(a) Owner information in residential rental buildings and units. Except for the New York City Housing Authority, owners of all residential buildings, and owners of residential rental units in one-and two- family houses, cooperatives and condominiums, who are not required to post certificates of inspection pursuant to the rules of HPD (28 RCNY § 25-241, or any successor rule), shall post a sign in each building or individual rental unit owned, as applicable, containing the premises address; name and address of owner or managing agent for such building or unit; and a telephone number which tenants or occupants may call for service and repairs.
(b) Signs to be maintained.
(1) Signs required by this section shall be printed on a durable metal or plastic base, and shall be lettered in a size, form and color that is easily readable. When appropriate, such signs shall be translated into languages other than English that will be understood by the majority of tenants and other persons residing in or visiting a building.
(2) Signs shall be replaced when defaced or in disrepair. Except when it is necessary to replace a sign, no person shall remove, mutilate, destroy or obliterate such sign or its lettering.
(3) In addition to employees of the Department, this section may be enforced and notices of violation issued by employees of HPD, DOB, or any successor agencies.
(a) Contaminants. When activities conducted within a building result in the production of contaminants that the Department determines are harmful to public health, the Department may order the owner or person in control of the building to take such measures that the Department determines are necessary to eliminate or reduce such conditions so that they are no longer harmful to the public health.
(b) Ventilation. When required by the Department mechanical ventilating systems, devices for the control of dust, gases, vapors and fumes, abatement devices, or other means of reducing conditions dangerous to health shall be installed and maintained in a building or surrounding premises by persons in control of such building or premises.
(c) Discarding refrigerators. Every person who discards a refrigerator shall remove the refrigerator door, locking device or hinges before placing the refrigerator on the street for collection by DOS or other waste removal service.
(a) Window guards required.
(1) The owner, manager, lessee, agent or other person who manages or controls a multiple dwelling, including, but not limited to, owners of condominium units and the board of directors of a cooperative, shall provide, install, and maintain, a window guard of a type and installation in accordance with the specifications of the Department set forth in 24 RCNY Chapter 12, on the windows of each apartment in which a child or children ten (10) years of age and under reside, and on the windows, if any, in the public halls of a multiple dwelling in which such children reside.
(2) This section shall not apply to windows giving access to fire escapes or to a window on the first floor that is a required means of egress from the dwelling unit. It shall be the duty of each such person who manages or controls a multiple dwelling to ascertain whether such a child resides therein, in accordance with the notice requirements of the Department in 24 RCNY Chapter 12.
(b) No refusal of window guards by occupant. No tenant or occupant of a multiple dwelling unit, or other person, shall obstruct or interfere with the installation of window guards required by subdivision (a) of this section, nor shall any person remove such window guards.
(c) No refusal to install by owners. No owner, manager, lessee or other person who manages or controls a multiple dwelling shall refuse a written request of a tenant or occupant of a multiple dwelling unit, to install window guards regardless of whether such is required by subdivision (a), except that this section shall not apply to windows giving access to fire escapes.
(d) Declaration of nuisance.
(1) Failure to install or maintain window guards pursuant to this section is hereby declared to constitute a nuisance and a condition dangerous to life and health, pursuant to § 17-145 of the Administrative Code.
(2) Every person obligated to comply with the provisions of subdivision (a) of this section is hereby ordered to abate such nuisance by installing and maintaining required window guards.
(3) Whenever a nuisance or condition is found to exist in violation of this section, the Department may order the person or persons obligated to install and maintain window guards to do so. In the event such order is not complied with within five (5) days after service of such order, the Department may request an agency of the City to execute such order pursuant to the provisions of § 17-147 of the Administrative Code and shall be entitled to enforce its rights for reimbursement of expenses incurred thereby, pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 1, Title 17 of the Administrative Code. If such order is executed by HPD, or its successor agency, the expense of execution may be recovered by such agency pursuant to Subchapter 5 of Chapter 2 of Title 27 of the Administrative Code.
(e) Enforcement by Department of Housing Preservation and Development. Orders to install or repair window guards in multiple dwellings required by this section and any rules of the Department may be issued by the Commissioner and by HPD or any successor agency on behalf of the Commissioner.
(a) Perchloroethylene emissions. Dry cleaning facilities shall exhaust emissions from equipment using perchloroethylene so that no perchloroethylene vapors in excess of the nuisance level specified in subdivision (b) of this section enter co-located or adjacent dwellings, child-occupied facilities, or other occupied premises through windows, ventilation systems, or building structural penetrations.
(b) Nuisance level. Detection of perchloroethylene vapors from dry cleaning facilities in dwellings, child-occupied facilities, or other occupied premises at levels at or above 30 micrograms per cubic meter (μg/m3) shall constitute a nuisance.
(c) Remediation orders. The Department may order the operators of such facilities to evaluate and correct problems when deemed necessary to prevent or remediate such nuisance.
(Amended City Record 6/15/2016, eff. 7/15/2016)
When the strict application of any provision of this article presents practical difficulties or unusual hardships, the Commissioner, in a specific instance, may modify the application of such provision consistent with the general purpose of this article and upon such condition as, in their opinion are necessary to protect life and health.
(Amended City Record 12/18/2024, eff. 1/17/2025)