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New York City Overview
The New York City Charter
The New York City Administrative Code
The Rules of the City of New York
Title 1: Department of Buildings
Title 2: Board of Standards and Appeals
Title 3: Fire Department
Title 6: Department of Consumer and Worker Protection
Title 9: Procurement Policy Board Rules
Title 12: Franchise and Concession Review Committee
Title 15: Department of Environmental Protection
Title 16: Department of Sanitation
Title 17: Business Integrity Commission
Title 19: Department of Finance
Title 20: Tax Appeals Tribunal
Title 21: Tax Commission
Title 22: Banking Commission
Title 24: Department of Health and Mental Hygiene
Chapter 1: Required Signs
Chapter 3: Performance Summary Cards and Penalties for Child Care Programs
Chapter 4: Health, Safety and Well-Being of Rental Horses
Chapter 5: Pet Shops
Chapter 6: Mobile Food Vending
Chapter 7: Adjudicatory Hearings and Violation Fines and Penalties
Chapter 8: Cooling Towers
Chapter 9: Raw Salt-Cured Air-Dried Fish
Chapter 10: Smoking Under the New York City Smoke-Free Air Act
Chapter 11: Conservation of Water [Repealed]
Chapter 12: Window Guards
Chapter 13: Cigarette and Tobacco Product Sales
Chapter 14: Cleaning Park Playground Equipment
Chapter 16: Criteria for Issuing Special Vehicle Identification Permits to Disabled Persons
Chapter 17: Tripartite General Orders
Chapter 18: Resuscitation Equipment in Public Places
Chapter 19: Waiting List Rules for Temporary Mobile Food Unit Permits
Chapter 19A: Expansion of the Full-Term Mobile Food Vendor Permit Waiting List [Repealed]
Chapter 20: Preference and/or Waiting List Rule for Full-Term Mobile Food Unit Permits [Repealed]
Chapter 21: Health Academy Courses and Department Fees
Chapter 22: Tattooists and Applying Tattoos
Chapter 23: Food Service Establishment Sanitary Inspection Procedures and Letter Grading
Chapter 24: Automated External Defibrillators In Certain Public Places
Chapter 25: Service of Final Orders In Assisted Outpatient Treatment
Chapter 26: Establishment and Maintenance of Separate Borough Specific Waiting Lists for Those Seeking Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Permits
Chapter 27: Food Allergy Information
Chapter 28: Restriction On the Sale of Certain Flavored Tobacco Products, Flavored Electronic Cigarettes, and Flavored E-Liquid
Chapter 29: Animal Population Control Program
Chapter 30: Volatile Organic Compounds in Carpet and Carpet Cushion
Chapter 31: Drinking Water Tank Inspections
Chapter 32: Dogs in Outdoor Dining Areas
Chapter 33: Operation of Body Scanners in Correctional Facilities
Chapter 34: Grocery Delivery Program
Chapter 35: Designating Rat Mitigation Zones
Chapter 36: Needle, Syringe, and Sharps Buyback Pilot Program
Chapter 37: Petitioning the Department to Commence Rulemaking
Chapter 38: Program to Cancel Medical Debt
Chapter 39: [Added Sugar Warning]
New York City Health Code
Introductory Notes
Title I: Short Title, Definitions and General Provisions
Title II: Control of Disease
Title III: Maternal, Infant, Child and School Health Services
Title IV: Environmental Sanitation
Part A: Food and Drugs
Part B: Control of Environment
Article 131: Buildings
Article 135: Commercial Premises [Repealed]
Article 139: Public Transportation Facilities
Article 141: Water Supply Safety Standards
Article 143: Disposal of Sewage
Article 145: Water Pollution Control [Repealed]
Article 151: Pest Prevention and Management
Article 153: Littering and Disposal of Refuse [Repealed]
Article 155: Butcher's Refuse [Repealed]
Article 157: Solid Waste Transfer Stations [Repealed]
Article 161: Animals
Article 163: Barber Shops
Article 165: Bathing Establishments
§ 165.01 Applicability.
§ 165.03 Definitions.
§ 165.05 General Requirements for Permit Applications.
§ 165.07 Construction Inspection and Certification.
§ 165.09 Requirements for Permit Approval.
§ 165.11 Enforcement.
§ 165.13 Modification.
§ 165.15 Certifications, Supervision Coverage and Surveillance Requirements.
§ 165.17 Lifesaving and Safety Equipment.
