(a) Location. Hand washing sinks equipped with hot and cold potable running water shall be installed in food preparation, food service, and ware washing areas, and in or adjacent to employee and patron toilet rooms, and may be located between such areas.
(1) Sufficient sinks shall be provided so that a hand washing sink is no more than 25 feet from any food preparation, service or ware washing area.
(2) Any area in which a hand wash sink is located shall be unobstructed by doors or equipment, and access shall be kept clear to enable its use as required by this Code. Hand washing sinks shall not be used for purposes other than hand washing.
(3) An automatic hand washing sink shall be used in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. A self-closing, slow-closing or metering faucet shall provide a flow of water for at least 15 seconds without the need to reactivate the faucet. A steam mixing valve shall not be used.
(b) Soap, towels, trash receptacle. Soap or detergent; single use disposable towels or mechanical drying devices; and a trash receptacle shall be provided. A supply of towels or a towel dispenser shall be located immediately adjacent to the hand wash sink, and available without requiring the user to open drawers, cabinets or other enclosures that could lead to recontamination of hands.
(c) Wash hands signs. Signs directing employees to wash hands after use of toilet shall be conspicuously posted near or above all hand washing sinks. Signs shall be posted in English and all languages as necessary so as to be understood by all food workers in an establishment.
(Amended City Record 7/9/2015, eff. 8/8/2015)
(a) Toilet facilities required. Toilet facilities shall be provided for employees and shall be equipped with a minimum number of water closets, urinals, and other plumbing fixtures as required by § PC 403 of Chapter 4 of the New York City Plumbing Code, Administrative Code Title 28, or any successor law.
(b) Patron toilets required. Food service establishments with a seating capacity of 20 or more, except those located in premises where a permitted food service establishment operated on or before December 5, 1977, shall provide toilet facilities for patrons. Establishments with a seating capacity of 20 or more in premises where a permitted food service establishment operated on or before December 5, 1977 shall, when undergoing renovations of sufficient scale to require a construction permit from the Department of Buildings, install and thereafter provide one or more patron toilets equipped as required by subdivision (a) of this section.
(c) Toilet rooms. All toilets shall be properly flushed and trapped. Toilet rooms must be adequately lighted and mechanically or naturally ventilated, maintained in sanitary operating condition, and furnished with supplies of toilet tissue and easily cleanable receptacles for waste paper and other refuse.
(d) Shared toilet facilities. Patrons and employees may use the same toilet facilities, except if patrons would be required to walk through a kitchen, food preparation or storage area, or utensil washing area to access the toilet.
(Amended City Record 7/9/2015, eff. 8/8/2015)
(a) Establishments to be pest free. Food service and non-retail food processing establishments shall be kept free of rodents, insects and other pests, as defined in 24 RCNY Health Code Article 151, and of conditions conducive to pests, as defined in 24 RCNY Health Code Article 151, which shall include but not be limited to the following:
(1) Accumulated refuse and other material on or in which pests may shelter, hide or nest;
(2) Presence of cracks, gaps or holes in establishments' exteriors or interiors that permit free movement of pests;
(3) Presence of food or water refuse and wastes accessible to and capable of sustaining or attracting a pest population including, but not limited to, standing water or other liquid wastes, grease and food residue and improperly closed food containers.
(b) Prevention. Premises, equipment and fixtures shall be of a construction, design and material so as to prevent and control entry and harborage of pests.
(1) Daily inspections. Permittees shall inspect the premises and incoming food and supplies daily to determine presence of pests and to prevent entry of and infestation by pests.
(2) Exterminator required. Permittees shall contract with a pest management professional licensed by New York State Department of Environmental Conservation to provide preventive measures and extermination services necessary to maintain their establishments free of pests. Records showing the name, address, Department of Environmental Conservation license number of the exterminator, the services provided, and the effective dates of such contracts shall be kept on the premises of the establishment. At the request of the Department, the permittee shall make available a fully executed copy of a contract with a pest management professional to provide at least monthly preventive inspections and services, and where pests are observed, to provide services for their elimination.
(3) Doors. All doors opening into the establishment from the outside shall be equipped with barriers such as anti-pest tension brushes or a space no larger than one-eighth of an inch (3.1750 millimeters) to prevent entry of rodents.
(4) Pest monitors. As part of an integrated pest management program, an establishment may use sticky monitoring traps or stations that are examined to determine if the establishment has a roach, other insect or rodent infestation. Such monitoring traps or stations shall be marked with the date the station was placed, and a date, no later than one month thereafter, or an earlier date, to be established by the pest management professional, when the traps or stations shall be removed and discarded. Such traps and stations shall be removed as soon as they contain one or more roaches, other insects or rodents.
(c) Pest infestations. Permittees shall take all preventive, control, and extermination measures necessary to maintain the establishment free of pests. When the Department determines that an establishment has a persistent pest infestation and conditions conducive to pests, the Department may order the permittee to institute and maintain a pest management plan in accordance with 24 RCNY Health Code § 151.02(c).
(d) Pesticide applications. Pesticides shall be properly labeled, authorized for use, and used only by licensed pest professionals in accordance with the New York State Environmental Conservation Law and Title 6 of the New York Codes, Rules and Regulations (NYCRR) Part 325, or any successor regulation, and applied so that:
(1) There is no hazard to employees or other persons.
(2) There is no pesticide spraying in food preparation and service areas while food is being processed, prepared or served, or where unprotected food, clean utensils or containers are displayed or stored.
(3) Food, equipment, utensils, linens, and single-service or single use articles are protected from contamination and toxic residues that result from pesticide application. Such items are to be protected by impermeable coverings or other measures during pesticide application and must be cleaned and sanitized after pesticide application.
(4) The use of unprotected or unlocked bait stations is prohibited in food service establishments.
(e) Toxic materials. Where labels permit, poisonous and toxic materials shall be stored in areas designated solely for such purpose, or in a storage area outside the food, equipment and utensil storage area. Bactericides and cleaning compounds shall not be stored with insecticides, rodenticides or other poisonous materials. Insecticides and rodenticides shall be kept in their original containers.
(Amended City Record 7/9/2015, eff. 8/8/2015)