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New York City Overview
The New York City Charter
The New York City Administrative Code
The Rules of the City of New York
Title 1: Department of Buildings
Title 2: Board of Standards and Appeals
Title 3: Fire Department
Title 6: Department of Consumer and Worker Protection
Title 9: Procurement Policy Board Rules
Title 12: Franchise and Concession Review Committee
Title 15: Department of Environmental Protection
Title 16: Department of Sanitation
Title 17: Business Integrity Commission
Title 19: Department of Finance
Title 20: Tax Appeals Tribunal
Title 21: Tax Commission
Title 22: Banking Commission
Title 24: Department of Health and Mental Hygiene
Chapter 1: Required Signs
Chapter 3: Performance Summary Cards and Penalties for Child Care Programs
Chapter 4: Health, Safety and Well-Being of Rental Horses
Chapter 5: Pet Shops
Chapter 6: Mobile Food Vending
Chapter 7: Adjudicatory Hearings and Violation Fines and Penalties
Chapter 8: Cooling Towers
Chapter 9: Raw Salt-Cured Air-Dried Fish
Chapter 10: Smoking Under the New York City Smoke-Free Air Act
Chapter 11: Conservation of Water [Repealed]
Chapter 12: Window Guards
Chapter 13: Cigarette and Tobacco Product Sales
Chapter 14: Cleaning Park Playground Equipment
Chapter 16: Criteria for Issuing Special Vehicle Identification Permits to Disabled Persons
Chapter 17: Tripartite General Orders
Chapter 18: Resuscitation Equipment in Public Places
Chapter 19: Waiting List Rules for Temporary Mobile Food Unit Permits
Chapter 19A: Expansion of the Full-Term Mobile Food Vendor Permit Waiting List [Repealed]
Chapter 20: Preference and/or Waiting List Rule for Full-Term Mobile Food Unit Permits [Repealed]
Chapter 21: Health Academy Courses and Department Fees
Chapter 22: Tattooists and Applying Tattoos
Chapter 23: Food Service Establishment Sanitary Inspection Procedures and Letter Grading
Chapter 24: Automated External Defibrillators In Certain Public Places
Chapter 25: Service of Final Orders In Assisted Outpatient Treatment
Chapter 26: Establishment and Maintenance of Separate Borough Specific Waiting Lists for Those Seeking Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Permits
Chapter 27: Food Allergy Information
Chapter 28: Restriction On the Sale of Certain Flavored Tobacco Products, Flavored Electronic Cigarettes, and Flavored E-Liquid
Chapter 29: Animal Population Control Program
Chapter 30: Volatile Organic Compounds in Carpet and Carpet Cushion
Chapter 31: Drinking Water Tank Inspections
Chapter 32: Dogs in Outdoor Dining Areas
Chapter 33: Operation of Body Scanners in Correctional Facilities
Chapter 34: Grocery Delivery Program
Chapter 35: Designating Rat Mitigation Zones
Chapter 36: Needle, Syringe, and Sharps Buyback Pilot Program
Chapter 37: Petitioning the Department to Commence Rulemaking
Chapter 38: Program to Cancel Medical Debt
Chapter 39: [Added Sugar Warning]
New York City Health Code
Title 25: Department of Mental Health and Retardation [Repealed]
Title 28: Housing Preservation and Development
Title 29: Loft Board
Title 30: Rent Guidelines Board
Title 31: Mayor's Office of Homelessness and Single Room Occupancy
Title 34: Department of Transportation
Title 35: Taxi and Limousine Commission
Title 38: Police Department
Title 38-A: Civilian Complaint Review Board
Title 39: Department of Correction
Title 40: Board of Correction
Title 41: Department of Juvenile Justice
Title 42: Department of Probation
Title 43: Mayor
Title 44: Comptroller
Title 45: Borough Presidents
Title 46: Law Department
Title 47: Commission on Human Rights
Title 48: Office of Administrative Trials and Hearings (OATH)
Title 49: Department of Records and Information Services
Title 50: Community Assistance Unit
Title 51: City Clerk
Title 52: Campaign Finance Board*
Title 53: Conflicts of Interest Board
Title 55: Department of Citywide Administrative Services
Title 56: Department of Parks and Recreation
Title 57: Art Commission
Title 58: Department of Cultural Affairs
Title 60: Civil Service Commission
Title 61: Office of Collective Bargaining
Title 62: City Planning
Title 63: Landmarks Preservation Commission
Title 66: Department of Small Business Services
Title 67: Department of Information Technology and Telecommunications
Title 68: Human Resources Administration
Title 69: Department of Aging
Title 70: In Rem Foreclosure Release Board
Title 71: Voter Assistance Commission
Title 72: Office of Emergency Management
Title 73: Civic Engagement Commission
Title 74: Community Hiring
§ 45.03 Statement of Policy; Scope of 24 RCNY Health Code Article 45.
