[Except as modified by City Planning Rules, 62 RCNY § 5-02(a) and (d).] No final decision to carry out or approve any action which may have a significant effect on the environment shall be made by any agency until there has been full compliance with the provisions of this chapter.
[Additional definitions, City Planning Rules 62 RCNY § 5-02(c).] As used herein, the following terms shall have the indicated meanings unless noted otherwise:
(1) non-ministerial decisions on physical activities such as construction or other activities which change the use or appearance of any natural resource or structure;
(2) non-ministerial decisions on funding activities such as the proposing, approval or disapproval of contracts, grants, subsidies, loans, tax abatements or exemptions or other forms of direct or indirect financial assistance, other than expense budget funding activities;
(3) planning activities such as site selection for other activities and the proposing, approval or disapproval of master or long range plans, zoning or other land use maps, ordinances or regulations, development plans or other plans designed to provide a program for future activities;
(4) policy making activities such as the making, modification or establishment of rules, regulations, procedures, policies and guidelines;
(5) non-ministerial decisions on licensing activities, such as the proposing, approval or disapproval of a lease, permit, license, certificate or other entitlement for use or permission to act.
Agency. [Inapplicable. See City Planning Rules 62 RCNY § 5-02(a), 62 RCNY § 5-02(c).] "Agency" means any agency, administration, department, board, commission, council, governing body or any other governmental entity of the City of New York, unless otherwise specifically referred to as a state or federal agency.
Applicant. "Applicant" means any person required to file an application pursuant to this chapter.
Conditional negative declaration. "Conditional negative declaration" means a written statement prepared by the lead agencies after conducting an environmental analysis of an action and accepted by the applicant in writing, which announces that the lead agencies have determined that the action will not have a significant effect on the environment if the action is modified in accordance with conditions or alternatives designed to avoid adverse environmental impacts.
DEC. "DEC" means the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation.
Environment. "Environment" means the physical conditions which will be affected by a proposed action, including land, air, water, minerals, flora, fauna, noise, objects of historic or aesthetic significance, existing patterns of population concentration, distribution or growth, and existing community or neighborhood character.
Environmental analysis. "Environmental analysis" means the lead agencies' evaluation of the short and long term, primary and secondary environmental effects of an action, with particular attention to the same areas of environmental impacts as would be contained in an EIS. It is the means by which the lead agencies determine whether an action under consideration may or will not have a significant effect on the environment.
Environmental assessment form. [Retitled Environmental Assessment Statement; see City Planning Rules 62 RCNY § 5-04(c)(3).] "Environmental assessment form" means a written form completed by the lead agencies, designed to assist their evaluation of actions to determine whether an action under consideration may or will not have a significant effect on the environment.
Environmental report. "Environmental report" means a report to be submitted to the lead agencies by a non-agency applicant when the lead agencies prepares or cause to be prepared a draft EIS for an action involving such an applicant. An environmental report shall contain an analysis of the environmental factors specified in 43 RCNY § 6-10 as they relate to the applicant's proposed action and such other information as may be necessary for compliance with this chapter, including the preparation of an EIS.
Lead agencies. [Inapplicable, City Planning Rules 62 RCNY § 5-02(a). Superseded by City Planning Rules 62 RCNY § 5-02(b)(1) and 62 RCNY § 5-02(c)(3)(vi); also see City Planning Rules 62 RCNY § 5-03 for choice of lead agency.] "Lead agencies" means the Department of Environmental Protection and the Department of City Planning of the City of New York, as designated by the Mayor pursuant to § 617.4 of Part 617 of Volume 6 of the New York Code of Rules and Regulations, for the purpose of implementing the provisions of Article 8 of the Environmental Conservation Law (SEQRA) in the City of New York, by order dated December 23, 1976.
Ministerial action. "Ministerial action" means an action performed upon a given state of facts in a prescribed manner imposed by law without the exercise of any judgment or discretion as to the propriety of the action, although such law may require, in some degree, construction of its language or intent.
Negative declaration. "Negative declaration" means a written statement prepared by the lead agencies after conducting an environmental analysis of an action which announces that the lead agencies have determined that the action will not have a significant effect on the environment.
Notice of determination. [See also City Planning Rules 62 RCNY § 5-02(c)(3)(iii).] "Notice of determination" means a written statement prepared by the lead agencies after conducting an environmental analysis of an action which announces that the lead agencies have determined that the action may have a significant effect on the environment, thus requiring the preparation of an EIS.
NYCRR. [See also City Planning Rules 62 RCNY § 5-02(c)(3)(viii).] "NYCRR" means the New York Code of Rules and Regulations.
Person. "Person" means an agency, individual, corporation, governmental entity, partnership, association, trustee or other legal entity.
Project data statement. [Inapplicable, City Planning Rules 62 RCNY § 5-02(a). Superseded by Environmental Assessment Statement, see City Planning Rules 62 RCNY § 5-04(c)(3). See also City Planning Rules 62 RCNY § 5-05(b)(1) and § 5-08(a).] "Project date statement" means a written submission to the lead agencies by an applicant on a form prescribed by the lead agencies, which provides an identification of an information relating to the environmental impacts of a proposed action. The project data statement is designed to assist the lead agencies in their evaluation of an action to determine whether an action under consideration may or will not have significant effect on the environment.
SEQRA. "SEQRA" means the State Environmental Quality Review Act (Article 8 of the New York State Environmental Conservation Law).
Typically associated environmental effect."Typically associated environmental effect" means changes in one or more natural resources which usually occur because of impacts on other such resources as a result of natural interrelationships or cycles.