are proposed by an applicant not included in the options above, the applicant may apply to the Planning Commission for approval of the alternative design features.
   (B)   All manufactured homes shall also comply with the requirements of §§ 155.515 through 155.518 of this chapter.
(Prior Code, §16.030.025) (Ord. 427, passed 5-16-2016; Ord. 451, passed 6-4-2018; Ord. 477, passed 2-22-2022)
§ 155.215 PURPOSE.
   The purpose of the C-1 District is to provide areas in the central business district to:
   (A)   Allow a mixture of complimentary land uses including retail, offices, commercial services, civic and residential uses, to create economic and social vitality and to encourage the linking of trips;
   (B)   Develop commercial and mixed-use areas that are safe, comfortable and attractive to pedestrians;
   (C)   Provide flexibility in the siting and design of new developments and redevelopment to anticipate changes in the marketplace;
   (D)   Reinforce streets as public places that encourage pedestrian and bicycle travel;
   (E)   Provide roadway and pedestrian connections to residential areas;
   (F)   Provide transitions between high traffic streets and neighborhoods;
   (G)   Encourage efficient land use by facilitating compact, high-density development and minimizing the amount of land that is needed for surface parking; and
   (H)   Provide appropriate locations and design standards for automobile- and truck-dependent uses.
(Prior Code, § 16.35.000)
   Permitted uses are subject to the requirements of §§ 155.045 through 155.057 of this chapter, if applicable. Refer to § 155.143 of this chapter:
   (A)   Accessory uses related to commercial, office and retail, subject to §§ 155.500 through 155.502 of this chapter;
   (B)   Alcoholic beverage establishment;
   (C)   Amusement enterprise, indoor;
   (D)   Art studio/gallery;
   (E)   Bed and breakfast;
   (F)   Catering establishment;
   (G)   Child care, certified home, if part of a single-family residential use;
   (H)   Child care, registered home, if part of a single-family residential use;
   (I)    Child care, certified center;
   (J)   Civic/governmental use;
   (K)   Clinic, medical and dental;
   (L)   Dry cleaners and laundry;
   (M)   Home occupations, subject to §§ 155.430 through 155.432 of this chapter;
   (N)   Hotels and motels;
   (O)   Live/work townhomes; on Commercial Street frontages, residential uses shall not occupy more than 25% of front building elevation on the ground floor;
   (P)   Mixed-use developments; on Commercial Street frontages, residential uses shall not occupy more than 25% of front building elevation on the ground floor;
   (Q)   Multi-family dwellings, except on sites with frontage on Commercial Street, subject to §§ 155.045 through 155.057 of this chapter;
   (R)   Townhouse dwellings, except on sites with frontage on Commercial Street; subject to §§ 155.485 through 155.487 of this chapter;
   (S)   Offices, business;
   (T)   Parking as primary use;
   (U)   Planned unit development, subject to §§ 155.610 through 155.614 of this chapter;
   (V)   Restaurants; drive-in/thru windows are prohibited; and
   (W)   Retail sales and service; single tenant retail buildings shall not exceed 30,000 square feet; drive-in/thru windows are prohibited.
(Prior Code, § 16.35.005) (Ord. 488, passed 5-15-2023)
   (A)   Conditional uses are subject to the requirements of §§ 155.045 through 155.057 of this chapter when applicable. Refer to § 155.143 of this chapter.
   (B)   The following uses and their accessory structures may be permitted in the C-1 District when authorized by the Planning Commission pursuant to §§ 155.070 through 155.077 of this chapter:
      (1)   Amusement enterprise, outdoor;
      (2)   Animal care facility;
      (3)   Child care, certified center;
      (4)   Conference/convention center;
      (5)   Drive-in/thru window;
      (6)   Educational facility;
      (7)   Extended care facility/convalescent/nursing home;
      (8)   Farm/logging/lumber supply/equipment sales and service;
      (9)   Fraternal lodge;
      (10)   Funeral homes, mortuaries and taxidermist;
      (11)   Places of worship;
      (12)   Radio/television station/studios;
      (13)   Retail sales and service-single tenant over 30,000 square feet;
      (14)   Utility facilities;
      (15)   Wholesales/services; and
      (16)   Wireless telecommunication facilities.
(Prior Code, § 16.35.015)