   (a)   It is hereby recognized that other State and City agencies, including among others, the Board of Education, the State Department of Social Welfare, and the State Department of Health, have important functions in areas relating to the health and welfare of children. The Department shall, therefore, as far as possible, administer the provisions of 24 RCNY Health Code Articles 45 through 51 with due regard to the duties and responsibilities of such other agencies, and shall, as far as possible, coordinate its activities with theirs. The provisions of these articles are not intended and shall not be construed to interfere with the teaching of religion. It is further recognized that experimentation and the testing of new ideas are of great importance in raising standards relating to schools and children's institutions. The provisions of 24 RCNY Health Code Articles 45 through 51 shall not be interpreted to favor any specific doctrine of child care or early childhood education, but shall be applied so as to permit experimental programs of all kinds consistent with the health, safety and welfare of children.
   (b)   The provisions of 24 RCNY Health Code Article 45 shall apply to schools and children's institutions and the provisions of 24 RCNY Health Code § 45.09(b), (c) and (d) shall also apply to public and private high schools.
§ 45.05 Copy of Code to Be Kept and Made Available.
The person in charge of a school or children's institution shall keep a copy of this Code and shall make it available to all personnel.
§ 45.09 Staff.
   (a)   Constant and competent supervision by an adequate staff shall be maintained for all children in a school or children's institution. No child or group of children shall be unsupervised at any time.
   (b)   The owner or person in charge of a school or children's institution or public or private high school shall not permit an employee to work when he is required to be excluded pursuant to 24 RCNY Health Code § 11.15. After having a communicable disease, a person in charge, teacher or any other person who associates with children shall not return to work until:
      (1)   He presents a certificate of recovery issued by the Department, if he was a case of tuberculosis, a case or carrier of typhoid, or a case, carrier or household contact of diphtheria; or,
      (2)   After the period of isolation, if he was a case of measles, mumps, German measles, chicken pox, whooping cough, scarlet fever, meningitis or poliomyelitis; or,
      (3)   He presents a certificate of recovery issued by the Department or a physician's written statement, if he was a case or carrier of any other disease reportable pursuant to 24 RCNY Health Code § 11.03. The statement shall indicate that he is free from disease in communicable form and that the period of isolation or exclusion required by 24 RCNY Health Code Article 11 has ended.
   (c)   Testing for tuberculosis. The Department may require testing for tuberculosis at any time of any persons in a school, children's institution, or other program providing services for children when such testing is deemed necessary for epidemiological investigation.
   (d)   No person in charge, teacher, substitute, volunteer worker, office worker, kitchen worker, maintenance worker or other member of the staff who regularly associates with or comes in contact with children shall be permitted to work in a school, children's institution, or public or private high school unless he is healthy and capable of carrying out the responsibilities of his job and unless he presents, prior to commencing work, a certificate from a licensed physician certifying that, based on medical history and examination, he is physically qualified to perform his assigned duties. Such staff member of a children's institution shall present such physician's certificate annually thereafter as a condition of his continued employment. Records of required medical examination of such staff members shall be kept on file at their place of employment and shall be returned to them upon their request when their employment is terminated. Such records shall also be made available to representatives of the Department for examination.
   (e)   All employees, whether or not they are directly concerned with the care of children, shall be regularly instructed in the protection of children during emergencies such as accidents, fires or air raids.
§ 45.11 Physical Facilities.