§ 165.19 Pool Safety Plan.
§ 165.21 Facility Operating Policy.
§ 165.23 Water Chemistry and Testing Requirements.
§ 165.25 Water Quality Standards.
§ 165.27 Sanitation and Safety.
§ 165.29 Operation and Maintenance of Mechanical Equipment.
§ 165.31 Chemical Handling and Storage.
§ 165.33 Water Supply and Waste Water Disposal.
§ 165.35 Garbage and Refuse Disposal.
§ 165.37 Drowning and Injury or Illness Incident Notification and Reporting.
§ 165.39 Record Keeping.
§ 165.41 General Requirements for Pools.
§ 165.42 General Requirements for Spray Grounds.
§ 165.43 Water Supply, Waste Water, and Sewer Connections.
§ 165.45 Water Treatment System.
§ 165.47 Lighting and Electrical Installation, Ventilation and Heating Requirements.
§ 165.49 Bathhouse and Bather Preparation Facilities.
§ 165.51 Additional Requirements for Wading Pools.
§ 165.53 Additional Requirements for Spa Pools.
§ 165.55 Additional Requirements for Physical-Therapy Pools.
§ 165.57 Additional Requirements for Movable-Bottom Pools.
§ 165.59 Additional Requirements for White-Water Slides.
§ 165.61 Additional Requirements for Wave Pools.
§ 165.63 Sauna and Steam Rooms.
Article 167: Bathing Beaches
Article 171: Fumigation and Extermination [Repealed}
Article 173: Hazardous Substances
Article 175: Radiation Control*
Article 177: Tanning Facilities
Article 181: Protection of Public Health Generally
Title V: Vital Statistics
Title 25: Department of Mental Health and Retardation [Repealed]
Title 28: Housing Preservation and Development
Title 29: Loft Board
Title 30: Rent Guidelines Board
Title 31: Mayor's Office of Homelessness and Single Room Occupancy
Title 34: Department of Transportation
Title 35: Taxi and Limousine Commission
Title 38: Police Department
Title 38-A: Civilian Complaint Review Board
Title 39: Department of Correction
Title 40: Board of Correction
Title 41: Department of Juvenile Justice
Title 42: Department of Probation
Title 43: Mayor
Title 44: Comptroller
Title 45: Borough Presidents
Title 46: Law Department
Title 47: Commission on Human Rights
Title 48: Office of Administrative Trials and Hearings (OATH)
Title 49: Department of Records and Information Services
Title 50: Community Assistance Unit
Title 51: City Clerk
Title 52: Campaign Finance Board*
Title 53: Conflicts of Interest Board
Title 55: Department of Citywide Administrative Services
Title 56: Department of Parks and Recreation
Title 57: Art Commission
Title 58: Department of Cultural Affairs
Title 60: Civil Service Commission
Title 61: Office of Collective Bargaining
Title 62: City Planning
Title 63: Landmarks Preservation Commission
Title 66: Department of Small Business Services
Title 67: Department of Information Technology and Telecommunications
Title 68: Human Resources Administration
Title 69: Department of Aging
Title 70: In Rem Foreclosure Release Board
Title 71: Voter Assistance Commission
Title 72: Office of Emergency Management
Title 73: Civic Engagement Commission
Title 74: Community Hiring
Article 165: Bathing Establishments
§ 165.01 Applicability.
   (a)   This Article shall apply to all bathing establishments as defined in 24 RCNY Health Code § 165.03 owned or operated by city agencies, or commercial interests or private entities including, but not limited to, public or private schools, corporations, hotels, motels, camps, apartment houses, condominiums, country clubs, gymnasia and health establishments. The regulations shall apply to all shower and dressing rooms, toilet facilities, filtration, pumping, piping, disinfection and safety equipment provided and maintained in connection with such bathing establishments.
   (b)   This Article shall not apply to: (1) a pool, spray features/grounds or sauna and steam rooms, within a one or two family dwelling, or a dwelling unit of a multiple dwelling, and solely for the use of the occupants for non-commercial purposes, (2) a float tank or relaxation tank used by one person at a time, (3) pools used only for religious purposes (ritual immersion), (4) spa pools used for prescribed medical therapy or rehabilitation and under medical supervision, or (5) a spray ground that uses water from the municipal water supply or a source of potable water pursuant to 24 RCNY Health Code § 141.01 without impoundment, reuse or recirculation of the water.
