(a) [Interested and involved agencies assist with FEIS on request, City Planning Rules 62 RCNY § 5-05(b)(2).] Except as provided in paragraph (1) of this subdivision, the lead agencies shall prepare or cause to be prepared a final EIS within 30 calendar days after the close of a public hearing.
(1) If the proposed action has been withdrawn or if, on the basis of the draft EIS and the hearing, the lead agencies have determined that the action will not have a significant effect on the environment, no final EIS shall be prepared. In such cases, the lead agencies shall prepare, file and circulate a Negative Declaration as prescribed in 43 RCNY § 6-07.
(2) The final EIS shall reflect a revision and updating of the matters contained in the draft EIS in light of further review by the lead agencies, comments received and the record of the public hearing.
(b) Immediately upon the completion of a final EIS, the lead agencies shall prepare, file, circulate and make available for public inspection a Notice of Completion of a final EIS in a manner specified in 43 RCNY § 6-11(a), provided, however, that the Notice shall not contain the statement described in subparagraph (a)(1)(iv) of such section.
(c) Immediately upon completion of a final EIS, copies shall be filed and made available for public inspection in the same manner as the draft EIS pursuant to 43 RCNY § 6-11(b).