No money shall be paid out of the treasury except on a warrant authorized by law, signed by the comptroller and countersigned by the commissioner of finance which shall refer to the law under and to the appropriation against which it is drawn. No warrant shall be paid on account of any appropriation after the amount authorized to be raised for the purpose specified in the appropriation shall have been expended. In counter-signing warrants drawn by the comptroller, the commissioner shall be under no duty of inquiring as to the legality or propriety thereof but may rely on the comptroller's signature thereto.
1. The commissioner shall deposit all moneys which shall come into the commissioner's hands on account of the city on the day of receipt thereof, or on the business day next succeeding, in such banks and trust companies as shall have been designated as deposit banks, but no amount shall be on deposit at any one time in any one bank or trust company exceeding one-half of the amount of the capital and net surplus of such bank or trust company. The moneys so deposited shall be placed to the account of the commissioner who shall keep a record in which shall be entered the commissioner's accounts of deposits in, and moneys drawn from, the banks and trust companies in which the deposits shall be made. Each such bank and trust company shall transmit to the comptroller a weekly statement of the moneys which shall be received and paid by it on account of the commissioner.
2. The commissioner shall draw moneys of the city from said banks or trust companies only by checks subjoined and attached to warrants and subscribed by the commissioner or by payment orders duly authorized by the comptroller and the commissioner, and no moneys shall be paid by any such banks or trust companies on account of the commissioner except upon such checks or orders; but this provision shall not apply to transfers of such funds from one city depository to another.
3. The commissioner of finance, in consultation with agency heads, shall by rule establish criteria by which to evaluate whether banks are using the means at their disposal to comply with the embargo on trade and financial transactions with Burma and any other sanctions imposed by the United States government with regard to Burma, including but not limited to:
a. withdrawal of operations from Burma;
b. the denial of loans, letters of credit and other correspondent banking services to Burmese entities;
c. restrictions on the rescheduling of loans owed by Burmese entities, and on conversion of outstanding loans to instruments having longer maturity dates; and
d. divestiture of outstanding debt owed by Burmese entities.
The commissioner shall, after offering banks designated pursuant to section fifteen hundred twenty-four and the public an opportunity to be heard, classify such banks according to such criteria and publish notice of such classification in the City Record. The commissioner may at any time, upon the request of a bank or at his or her own initiative and after offering the public and the bank an opportunity to be heard, change the classification of a bank and publish notice of such change. The failure of a bank to provide information requested by the commissioner for the purposes of this subdivision shall be grounds for the commissioner to lower the classification of the bank. When choosing among banks offering comparable services at a comparable cost, city agencies shall, in a manner consistent with guidelines established by the commissioner of finance, seek to deposit or invest funds at, and obtain services from, the available banks that have received the highest classification.
Editor's note: For related unconsolidated provisions, see Administrative Code Appendix A at L.L. 1990/049, L.L. 1993/075 and L.L. 1997/033.
1. The banking commission which consists of the mayor, the commissioner and the comptroller shall, by majority vote, by written notice to the commissioner, designate the banks or trust companies in which all moneys of the city shall be deposited, and may by like notice in writing from time to time change the banks and trust companies thus designated. The banking commission shall notify the council within thirty days of receiving an application for designation or redesignation, and shall also notify the council within thirty days of approving or denying such application and, if designation or redesignation was denied, the basis for denial.
2. a. No bank or trust company shall be designated pursuant to this section unless:
(1) it shall agree to pay into the city treasury interest or to provide the city with equivalent value on the daily balances at a rate which the banking commission shall negotiate according to the current rate of interest upon like balances deposited in banks and trust companies in the city by private persons or corporations; and
(2) it shall file with the banking commission and city clerk a certificate signed by the president or other duly authorized officer of such bank setting forth that its board of directors has established and will adhere to a policy of hiring and promotion of employees and officers without regard to sex, race, color, religion, religious affiliation, national origin, disability, age, marital status, or sexual orientation, which certificate shall further set forth affirmatively the steps taken by the bank or trust company to implement said policy.
