a. There shall be an executive director of standards and appeals who shall be appointed by and shall hold office at the pleasure of the board of standards and appeals.
b. The executive director shall have had at least five years' experience in administrative or supervisory positions dealing with administration and personnel. The executive director shall devote his or her entire time to the performance of his or her duties and shall not engage in any other occupation, profession or employment.
Editor's note: For related unconsolidated provisions, see Administrative Code Appendix A at L.L. 1991/049.
a. The executive director may appoint such engineers, architects, and experts and other officers and employees as may be required to perform the duties of his or her office, with the approval of the board and within the appropriation provided therefor. The executive director shall also ensure the board has access to the advice of a state certified general real estate appraiser, either by engaging the services of an appraiser employed or retained by a city agency, retaining the services of a third party, or appointing at least one staff member, provided that such state certified general real estate appraiser shall have no less than five years' experience in analyzing and auditing real estate investments, with the approval of the board and within the appropriation provided therefor.
b. The executive director shall assign and supervise all members of his or her staff. The executive director shall have prepared and presented matters before the board of standards and appeals in accordance with the rules, regulations and directives of such board, and shall prepare the calendar of such board.
(Am. L.L. 2017/102, 5/30/2017, eff. 9/27/2017)
Any member may be removed by the mayor on proof of official misconduct, or of negligence in official duties, or of conduct in any manner connected with his or her official duties which tends to discredit his or her office, or of mental or physical inability to perform his or her duties; but before removal he or she shall receive a copy of the charges and shall be entitled to a hearing before the mayor and to the assistance of counsel at such hearing.
Meetings of the board shall be held at the call of the chair and at such other times as the board may determine. The chair, or in his or her absence the vice-chair may administer oaths and compel the attendance of witnesses. All hearings before the board shall be open to the public and shall be before at least three members of the board, and a concurring vote of at least three members shall be necessary to a decision to grant an application or an appeal, to revoke or modify a variance, special permit or other decision of the board, or to make, amend or repeal a rule or regulation. The board shall keep minutes of its proceedings, showing the vote of each member upon every question, or if absent or failing to vote, indicating such fact, and shall also keep records of its examinations and other official action. Such minutes and such records shall be public records.
Editor's note: For related unconsolidated provisions, see Administrative Code Appendix A at L.L. 1991/049.