   (c)   A school, day care facility, or summer day camp regulated under 24 RCNY Health Code Articles 45, 47 and 48 respectively, and permitted pursuant to one or more of those Articles shall not require a permit under this Article, but shall comply with all other provisions of this Article.
   (d)   No alteration or repair or addition shall be made in a bathing establishment unless a written description of the alteration or repair or addition is submitted to the Department for review and approval prior to commencing work. Repair or remodeling of an existing permitted establishment shall be in compliance with design and construction requirements in this Article.
§ 165.03 Definitions.
Adequate. "Adequate" means sufficient to accomplish the purposes for which something is intended, and to such a degree that no unreasonable risk to health or safety is presented. An item installed, maintained, designed and assembled, an activity conducted or act performed, in accordance with generally accepted standards, principles or practices applicable to a particular trade, business, occupation or profession, is adequate within the meaning of this Article.
Aquatic supervisory staff. "Aquatic supervisory staff" means an individual possessing the qualifications of Supervision Level II, Supervision Level III, or a supervising lifeguard having Level II qualifications, as provided in 24 RCNY Health Code § 165.15(b).
Bathing establishment. "Bathing establishment" means every indoor or outdoor place where:
   (1)   there is a swimming, wading, spa, or special purpose pool,
   (2)   there is a sauna or steam room with or without a pool, or
   (3)   there is a spray ground with or without a pool, sauna or steam room.
Building Code. "Building Code" means the Building Code of the City of New York.
Combined chlorine. "Combined chlorine" means the part of the total chlorine existing in water in chemical combination with ammonia, nitrogen, or organic compounds, mostly comprised of chloramines. Combined chlorine plus free chlorine equals total chlorine. Combine chlorine is calculated from the results of measuring the free and total chlorine with an appropriate test kit.
Cross connection. "Cross connection" means a physical connection between the potable water system and a non-potable source such as a pool, or physical connection between a bathing establishment water and the sanitary sewer or waste water disposal system such that non-potable water may flow into the potable water system.
Deep water or deep end. "Deep water or deep end" means those areas of a swimming pool where water is more than five feet deep.
Fill and draw pool. "Fill and draw pool" means a pool having no recirculation system. It has as the primary manner of cleaning the complete removal and disposal of the used water and replacement with water at periodic intervals. Public use of a fill and draw pool is prohibited.
Foot Shower. "Foot shower" means a shower head and similar water feature for use in rinsing debris from patrons' feet.
Major alteration, renovation or addition. "Major alteration, renovation or addition" means substantial physical change to the bathing establishment, shape, structure, enclosure, electrical system or other appurtenances, or to the water disinfection or recirculation system, or to the waste water system. It does not include replacement of equipment or piping previously approved by the Department provided that the type of and size of the equipment are not changed, nor does it include normal maintenance or repair.
mg/l. "mg/l" means milligrams per liter and is equivalent to parts per million (ppm).
Movable-bottom pool. "Movable-bottom pool" means a pool with a hydraulic lift arrangement for floor movement and a jet water self-cleaning system, or a movable panel to provide access for a robotic vacuum.
N.S.F. "N.S.F." means National Sanitary Foundation.
Physical-therapy pool. "Physical-therapy pool" means a pool not intended for swimming or instruction in swimming. A "physical-therapy pool" is medically administered and specifically designed and constructed for hydro-therapy, medical treatment, physical or muscle relaxation, or reserved for use by persons with physical disabilities or other special purposes deemed appropriate by the Department.
Pool. "Pool" means an artificial basin, tank, or chamber constructed of concrete, masonry, metal, or other impervious material which contains water and is operated for the purpose of bathing, wading, swimming, diving, water recreation, or therapy. This does not include bath tubs which are drained between uses.
Pool operator. "Pool operator" means an individual possessing a current certification of the successful completion of an adequate course of instruction, as determined by the Department, regarding the safe and effective operation and maintenance of pool treatment equipment.
Recirculation. "Recirculation" means the pump, piping, filtration system, chemical feed systems and accessories provided for treating the pool and/or spray pad water to meet the water quality standards in these rules.
Responsible person. "Responsible person" means a competent individual, at least 18 years of age, employed by the owner or operator of the bathing establishment, who shall be present at the bathing area at all times when the facility is officially open and who exercises control over the patrons, is trained in the use of lifesaving and safety equipment, and emergency procedures and the pool safety plan.
