§ 155.614 PROCEDURE.
    The following procedure shall be observed when a planned unit development proposal is submitted for consideration.
   (A)   The applicant shall submit a preliminary development plan which includes:
      (1)   Proposed land uses, building locations and housing unit densities;
      (2)   Proposed access and circulation, including the status of street ownership;
      (3)   Proposed open space uses;
      (4)   Proposed grading and drainage pattern;
      (5)   Proposed method of water supply and sewage disposal; and
      (6)   Relation of the proposed development to the surrounding area and the Comprehensive Plan.
   (B)   Public notice of the proposed planned unit development shall be provided in accordance with the public notice provisions of this chapter.
   (C)   In considering the plan, the Commission shall determine whether:
      (1)   There are special physical conditions or objectives of development which the proposal will satisfy to warrant a departure from the standard ordinance requirements;
      (2)   Resulting development will not be inconsistent with the Comprehensive Plan provisions or zoning objectives of the area;
      (3)   The area around the development can be planned and used in substantial harmony with the proposed plan;
      (4)   The plan can be completed within a reasonable period of time;
      (5)   The streets are adequate to support the anticipated traffic and the development will not overload the streets outside the planned area; and/or
      (6)   Proposed utility and drainage facilities are adequate for the population densities and type of development proposed.
   (D)   If, in the opinion of the Commission, the provisions of division (C) above are satisfied, the proposal shall be approved. If the Commission finds the provisions are not satisfied, it may deny the application or return the plan to the applicant for revision.
   (E)   In addition to the requirements of this section, the Commission may attach conditions it finds are necessary to carry out the purposes of this subchapter.
   (F)   Building permits in a planned development shall only be issued on the basis of the approved plan. Any changes in the approved plan shall be submitted to the Commission for processing as an amendment to the approved conditional use permit for a planned unit development.
   (G)   An approved planned unit development shall be identified on the zoning map as an overlay to the existing zoning district.
(Prior Code, §16.140.020) (Ord. 477, passed 2-22-2022)
§ 155.625 PURPOSE.
   To ensure the health, safety and the economic stability of the community, and to establish a quality system of public improvements, the city shall require any buildings or other development for which public facilities and public rights-of-way are not fully provided or improved to current city standards, to install said improvements. The purpose of this subchapter is to identify those public facilities and services that are necessary at a minimum level to accommodate development.
(Prior Code, § 16.145.000) (Ord. 450, passed 12-18-2017; Ord. 456, passed 1-22-2019; Ord. 470, passed 8-17-2020)