(3) it does not provide the following services, either directly or through a subsidiary or agent, to the Government of Burma; (a) advertising or otherwise promoting the sale, outside of Burma, coins minted in Burma. (b) underwriting securities of the Government of Burma, or (c) making loans to the Government of Burma.
(4) it has certified that neither it nor any of its affiliates is or will become a predatory lender or an affiliate thereof, as such terms are defined in section 6-128 of the administrative code of the city of New York.
b. If the banking commission by a majority vote shall decide that a requirement or condition contained in paragraph a of this subdivision has been violated after giving the bank or trust company an opportunity to be heard, then upon thirty days' notice to the bank or trust company such designation may be revoked. The banking commission shall post notice of such revocation and the reason for such revocation on the department's website.
3. The commissioner may, with the approval of the comptroller, make time deposits of city moneys, for a period not to exceed six months, in any bank or trust company designated for deposit of city funds. Each such bank or trust company shall before deposits are made, other than such as are of a temporary character and specifically relate to the current business of the city, execute and file with the commissioner a bond to the city in such form and in such amount as may be prescribed and approved by the commissioner and the comptroller for the safekeeping and prompt payment of city moneys on demand with interest at the rate agreed upon and, as security for such funds, shall deposit with the comptroller outstanding unmatured obligations of the United States of America, or any obligation fully guaranteed or insured as to interest and principal by the United States of America acting through an agency, subdivision, department or division thereof, obligations of the state of New York or obligations of the city of New York, the value of which at the existing prices on the open market shall be equal to the estimated amount of the proposed deposit, for which the comptroller shall deliver a certificate of deposit containing the condition of such bond.
4. On the withdrawal of all or a part of the funds deposited in any depository and a closing or depleting of the account thereof, or in the event of the deposit actually made being less than the estimated amount of such deposit, the commissioner and the comptroller shall certify to such settlement or depletion of difference and direct the surrender of the whole or a proportionate share of the securities so deposited to the owner or owners thereof.
Editor's note: For related unconsolidated provisions, see Administrative Code Appendix A at L.L. 1985/019, L.L. 1990/049, L.L. 1993/075, L.L. 1997/033 and L.L. 2002/036.
1. There is hereby established within the department an advisory board known as the community investment advisory board, which shall perform the following functions:
a. Conduct a needs assessment every two years, the first of which shall be published on the department's website on or before March 1, 2014. In conducting such needs assessment the board shall (1) assess the credit, financial and banking services needs throughout the City with a particular emphasis on low and moderate income individuals and communities, by means including but not limited to (i) convening at least one public hearing in each borough of the city; (ii) accepting, reviewing and considering public comments which describe the nature and extent of such needs; and (iii) considering the data and information collected by the board pursuant to subdivision 3 of this section; and (2) establish benchmarks, best practices, and recommendations for meeting the needs identified in such needs assessment, by, among other things, considering the data and information collected by the board pursuant to subdivision 3 of this section; and
b. Issue an annual report in plain language, the first of which shall be published on the department's website and transmitted to the banking commission on or before March 1, 2015 and each March first thereafter, which may be considered by the banking commission in reviewing a bank's application for designation or redesignation as a deposit bank, covering the preceding fiscal year, which (i) addresses how each bank that is designated as a deposit bank pursuant to section 1524 of the charter is meeting the needs identified pursuant to paragraph a of this subdivision and subdivision 3 of this section, including an evaluation of how each bank performed relative to the benchmarks and best practices applicable to such bank as established by the board pursuant to the needs assessment required pursuant to paragraph a of this subdivision, (ii) identifies areas of improvement from past evaluations, where applicable, and areas where improvement is necessary, taking into account the information collected by the board pursuant to subdivision 3 of this section, (iii) specifically identifies any deposit bank's failure to provide information requested in writing by the board pursuant to subdivision 3 of this section that is applicable to such deposit bank, (iv) summarizes written comments submitted to the board pursuant to subdivision 4 of this section and the role played by such comments; and (v) summarizes, in tabular format, the data collected by the board pursuant to paragraphs a through g of subdivision 3 of this section, and to the extent not deemed confidential or proprietary by the bank, paragraph h, at the community district, borough, and citywide levels of aggregation. For purposes of this section, "fiscal year" shall mean the period from July first to June thirtieth.
