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New York City Overview
The New York City Charter
Chapter 1: Mayor
Chapter 2: Council
Chapter 2-A: Districting Commission
Chapter 3: Board of Estimate [Repealed]
Chapter 4: Borough Presidents.
Chapter 5: Comptroller.
Chapter 6: Expense Budget
Chapter 7: Tax Appeals
Chapter 8: City Planning
Chapter 9: Capital Projects and Budget
Chapter 10: Budget Process
Chapter 11: Independent Budget Office
Chapter 12: Obligations of the City
Chapter 13: Procurement
Chapter 13-A: Office of Economic and Financial Opportunity [Repealed]
Chapter 13-B: Office of Labor Services [Repealed]
Chapter 14: Franchises, Revocable Consents and Concessions
Chapter 15: Property of the City
Chapter 16: Heads of Mayoral Agencies
Chapter 17: Law Department
Chapter 18: Police Department
Chapter 18-A: Civilian Complaint Review Board
Chapter 18-B: Independent Police Investigation and Audit Board
Chapter 18-C: Public Safety
Chapter 18-D: Sale, Purchase and Possession of Weapons
Chapter 19: Fire Department
Chapter 19-A: Emergency Management Department
Chapter 20: Education
Chapter 21: Department of Parks and Recreation
Chapter 21-A: New York City Sports Commission
Chapter 22: Department of Health and Mental Hygiene
Chapter 23: Office of Animal Welfare
Chapter 24: Department of Social Services
Chapter 24-A: Department of Homeless Services
Chapter 24-B: Administration for Children's Services
Chapter 25: Department of Correction
Chapter 26: Department of Buildings
Chapter 27: Board of Standards and Appeals
Chapter 28: Department of Juvenile Justice [Repealed]
Chapter 29: Department of Ports and Trade [Repealed]
Chapter 30: Department of Youth and Community Development
Chapter 31: Department of Sanitation
Chapter 34: Department of Investigation
Chapter 35: Department of Citywide Administrative Services
Chapter 36: Equal Employment Practices Commission
Chapter 37: Art Commission
Chapter 38: Financial Information Services Agency
Chapter 39: Office of Payroll Administration
Chapter 40: New York City Human Rights Commission
Chapter 45: City Administrative Procedure Act
Chapter 45-A: Office of Administrative Trials and Hearings
Chapter 46: Elections and Voter Assistance
Chapter 46-A: Voting by Lawful Permanent Residents and Persons Authorized to Work in the United States
Chapter 47: Public Access to Meetings and Information
Chapter 48: Department of Information Technology and Telecommunications
Chapter 49: Officers and Employees
Chapter 50: Term Limits
Chapter 50-A: Qualification for Elected Office
Chapter 51: Transitory Provisions
Chapter 52: General Provisions
Chapter 54: Collective Bargaining
Chapter 55: Department of Design and Construction
Chapter 56: Department of Small Business Services
Chapter 57: Department of Environmental Protection
Chapter 58: Department of Finance
Chapter 59: Department of General Services [Repealed]
Chapter 61: Department of Housing Preservation and Development
Chapter 63: Business Integrity Commission
Chapter 64: Department of Consumer and Worker Protection
Chapter 65: New York City Taxi and Limousine Commission
Chapter 66: Department for the Aging
Chapter 67: Department of Cultural Affairs
Chapter 68: Conflicts of Interest
Chapter 69: Community Districts and Coterminality of Services
Chapter 70: City Government In the Community
Chapter 71: Department of Transportation
Chapter 72: Department of Records and Information Services
Chapter 73: Department of Employment [Repealed]
Chapter 74: Landmarks Preservation Commission
Chapter 75: Department of Veterans' Services
Chapter 76: Civic Engagement Commission
Chapter 77: Office of Ethnic and Community Media
Chapter 78: Equity
Chapter 79: Community Hiring and Workforce Development
The New York City Administrative Code
The Rules of the City of New York
Title 1: Department of Buildings
Title 2: Board of Standards and Appeals
Title 3: Fire Department
Title 6: Department of Consumer and Worker Protection
Title 9: Procurement Policy Board Rules
Title 12: Franchise and Concession Review Committee
Title 15: Department of Environmental Protection
Title 16: Department of Sanitation
Title 17: Business Integrity Commission
Title 19: Department of Finance
Title 20: Tax Appeals Tribunal
Title 21: Tax Commission
Title 22: Banking Commission
Title 24: Department of Health and Mental Hygiene
Title 25: Department of Mental Health and Retardation [Repealed]
Title 28: Housing Preservation and Development
Title 29: Loft Board
Title 30: Rent Guidelines Board