   (a)   School or children's institution shall not be conducted in a factory, mercantile or business building, unless the premises are approved by the Department. Such approval shall not be granted unless the premises and the area surrounding the premises are free from fire, traffic or other safety hazards.
   (b)   A child shall not be kept for any period of time in a cellar as defined in chapter 26, title C, part 11, article 2, subarticle 201.0 of the Administrative Code. A child shall not be permitted to remain for any period of time in a basement as defined in such subarticle of the Administrative Code when one side of the basement is more than three feet below the surface of the ground surrounding the building, without the prior approval of the Department. Such approval shall not be granted to a school or children's institution which receives a permit for the first time after the effective date of this Code, or which is in a building erected or renovated after the effective date of this Code. This subsection shall not apply to cellar or basement space used for a lunchroom, dining room, cafeteria, or other eating place, for a lavatory, as defined in 24 RCNY Health Code § 1.03(n), or a washroom.
   (c)   All parts of a building used for the care of children shall be adequately lighted by natural or artificial means. All lighting shall be evenly distributed and diffused, free from glare, flickering or shadows. Background surfaces shall be of a dull finish in colors providing low brightness differences and low contrasts. In a school or children's institution located in premises constructed after the effective date of this Code, the amounts of light required by subdivisions (1) through (5) of this subsection shall be provided and maintained at the children's activity level. In a school or children's institution located in premises constructed on or prior to the effective date of this Code, the requirements of subdivisions (1) through (5) of this subsection shall be complied with as far as practicable when the premises are renovated or altered. The lighting standard is as follows:
      (1)   Fifty footcandles of light in drafting, typing or sewing rooms and in all classrooms used for partially sighted children;
      (2)   Thirty footcandles of light in all other classrooms, study halls or libraries;
      (3)   Twenty footcandles of light in recreation rooms;
      (4)   Ten footcandles of light in auditoriums, cafeterias, locker rooms, washrooms, corridors containing lockers; and,
      (5)   Five footcandles of light in open corridors and store rooms.
   (d)   When the outside temperature is less than 55 degrees Fahrenheit, and the children are on the premises, a temperature of between 68 degrees and 72 degrees Fahrenheit shall be maintained in all parts of the building used by the children, except when the children are sleeping. Heating apparatus shall be equipped with adequate protective guards. Gas space heaters shall not be installed or used without the approval of the Department. Kerosene heaters are prohibited.
   (e)   A lighted and ventilated room or compartment shall be provided, sufficient in size and arranged so that each child's garments may be hung separately and within his reach.
   (f)   Drinking water shall be available near classrooms and playrooms and easily accessible to the children. Except when bubbler fountains are used, individual drinking cups shall be provided within reach of the children. If bubbler fountains are used, they shall be of the angle jet type with suitable guards and shall have water pressure which is sufficient to raise the water high enough above the spout to avoid contamination.
   (g)   Walls, ceilings and floors shall be finished so that they may be cleaned readily. The premises, furnishings and equipment shall be kept clean. While occupied by children, rooms other than workshops shall not be swept or dusted. No room used for children shall be cleaned by dry sweeping. When quarters are provided for the staff or attendants, they shall be kept clean at all times.
   (h)   Indoor and outdoor play areas shall be available for the use of the children. Such play areas shall be safe, clean, easily accessible, adequate in size and suitable for the needs of the children. A shady area shall be available in outdoor play areas used during the summer months.
   (i)   Toilets shall be provided convenient to playrooms, class rooms and dormitories and the number of such toilets shall be as prescribed by 24 RCNY Health Code §§ 49.07 for a school or 51.09 for a children's institution. In a lavatory for boys six years of age and over, urinals may be substituted for not more than one-third of the number of toilets required. When such substitution is made, one urinal shall replace one toilet so that the total number of toilets and urinals shall in no case be less than the number of required toilets. Toilets and urinals shall be of such height and size as to be usable by the children without assistance.
   (j)   Separate lavatories shall be provided for boys and girls six years of age and over, and a partition no less than five feet six inches high shall separate the toilets in such lavatories. In a school or children's institution located in premises constructed after the effective date of this Code, separate lavatories shall be provided for the persons in charge, staff and other employees.