Shallow water or shallow end. "Shallow water or shallow end" means those areas of a swimming pool where the water is 5 feet deep or less.
Spa pool. "Spa pool" means a pool, primarily designed for therapeutic use or relaxation, which is normally not drained, cleaned or refilled for each individual. It may include, but is not limited to, hydrojet circulation, hot water, cold water, mineral bath, air induction, bubbles or any combination thereof. Spa pools shall have a maximum water depth of 4 feet at any point and may be equipped with aquatic seats within the perimeter of the pool. A "Spa pool" shall not be used for swimming or diving. "Spa Pool" means and includes "hydrotherapy pool," "whirlpool," "hot spa," or "hot tub."
Spray Pad. "Spray pad" means a specific area consisting of a play surface, spray features, and drains, upon which the bathers stand and are sprayed with water.
Spray Ground(s). "Spray Ground(s)" means an artificially created water jet, features or stream where water is sprayed from a structure or the ground in conjunction with a spray pad in which sprayed water is drained, collected, treated and re-circulated back for reuse purposes.
Spray Features. "Spray features" means the devices and plumbing used to convey the treated water to the spray pad to spray the patrons.
Spray Pad Treatment System. "Spray Pad Treatment System" means the equipment and processes used to filter, disinfect and circulate the water used for the spray pad and spray features.
Spray Pad Treatment Tank. "Spray Pad Treatment Tank" means the vessel to collect the water that has been sprayed on the spray pad and returned through the spray pad drains.
Superchlorination. "Superchlorination" means the addition of a sufficient amount of chlorinating compound to pool water and/or spray pad treatment tank water to remove combined chlorine (chlorine that has reacted with nitrogenous compounds) or destroy unwanted organisms in the pool water and/or spray pad treatment tank water. Generally the level of chlorine added is ten times the level of combined chlorine in the pool water and/or spray pad treatment tank water (in units of ml/l or ppm). Treatment of pool water and spray pad treatment tank water with non-chlorine chemicals to eliminate or suppress combined chlorine is not superchlorination.
Supervisory Staff. "Supervisory Staff " means an individual or individuals responsible for supervising bathers and monitoring the spray ground to ensure compliance with regulations for use, and who is familiar with its equipment and is trained in the operation and maintenance of the spray pad treatment system.
Swimming pool. "Swimming pool" means a pool of three foot depth or greater, designed to be used primarily for swimming or other recreation. This includes white-water slide, wave and movable bottom pools.
Turnover period. "Turnover period" means the time required to recirculate a volume of water equivalent to the water volume of the pool through the filtration system.
Wading pool. "Wading pool" means a pool intended to be used for wading by young children for general recreation or training and has a maximum water depth of 24 inches at any point.
Wave pool. "Wave pool" means a pool of special shape and design, with water-wave making machinery.
White-water slide. "White-water slide" means a facility consisting of a starting platform, one or more flumes, and a plunge pool.
§ 165.05 General Requirements for Permit Applications.
No person shall construct or operate a bathing establishment without prior construction authorization and a permit issued by the Department. No bathing establishment shall be constructed nor shall any major alterations or additions be made to any bathing establishment unless a completed application for the construction, alteration or addition is submitted to the Department for review and approval prior to commencement of work. The application shall include appropriate fees, application forms and other supplemental information as required by the specific circumstances. For bathing establishments with pools and/or spray grounds, the application package shall also include detailed engineering plans, specifications and an engineering design report. The permit shall be displayed in a conspicuous place at the facility. The Department may order any bathing establishment operating without a permit to close and remain closed until the facility has obtained and displays a valid permit issued by the Department.
   (a)   Application for a permit shall be made to the Department at least 30 days before the expiration of a permit or at least 30 days before the opening of any bathing establishment.
   (b)   Change in ownership. Within 30 days of the change in ownership of a bathing establishment, the new owner shall file the application for change in ownership with the Department.
   (c)   Engineering plans, specifications and engineering report. Every owner, personally or through his or her engineer or architect, shall submit to the Department plans and specifications covering construction, alteration or reconstruction of bathing establishments or installation or alteration of their equipment prior to the start of construction or installation. No deviation from the plans and specifications or conditions of approval may be made without prior approval of the Department. Plans, specifications and engineering reports shall be prepared by an engineer or architect licensed to practice in the State of New York, and shall include:
      (1)   A scope of work letter. The letter shall include a description of the facility location and background, including physical aspects of the surrounding environment and structures, land and seasonal ground water table, a detailed discussion of the proposed system and the work to be performed.