Title 31: Mayor's Office of Homelessness and Single Room Occupancy
Title 34: Department of Transportation
Title 35: Taxi and Limousine Commission
Title 38: Police Department
Title 38-A: Civilian Complaint Review Board
Title 39: Department of Correction
Title 40: Board of Correction
Title 41: Department of Juvenile Justice
Title 42: Department of Probation
Title 43: Mayor
Title 44: Comptroller
Title 45: Borough Presidents
Title 46: Law Department
Title 47: Commission on Human Rights
Title 48: Office of Administrative Trials and Hearings (OATH)
Title 49: Department of Records and Information Services
Title 50: Community Assistance Unit
Title 51: City Clerk
Title 52: Campaign Finance Board*
Title 53: Conflicts of Interest Board
Title 55: Department of Citywide Administrative Services
Title 56: Department of Parks and Recreation
Title 57: Art Commission
Title 58: Department of Cultural Affairs
Title 60: Civil Service Commission
Title 61: Office of Collective Bargaining
Title 62: City Planning
Title 63: Landmarks Preservation Commission
Title 66: Department of Small Business Services
Title 67: Department of Information Technology and Telecommunications
Title 68: Human Resources Administration
Title 69: Department of Aging
Title 70: In Rem Foreclosure Release Board
Title 71: Voter Assistance Commission
Title 72: Office of Emergency Management
Title 73: Civic Engagement Commission
Title 74: Community Hiring
Section 104. Contract budget.
   a.   Each contract budget shall set forth by agency each major category of contractual services and each multiple purpose category of contractual services for which appropriations are being proposed.
   b.   Each agency head for the departmental estimates, the mayor for the executive budget, and the council for the adopted budget by a resolution adopted with the budget, shall certify that each major category of contractual services is presented as such and that no multiple purpose category contains a major category of contractual services.
   c.   For purposes of this section
      1.   the term "major category" shall mean:
         (a)   a programmatic category related to a major service provided by the agency or a major responsibility of the agency regardless of dollar amount; or
         (b)   a programmatic category related to a particular state or federal requirement; or
         (c)   a subcategory of those categories set forth in subparagraph a or b of this paragraph where the dollar amount constitutes a major commitment of city funds; or
         (d)   a category established by the council as a major category pursuant to subdivision f of this section; or
         (e)   a category certified by the mayor as a major category.
      2.   the term "multiple purpose category" shall mean:
         (a)   groupings of contractual services for related purposes, none of which individually constitute a major category, but which together facilitate public understanding of contractual spending provided by an agency; or
         (b)   a grouping of unrelated contractual services, which individually do not constitute a major category, and which are not appropriately grouped with other contractual spending of the agency.
      3.   the term "contractual services" shall mean technical, consultant or personal services provided to the city through contracts.
   d.   Major categories. Each major category of contractual services shall be accompanied by a detailed description of the programmatic objectives of the category, the number of contracts estimated to be included in the category and the proposed appropriations for that category.
   e.   Multiple purpose categories. All other contractual services shall be aggregated in multiple purpose categories. Each multiple purpose category shall be accompanied by the number of contracts estimated to be included in the category and the supporting schedules identifying the purposes and amounts involved in sufficient detail to allow the council to certify that the category does not contain major categories of contractual services.
   f.   Change of categories. The council may alter any category in the contract budget submitted by the mayor, or change any terms and conditions of it. The mayor shall provide sufficient information and technical assistance to allow the council to certify each category as a major or multiple purpose category. The mayor may disapprove any alteration by the council. The mayor's disapproval may be overridden by a two-thirds vote of all of the members of the council.