2. The board shall consist of eight members who shall be: the mayor or his or her designee, the comptroller or his or her designee, the speaker of the council or his or her designee, the commissioner of the department of housing preservation and development, the commissioner of the department of finance, a member of a community-based organization whose principal purpose is community and/or economic development, or consumer protection who shall be designated by the speaker, a representative of an organization or association that represents small business owners who shall be designated by the speaker and a representative of the city banking industry who shall be designated by the mayor. The mayor, comptroller, speaker and commissioners shall serve for the duration of their tenure. The three nongovernmental members shall serve four years from the date of their appointment, or through the issuance of two needs assessments pursuant to paragraph a of subdivision 1 of this section, whichever is longer, and be eligible for reappointment; provided, however, that each member shall serve until his or her qualified successor is appointed. Any vacancy occurring other than by expiration of term shall be filled in the same manner as the original position was filled for the unexpired portion of the term. Members shall serve without compensation. The members of the board shall be appointed within sixty days of the effective date of the local law that added this section.
3. In performing its functions as set forth in subdivision 1 of this section, the board shall seek to collect and consider information at the census tract level, relating to the credit, financial and banking services needs throughout the City and the extent to which such needs are being met, including but not limited to, information, to the extent applicable, regarding each deposit bank's efforts to:
a. address the key credit and financial services needs of small businesses;
b. develop and offer financial services and products that are most needed by low and moderate income individuals and communities throughout the city and provide physical branches;
c. provide funding, including construction and permanent loans and investments, for affordable housing and economic development projects in low and moderate income communities;
d. In the case of properties acquired by foreclosure and owned by the bank, reasonably address serious material and health and safety deficiencies in the maintenance and condition of the property;
e. conduct consumer outreach, settlement conferences, and similar actions relating to mortgage assistance and foreclosure prevention, and provide information, at the community district level to the board, relating to mortgage and foreclosure actions, including, but not limited to, total number of loans serviced and/or owned by the bank, total number of loans that are at least sixty days delinquent, total number of foreclosures commenced, total number of foreclosures prevented through loan modification, short sales, deeds in lieu of foreclosure or other mechanisms, total number of loan modifications applications, total number of loan modifications made and denied, and bank owned properties donated or sold at a discount;
f. partner in the community development efforts of the city;
g. positively impact on the city and its communities through activities including, but not limited to, philanthropic work and charitable giving; and
h. plan for and articulate how the bank will respond to the credit, financial and banking services needs of the city identified by the needs assessment pursuant to paragraph a of subdivision 1 of this section, as applicable to the bank's type and size.
In performing the needs assessment pursuant to paragraph a of subdivision 1 of this section, the board shall also consider, to the extent practicable, the information listed in paragraphs a through g of this subdivision relating to the efforts of the city's banking industry as a whole.
4. In preparation for each annual report pursuant to paragraph b of subdivision 1 of this section, the board shall publish all information collected pursuant to paragraphs a through g of subdivision 3 of this section, and to the extent not deemed confidential or proprietary by the bank, paragraph h, summarized at the community district, borough, and citywide levels of aggregation, for each deposit bank on the department's website no later than November first of the year preceding the issuance of the report. At least thirty days after such publication, but no later than December fifteenth, the board shall hold a public hearing at which the public may testify concerning the efforts and extent to which the deposit banks are meaningfully addressing the credit and financial needs throughout the city. The board shall also take written comments for at least thirty days preceding such public hearing.
5. On or before March 1, 2013 and on or before March 1, 2014, the board shall publish on the department's website, for each deposit bank, the information collected pursuant to paragraphs a through g of subdivision 3 of this section, and to the extent not deemed confidential or proprietary by the bank, paragraph h, summarized at the community district, borough, and citywide levels of aggregation. Each such publication of information shall specifically identify any deposit bank's failure to provide information requested in writing by the board pursuant to subdivision 3 of this section that is applicable to such deposit bank.