      (2)   Engineering plans. Three (3) identical sets of engineering plans each bearing the seal and signature of an engineer or architect licensed to practice in the State of New York, shall be submitted to the Department for review and approval. Detailed scaled and dimensional drawings shall include all of the following:
         (A)   Plot plan and general site plan:
            (i)   A plot plan or vicinity plan showing the precise location of the proposed bathing establishment and building and existing structures by references to known landmarks such as streets and public buildings.
            (ii)   Name of the project location, the scale in feet, the north point, and direction of prevailing wind (for outdoor pools).
         (B)   Detailed plans: All detailed plans shall be drawn to a suitable scale and include the following information:
            (i)   A bathing establishment layout plan showing all the proposed facilities: The locations of the bathing area, spray ground layout, spray pad area, diving boards, ladders, stairs, deck, walkway, walls or fences enclosing the pool, inlets, spray features, spray pad drains, main drains, pool and deck drains, vacuum fittings, drinking fountains, piping, hose bibbs, surface skimmer system, recirculation system and appurtenances, filtration system, disinfection equipment, sewage connections, water main, lighting fixtures and other proposed features related to the operation and safety of the proposed bathing establishment including bathhouse, toilet and shower.
            (ii)   Surface drainage management for the proposed bathing establishment. (For outdoor pools and spray grounds only.)
            (iii)   A flow diagram or schematic in elevation views of the water treatment and recirculation system.
            (iv)   Complete construction details, including dimensions, elevations and appropriate cross-sections.
            (v)   Piping plan containing the size, type and location of all piping, including elevations.
            (vi)   Construction notes, schedules, charts and other related data.
      (3)   Specifications. One set of complete specifications for the construction of the proposed bathing establishment, bather preparation facilities, recirculation system, filtration facilities, disinfection equipment and all other appurtenances shown on the detailed plans shall be submitted.
      (4)   Engineering design report or calculations. A summary of the design basis, including information relative to the capacity or patron loading (maximum and average), spray pad area, pool area and volume, hydraulic computation (including head loss in all piping and water treatment), chlorinator and pump sizing calculations, recirculation equipment, filtration facilities, disinfection equipment, spray pad treatment system design calculations, spray feature flow rates, turnover and filtration rate, filter flow rates, pump curves, capacity of bathhouse and bather preparation facilities and toilet facilities, and all other appurtenances, shall be submitted.
   (d)   Supplemental or additional information. A completed application shall be accompanied by any supplemental information which the Department deems necessary for review. For bathing establishments using water other than the municipal public water supply, the application should also include source, quality, quantity available and characteristics of water supplied to the bathing establishment including alkalinity, pH, iron and manganese.
   (e)   No change in location or construction of the project shall be made from plans and specifications that have been approved without first submitting details of the proposed changes to the Department and receiving subsequent approval.
§ 165.07 Construction Inspection and Certification.
   (a)   Certification. All bathing establishments with pools shall file on completion of the construction, modification or addition, and prior to public use of new facilities or equipment, a construction compliance certificate to the Department. This certificate shall be prepared and signed by a professional engineer or architect licensed to practice in New York State. The certificate shall include a written statement that the establishment has been constructed in accordance with the plans and specifications approved by the Department.
   (b)   The applicant shall notify the Department of the completion of construction, modification, alteration or addition in order to schedule a compliance inspection. An approval for construction compliance inspection will be granted by the Department when all of the required items are completed to the Department's satisfaction.
§ 165.09 Requirements for Permit Approval.
All establishments shall be designed, constructed and completed in accordance with the requirements of this Article. For all bathing establishments:
   (a)   A completed and approved safety plan, as required by 24 RCNY Health Code § 165.19.
   (b)   Certificate of Occupancy for the bathing establishment, from the New York City Department of Buildings including an approval letter for underwater lighting construction and certificates of inspection for electrical work (for saunas), and plumbing and certificate of inspection for the gas fired heating system (for steam rooms).
   (c)   Waste water or sewer discharge permit from an approved agency (for pools and/or spray grounds) as required by 24 RCNY Health Code § 165.33.
   (d)   Copies of Aquatic Supervisory Certificates, as required by 24 RCNY Health Code § 165.15.
   (e)   Copies of Pool Operator Certificate, as required by 24 RCNY Health Code § 165.15.