   g.   Adoption of contract budget. The council may increase, decrease, add or omit any amount in the contract budget as submitted by the mayor, or change any terms and conditions of the amount in that category. The mayor may disapprove any increase or addition to the amounts in the categories, or any change in any term and condition of the contract budget. The mayor's disapproval may be overridden by a two-thirds vote of all of the members of the council.
   h.   Modification of terms and conditions. All spending for contractual services shall be in accordance with the terms and conditions of the contract budget as adopted; provided, however, that during any fiscal year the mayor shall notify the council of any proposed modification of such a term or condition. Within thirty days of the first stated meeting of the council following the receipt of such notice, the council may disapprove the proposed notification.
Section 105. Appropriations for goods, services or construction.
Appropriations for the procurement of goods or services or the provision of services, utilities, or facilities by the department of citywide administrative services for other agencies and institutions in accordance with the authority of the department of citywide administrative services under the provisions of this charter shall be made to the department of citywide administrative services but shall be segregated under the name of the agency or institution for which they are intended and shall be considered and accounted for as appropriated for such agency or institution. Nothing herein contained shall prevent the designation of part of such appropriations as a general stores account or under other appropriate designation to enable the department of citywide administrative services to maintain a stock in anticipation of requirements or to provide services, utilities or facilities for joint use by more than one agency or institution.
Editor's note: For related unconsolidated provisions, see Administrative Code Appendix A at L.L. 1995/077 and L.L. 1996/059.
Section 106. Expense budget administration.
   a.   Except as otherwise provided by law, no unit of appropriation shall be available for expenditure by any city agency until schedules fixing positions and salaries and setting forth other expenses within the units of appropriation are established pursuant to the adopted budget, the administration of which is subject to the provisions of this chapter, the civil service law, and other applicable law.
   b.   The mayor shall establish and may modify for each agency (1) quarterly spending allotments for each unit of appropriation and (2) aggregate position and salary limits for each unit of appropriation, which shall be made available for public review upon adequate notice. No agency shall expend any sum in excess of such quarterly spending allotments, or exceed aggregate position and salary limits. The mayor may set aside specified sums as necessary reserves which shall not be included in the quarterly spending allotments until released by the mayor. Each agency shall administer all monies appropriated or available for programs and purposes of the agency in accordance with quarterly allotment plans proposed by the agency and approved or modified by the mayor. Each such plan shall set forth by units of appropriation for the quarter of the fiscal year during which it is to remain in effect: (1) rates of expenditures for personal services and other than personal services; (2) ceilings on the total number of uniformed, civilian and pedagogical employees; and (3) the total amount of funds to be spent or committed by the agency during such quarter.
   c.   The mayor shall keep informed, during the course of each fiscal year, of the progress of expenditures and the receipt of revenues, and it shall be the duty of all agencies, when requested by the mayor, to supply all information needed for this purpose.
   d.   The mayor may assume direct responsibility for the administration of the schedule required to be filed by the agency head pursuant to subsection a of this section when in the mayor's judgment the fiscal condition of the city so requires or when an agency (1) is expending funds in excess of the quarterly spending allotments or (2) is otherwise not complying with spending allotments or aggregate position and salary limits or (3) is not maintaining adequate accounts pursuant to requirements of this charter.
   e.   Whenever the mayor determines, pursuant to the provisions of this charter or other relevant statutes, that the full amount of any appropriation should not be available for expenditure during the fiscal year, the mayor shall notify the council of such determination and the implications and consequences of those impoundments for service levels and programmatic goals affected. The mayor shall respond in writing to a request by the council for an explanation of why an appropriation should not be expended.
   f.   1.   Within thirty days of the adoption of the executive expense budget, the head of each agency responsible for one or more of the services listed in paragraph four of this subdivision shall submit to each borough president, a plan for the allocation within the borough of the personnel and resources appropriated for each such service in the borough.
