(A) General. The length, width and shape of blocks shall take into account the need for adequate building site size and street width and shall recognize the limitations of the topography.
(B) Sizes. Residential districts shall have a maximum 600-foot block length, a minimum 160-foot street adjacent lot depth and a 1,600-foot perimeter. Commercial districts shall have a block length of 400 feet and a 1,200-foot perimeter. Light industrial districts shall have a block length of 600 to 800 feet and a 1,600- to 2,000-foot perimeter. General industrial districts do not have block length or perimeter requirements. A block shall have sufficient width to provide for two tiers of building sites unless topography or the location of adjoining streets justifies an exception.
(Prior Code, § 16.125.15) (Ord. 427, passed 5-16-2016)
(A) Utility lines. A minimum five-foot wide easements for sewers, water mains, electric lines or other public utilities shall be dedicated along the front, side and rear lot or parcel lines of each lot. Easements shall be centered on lot lines. Properties with alley access are only required to have easements in the front and rear lot lines.
(B) Watercourses. If a tract is traversed by a watercourse such as a drainage way, channel or stream, a storm water easement or drainage right-of-way shall be provided which substantially parallels the lines of the watercourse.
(C) Pedestrian and bicycle ways. When desirable for public convenience and access, a pedestrian or bicycle way easement may be required to connect to a cul-de-sac or to pass through an unusually long or oddly spaced block, or to otherwise provide appropriate circulation.
(Prior Code, § 16.125.20) (Ord. 427, passed 5-16-2016)
(A) Partitions.
(1) During the review of partition proposals, the city shall require as a conditions of approval, the improvement of:
(a) Public streets upon which the property fronts to public standards, including: surfacing of street adjacent to property; installation of curbing, storm sewers, sanitary sewers, waterlines and other necessary public utilities;
(b) Sidewalks, five feet in width, along public street frontage; and
(c) Paved private driveways serving flag lots.
(2) All improvements required under this division (A) shall be completed or assured through an irrevocable letter of credit, assignment of bank account, performance bond or other instrument acceptable to the City Attorney prior to the issuance of building permits.
(B) Subdivisions. The following improvements shall be required for all subdivisions in the city.
(1) Frontage improvements.
(a) Street improvements to full city standards shall be required for all public streets on which a proposed subdivision fronts.
(b) Such improvements shall be blended to match with existing improved surfaces across the centerline and for a reasonable distance beyond the frontage of the property.
(c) Additional frontage improvements shall include sidewalks, curbing, storm sewer, sanitary sewer, waterlines, other public utilities as necessary and such other improvements as the city shall determine to be reasonably necessary to serve the development or the immediate neighborhood.
(2) Proposed streets. All public streets within the subdivision shall be constructed to current city public works standards. Street names shall be approved by the Planning Commission.
(3) Monuments. Upon completion of street improvements, monuments shall be reestablished and protected in monument boxes at every street intersection and all points of curvature and points of tangency of street centerlines. Elevation bench marks shall be established at each street intersection monument with elevations to U.S. Geological Survey datum.
(4) Sanitary sewers.
(a) Sanitary sewers shall be installed to serve the subdivision and to connect the subdivision to existing mains both on and off the property being subdivided.
(b) If the required sewer facilities will, without further sewer construction, directly serve property outside the subdivision, the Planning Commission may recommend to the City Council construction as an assessment project with such arrangement with the subdivider as is desirable to assure financing his or her share of the construction.
(c) The city, at the request of clean water services, may require that the subdivider construct sewage lines of a size in excess of that necessary to adequately serve the development in question, where such facilities are or will be necessary to serve the entire area within which the development is located when the area is ultimately developed. The city may also require that the construction take place as an assessment project with such arrangement with the subdivider as is desirable to assure his share of the construction.
(5) Water system. Water lines with valves and fire hydrants serving the subdivision and connecting the subdivision to the city mains shall be installed. The design shall take into account provisions for extension beyond the subdivision to adequately grid the city system and to serve the area within which the development is located when the area is ultimately developed.
(6) Street lights. The installation of street lights is required at locations and of a type established by city public works standards.
(7) Street trees. The installation of street trees is required at locations and of a type established by city public works standards. At a minimum, one tree shall be planted per residential unit.