   (k)   Wash basins with an adequate supply of hot and cold running water shall be provided in or adjacent to lavatories, and the number of such wash basins shall be as prescribed by 24 RCNY Health Code §§ 49.07 for a school and 51.09 for a children's institution. When an extended wash basin with several faucets supplying tempered water is used, each faucet shall be considered as meeting the requirement for one wash basin.
   (l)   Plumbing shall be installed only by a licensed master plumber and shall be free of cross-connections and other hazards to health.
   (m)   Proper and sufficient ventilation, by natural or artificial means, shall be provided in each room used by the children pursuant to § C26-266.0 of the Administrative Code. The windows, inlets and outlets shall be located and the rate of air flow shall be controlled so as not to subject the children to drafts.
   (n)   Windows in rooms above the ground floor shall be safely guarded when the window sills are so low as to present a safety hazard to the children.
§ 45.12 Lead-Based Paint Restricted: Kindergartens.
   (a)   This section shall apply to a kindergarten conducted as part of an elementary school by the Department of Education.
   (b)   Peeling lead-based paint prohibited.
         (i)   There shall be no peeling lead-based paint or peeling paint of unknown lead content on any surface in a kindergarten.
         (ii)   Peeling lead-based paint or peeling paint of unknown lead content shall be immediately abated or remediated upon discovery, in accordance with 24 RCNY Health Code § 173.14.
         (iii)   Children shall not be present and shall not have access to any room or area undergoing abatement, remediation or other work which disturbs lead-based paint or paint of unknown lead content until after completion of final clean-up and clearance dust testing.
         (iv)   The work practices of 24 RCNY Health Code § 173.14 shall not apply to repair and maintenance work which disturbs surfaces of less than two (2) square feet of peeling lead-based paint per room or ten (10) percent of the total surface area of peeling paint on a type of component with a small surface area, such as a window sill or door frame.
   (c)   Painted equipment must have lead-free paint.
   (d)   Annual survey. Each year the Department of Education shall conduct a survey of the condition of surfaces in kindergarten classrooms, where the surfaces of such classrooms or other areas used by children under six years of age are covered with lead-based paint or paint of unknown lead content. Survey results shall be recorded on a form provided by or satisfactory to the Department, and copies of survey results shall be provided to the Department upon request.
   (e)   Definitions. All terms used in this section shall have the same meanings as the terms defined in 24 RCNY Health Code § 173.14.
§ 45.13 Equipment and Furnishings.
   (a)   All equipment and furnishings used shall be readily washable or otherwise easily cleaned. Furnishings which are likely to collect excessive amounts of dust, such as heavy draperies, upholstery or carpets, shall not be used in rooms occupied by children, but such furnishings may be used for educational purposes if they are kept clean.
   (b)   Tables and chairs and other equipment shall be appropriate for the size and needs of the children who use them and shall be readily washable.
   (c)   In the indoor and outdoor play areas, sufficient play equipment shall be provided which is appropriate to the stage of development of the children and which is designed to foster physical and motor development. The equipment shall be easily accessible to the children, readily washable, clean, in good repair and free from hazards such as sharp or pointed parts, or toxic or poisonous finishes or materials.
   (d)   A first aid kit, completely stocked for emergency treatment of cuts and burns, shall be provided and shall be easily accessible for use. The first aid kit shall be kept out of the reach of young children.
   (e)   Soap and individual paper or cloth towels or sanitary driers shall be provided adjacent to wash basins and within easy reach of the children. If combs or washcloths are provided, each child shall have such articles for his exclusive use.
§ 45.15 Care and Preparation of Food.
   (a)   When food is stored or served to children in a school or children's institution, the provisions of 24 RCNY Health Code Article 81 shall be complied with.
   (b)   The food supplied to children shall be wholesome, of good quality, properly prepared, sufficient in amount, varied and served at regular hours.
   (c)   Milk shall be kept at a temperature below 50 degrees Fahrenheit.
   (d)   A child under 12 years of age shall not be permitted to remove the caps from bottles or containers of milk intended for other persons or permitted to assist in the dispensing of milk except under adequate supervision.