Municipal Service Fees
   39.001   Council findings
   39.002   Imposition; rate
   39.003   Delinquent accounts
   39.004   Posting of list of delinquent property owners
   39.005   Issuance of permits and licenses prohibited
   39.006   Automatic property lien
   39.007   Suspension of license to operate a motor vehicle
   39.008   Payment of delinquent municipal service fees when transferring property
   39.009   Recordation of deeds
   39.010   City Treasurer’s discretion
   39.011   Report by City Treasurer to Council
   39.012   Fee schedule
   39.025   Findings
   39.026   Application
   39.027   Definitions
   39.028   Filing a lien for delinquent municipal service fees
   39.029   Filing a lien for delinquent decontamination or demolition of contaminated structure fees
   39.030   Filing a lien for unpaid property maintenance fee
   39.031   Filing a lien for unpaid emergency services user fee
   39.032   Filing of other liens
   39.033   Release of liens
   39.034   Delinquent fees and taxes collected when property transferred
Emergency Services User Fee
   39.045   Findings
   39.046   Definitions
   39.047   Fee imposed; exemptions
   39.048   Fire protection service fee for nonresident businesses and residences
   39.048   Fire service contracts for nonresidential businesses and residences
   39.050   Charge for responding to fire calls outside the city
   39.051   City Treasurer to recommend change in user fee amount
   39.052   Report by the City Treasurer to the City Council
   39.053   Motor vehicle emergencies