(a) Scope. This section sets forth requirements for the aerial fueling of cranes with diesel fuel or other combustible liquids at construction sites and other locations.
(b) General Provisions.
(1) Permit. Pursuant to FC 105.6, a permit is required for the storage, handling and use of combustible liquids, including the storage and handling of such liquids in connection with aerial fueling of cranes.
(2) [Reserved.]
(c) Prohibitions. It shall be unlawful to:
(1) fuel a crane aerially with a flammable liquid.
(2) perform aerial fueling of a crane at a construction site while construction operations are being conducted.
(3) perform aerial fueling of a crane at a construction site when weather conditions such as wind speed or lightning make such operation unsafe.
(d) Supervision.
(1) Aerial fueling operations. Aerial fueling of cranes at a construction site shall be under the personal supervision of a certificate of fitness holder.
(2) Portable tanks. Portable tanks used for aerial fueling shall be under the general supervision of a certificate of fitness holder prior to each use for aerial fueling, to ensure that the portable tank is in a safe condition and ready for such use.
(e) Portable Tanks. The portable tank and tank assembly shall be designed and installed in compliance with the following requirements:
(1) Capacity. The capacity of the portable tank for fueling shall not exceed 550 gallons.
(2) Construction. The tank shall be of approved, steel construction, and be designed with sufficient structural strength to allow it to be repeatedly lifted for aerial fueling operations.
(3) Lifting. The portable tank assembly shall be provided with a sufficient number of lifting lugs capable of safely supporting the weight of the tank and stored fuel when full, and allow the tank to be maintained in a level position during lifting and fueling operations.
(4) Hose. The connecting hose of the portable tank shall be of a braided flexible steel type, and provided with a breakaway coupling capable of retaining fuel on both sides of the shear section. The length of the hose shall not exceed 30 feet.
(5) Shut-off valves. The connecting hose of the portable tank shall be provided with shut-off valves at the tank and at the nozzle. The shut-off valve at the nozzle side of the hose, used for the final control of the flow, shall be of a self-closing type and shall be manually held open during dispensing operation.
(6) Nozzles. The end of the nozzle shall be threaded and provided with a liquid-tight cap while hoisting.
(f) Operational Requirements.
(1) Inspection of fueling equipment. Prior to aerial fueling operations, the portable tank, hose, valves and all other devices and equipment used to conduct the operation shall be inspected at the construction site to ensure that they are in good working order.
(2) Method of discharge. The aerial fueling operation shall be conducted under gravity discharge by hoisting a portable tank to an elevation above the crane's fuel tank.
(3) Weather conditions. Reliable means for monitoring weather conditions, including wind speed and approaching storms, shall be readily available.
(4) Communication. Radio and/or other two-way wireless communication shall be maintained between the crane operator and all other personnel involved in the aerial fueling operation.
(5) Fueling of crane. After the portable tank is lifted to the elevation required, and prior to commencing the crane aerial fueling:
(A) The engine of the crane being fueled shall be shut off.
(B) The portable tank shall be grounded to the crane structure.
(C) The portable tank shall be secured to the crane structure with a chain shorter than the hose length that is capable of restraining the portable tank during the aerial fueling operation.
(Renumbered City Record 9/20/2023, eff. 10/20/2023)
(a) Scope. This section sets forth standards, requirements and procedures for the supervision of fire safety at a construction site by a fire safety manager designated pursuant to FC 3308.1.
(b) General Provisions.
(1) Designation of fire safety manager. Pursuant to FC 3308.1, a fire safety manager shall be designated by the owner at any construction site for which the Building Code requires a site safety manager or site safety coordinator pursuant to BC 3310.5. The fire safety manager shall perform the duties and responsibilities set forth in FC 3308.1 and this section. The name and certificate of fitness number of the fire safety manager (and any alternate fire safety managers) shall be entered in the logbook required by FC 3308.1.1 to be maintained at the construction site.
(2) Certificate of fitness. The fire safety manager at a construction site shall hold a certificate of fitness for such purpose.
(c) Supervision of Construction Site Fire Safety.
(1) Fire safety manager duties and responsibilities. Pursuant to FC 3308.1, the fire safety manager is responsible for ensuring that the construction, alteration and demolition work at a construction site is conducted in compliance with the requirements of the Fire Code and the rules. Such supervision shall include, but is not limited to:
(A) authorizing, supervising and/or monitoring materials, operations and facilities regulated by the Fire Code;
(C) performing the duties of the impairment coordinator required by FC 901.7, the responsible person required by FC 3503.2.2, and the Fire Department liaison required by FC 5003.9.1.1, or ensuring that such persons are designated and monitoring the performance of their duties;
(D) providing or arranging Department access to the construction site, inspection of the logbook and other records, and communication with the owner or his or her design professionals, managers or contractors, in accordance with 3 RCNY § 3301-01(b)(2); and
(E) taking all other actions that a prudent person trained and knowledgeable in construction site fire safety would take to ensure that fire safety is maintained at the construction site, given site conditions.
(2) Presence at construction site. The fire safety manager shall be present at the construction site at all times when construction, alteration and demolition work is being conducted. The fire safety manager shall sign in the logbook required by FC 3308.1.1 at the beginning and end of each workday. An alternate fire safety manager shall assume the duties and responsibilities of the fire safety manager whenever the fire safety manager is required to be present at the construction site but is absent.
(d) Obligations of Construction Site Personnel. All persons present on a construction site, including contractors, subcontractors and their employees, shall cooperate with, and comply with the directions of, the fire safety manager in authorizing, supervising and/or monitoring materials, operations and facilities regulated by the Fire Code, or otherwise carrying out the duties and responsibilities of a fire safety manager, as set forth in FC 3308 and this section.
(e) Recordkeeping. A record of the periodic inspection of the construction site required by FC 3308.1.1, and other duties and responsibilities performed each day by the fire safety manager, shall be maintained in accordance with the provisions of that section. Entries shall be made for any conditions not in compliance with the applicable code and rule requirements, when such conditions could not be timely corrected, and the notifications made. The logbook required by FC 3308.1.1 used to maintain such records shall be separate and distinct from the any log required to be maintained by the Building Code, including BC 3310.8.4.
(Renumbered and amended City Record 9/20/2023, eff. 10/20/2023)