      2.   Within thirty days of receiving such a plan, the borough president may propose a reallocation of the personnel and resources within the borough. Such proposed reallocations shall be implemented by the agency, unless the head of the agency objects, in writing, to the borough president. If such an objection is submitted, the borough president may submit a revised reallocation proposal to the agency head which shall be implemented by the agency head provided that no such modification may increase or decrease the personnel or resources allocated to any community district for such service by more than five percent.
      3.   If, during the course of the fiscal year, however, a material reallocation of personnel or resources within a borough is anticipated by an agency head to be necessary for any of the services listed in subdivision four, the agency head shall consult with the borough president prior to the implementation of any such reallocation.
      4.   The services covered by this subdivision shall include the following services and any additional services identified for this purpose by the mayor: local parks services, street cleaning and refuse collection, housing code enforcement, highway and street maintenance and repair sewer maintenance and repair, and the maintenance of public buildings by the department of citywide administrative services.
Editor's note: For related unconsolidated provisions, see Administrative Code Appendix A at L.L. 1996/059.
Section 107. Budget modification.
   a.   Subject to the quarterly spending allotments and aggregate position and salary limits established pursuant to section one hundred six, and to other applicable provisions of this charter, of the civil service law and of other law, changes in schedules, within units of appropriation, may be made by the head of each agency. Any such changes shall be reported to the mayor and the comptroller before the effective date thereof, and shall be made available for public inspection under reasonable terms and conditions.
   b.   The mayor during any fiscal year may transfer part or all of any unit of appropriation to another unit of appropriation, except that when any such transfer (1) shall be from one agency to another or (2) shall result in any unit of appropriation having been increased or decreased by more than five percent or fifty thousand dollars, whichever is greater, from the budget as adopted for such unit of appropriation, the mayor shall notify the council of the proposed action. Within thirty days after the first stated meeting of the council following the receipt of such notice, the council may disapprove the proposed action; provided, however, that the mayor may recommend such a transfer if it is related to an appropriation included in the budget pursuant to section one hundred two only with the concurrence of the relevant borough president; and a borough president may make such a recommendation with regard to such an appropriation if it is concurred in by the mayor and does not include a reduction in an appropriation other than one included in the budget pursuant to section one hundred two on the recommendation of such borough president. Written notice of any transfer pursuant to this subdivision shall be given to the comptroller and shall be published in the City Record as soon as possible after such transfer.
   c.   The provisions of this section shall not be deemed to authorize any transfer from appropriations required by law.
   d.   The council may during any fiscal year transfer part or all of any unit of appropriation within the council appropriation to any other council unit of appropriation for any of its programs or projects or for any other purpose, solely by adoption of a council resolution. Each such transfer shall be published in the City Record and written notice thereof shall be given to the mayor and to the comptroller not less than ten days before the effective date thereof.
   e.   The procedures and required approvals pursuant to sections two hundred fifty-four, two hundred fifty-five, and two hundred fifty-six, without regard to the dates specified therein, shall be followed in the case of: (1) any proposed amendment to the budget respecting the creation of new units of appropriation, or (2) the appropriation of new revenues from any source except for revenues from federal, state or private sources in regard to the use of which the city has no discretion; provided, however, that the mayor shall give notice to the council of the receipt and proposed utilization of any such revenues, or (3) the proposed use by the city of previously unappropriated funds received from any source. Any request by the mayor respecting an amendment to the budget that involves an increase in the budget shall be accompanied by a statement of the source of current revenues or other identifiable and currently available funds required for the payment of such additional amounts.
Section 108. [Detailed quarterly accountings.]
The council shall be required to publish quarterly accountings of its actual and planned expenditures, in sufficient detail to indicate the positions and their purposes which have been funded, as well as the activities and categories of materials and supplies purchased.
Section 109. General fund.
All revenues of the city, of every administration, department, board, office and commission thereof, and of every borough, county and other division of government within the city, from whatsoever source except taxes on real estate, not required by law to be paid into any other fund or account shall be paid into a fund to be termed the "general fund."
Section 110. Expenditure reports.
Any public or private agency, authority, corporation, board or commission which receives city funds and is not otherwise subject to the requirements of section one hundred six of this chapter shall submit quarterly reports of the expenditure of such funds to the mayor in such form and detail as the mayor may prescribe.