(8) Street signs. The installation of street name signs and traffic-control signs is required at locations determined to be appropriate by the city and shall be of a type established by city public works standards.
(C) Improvements. All improvements required under this division (C) shall be completed to city public works standards or assured through an irrevocable letter of credit, assignment of bank account, performance bond or other instrument acceptable to the City Attorney, prior to the approval of the final plat of the subdivision.
(Prior Code, § 16.125.25) (Ord. 427, passed 5-16-2016)
Improvements installed by a developer for any land division, either as a requirement of these regulations or at his or her own option, shall conform to the requirements of this chapter and improvement standards and specifications adopted by the city, and shall be installed in accordance with the following procedure.
(A) Improvement work shall not be commenced until plans have been checked for adequacy and approved by the city. Plans shall be prepared in accordance with requirements of the city.
(B) Improvement work shall not be commenced until the city has been notified in advance; and, if work has been discontinued for any reason, it shall not be resumed until the city has been notified.
(C) Improvements shall be constructed under the inspection and to the satisfaction of the city. The city may require changes in typical sections and details in the public interest, if unusual conditions arise during construction to warrant the change.
(D) All underground utilities, sanitary sewers and storm drains installed in streets by the subdivider shall be constructed prior to the surfacing of the streets. Stubs for service connections for underground utilities and sanitary sewers shall be placed to a length eliminating the necessity for disturbing the street improvements when service connections are made.
(E) A map showing all public improvements as built shall be filed with the city upon completion of the improvements.
(Prior Code, § 16.125.30) (Ord. 427, passed 5-16-2016)
(A) All partitions shall conform to all applicable zoning district standards, development standards of this chapter and the Comprehensive Plan.
(B) A Master Plan for development shall be required for any application which leaves a portion of the subject property capable of redevelopment.
(C) Partition approval is valid in perpetuity, upon recording of the final partition plat.
(D) A parcel within an approved partition may not be re-divided within the same calendar year in which it was recorded, except through the subdivision process.
(E) A tentative partition that creates a public road to access any of the proposed parcels shall be reviewed at a public hearing of the Planning Commission pursuant to the provisions of public hearings in this chapter.
(F) Notice of the public hearing shall be provided in accordance with the provisions of public notice requirements in this chapter.
(G) Approval of a tentative map for a partition is valid for two years after the date of the written decision. A final plat map for a partition shall be approved and recorded within this two-year time period or the tentative approval shall lapse.
(H) Requests for extensions of partition approvals may be made in accordance with the provisions of this chapter.
(Prior Code, § 16.130.005) (Ord. 451, passed 6-4-2018; Ord. 460, passed 6-3-2019)
(A) An application for a partition shall be submitted on forms provided by the city and accompanied by the appropriate filing fee.
(B) An application shall include one copy of a tentative partition drawn to scale and shall contain, at a minimum, the following:
(1) Name and address of the owner of the property to be divided;
(2) Legal description of the property and tax lot ID (TLID) by township, range, section and tax lot;
(3) North arrow and scale;
(4) Comprehensive Plan and zoning designations for the subject property;
(5) Individual parcel designation (for example, Parcel I, Parcel II);
(6) Dimensions and size in square feet or acres of all proposed parcels;
(7) Adjacent property under the same ownership;
(8) All adjacent roads (public or private), including name and road width;
(9) Location and size of all existing and proposed utilities;
(10) All existing structures on the property and their setbacks;
(11) Natural drainage ways, streams, wetlands or other significant natural features of the property; and
(12) Existing or proposed easements.
(Prior Code, § 16.130.010) (Ord. 451, passed 6-4-2018; Ord. 460, passed 6-3-2019)
(A) A tentative partition that does not create a public road to access any of the proposed parcels shall be reviewed administratively by the city. Conditions may be attached to the approval of a tentative partition.
(B) (1) A tentative partition that does create a public road to access any of the proposed parcels shall be reviewed at a public hearing of the Planning Commission. The Planning Commission may require dedication of land and easements and may specify conditions or modifications in the tentative plan as necessary.
(2) In no event, however, shall the Planning Commission require greater dedications or conditions than would be required if the tract were subdivided.
(Prior Code, § 16.130.015) (Ord. 451, passed 6-4-2018; Ord. 460, passed 6-3-2019)