At any time prior to the election at which a local law is to be submitted to the electors for approval pursuant to this charter, the council, not later than fifteen days prior to the election, may reconsider its action thereon and repeal such local law without submission to the mayor, whereupon the proposition for its approval shall not be submitted at such election, or if submitted the vote of the electors thereon shall be without effect.
Amendments to this charter may be adopted by any of the following methods:
1. By local law adopted in accordance with the provisions of this charter.
2. By vote of the electors of the city upon the petition of electors of the city, an amendment may be adopted.
(a) in relation to the manner of voting for the elective officers of the city or any of them, or
(b) abolishing any elective office or offices or creating a new office or offices, including if so provided a transfer of powers to the newly created office or offices or a disposition of the powers of any office abolished, but no such amendment shall repeal or change any limitations contained in this charter on any power.
(c) such amendment may be adopted in the manner following:
(1) Not less than fifty thousand qualified electors of the city may file in the office of the city clerk a petition for the submission to the electors of the city at the next general election therein held not less than sixty days after filing of such petition of such a proposed amendment or amendments to the charter to be set forth in full in the petition. The petition may be made upon separate sheets and the signatures of each shall be authenticated in the manner provided by the Election Law for the authentication of designating petitions. The several sheets so signed and authenticated when fastened together and offered for filing shall be deemed to constitute one petition. A signature made earlier than one hundred twenty days before the filing of the petition shall not be counted. If within ten days after the filing of such petition a written objection thereto be filed with the office of the city clerk, the Supreme Court or any justice thereof of the first, second or eleventh judicial district shall determine any question arising thereunder and make such order as justice may require. Such proceedings shall be heard and determined in the manner prescribed by the election law in relation to judicial proceedings thereunder.
(2) If such proposed amendment or amendments receive the affirmative vote of the majority of the qualified electors of the city voting thereon, it or they shall take effect as prescribed therein.
3. In such other manner as may be provided by law.
A proposition for the submission of a local law or an amendment to this charter for the approval of the electors pursuant to this charter shall contain the title of such local law or a brief statement of the subject of such amendment. The city clerk with the advice of the corporation counsel shall prepare an abstract of such local law or amendment concisely stating the title or subject and the purpose and effect thereof in clear language, and forthwith shall transmit such proposition and such abstract to the election officers charged with the duty of publishing the notice of and furnishing the supplies for such election. A sufficient number of copies of such abstract shall be printed, in such manner that the abstract shall appear with the question to appear on the ballot in bold type and separately from the text of the proposition, and shall be delivered with the other election supplies and distributed to the electors at the time of the registration of voters and at the election. If there be more than one such proposition to be voted upon at such election, each such proposition shall be separately, consecutively and consistently numbered on the ballot and on the abstract. In case of a conflict between two local laws or two amendments adopted at the same election, the one receiving the largest affirmative vote shall control.
The first meeting of the council in each year shall be held on the first Wednesday after the first Monday of January at noon. All meetings of the council shall be held as provided by its rules; provided, however, that at least two stated meetings shall be held each month, except in its discretion in July and August. A majority of the council members shall constitute a quorum. At least thirty-six hours prior to a stated meeting of the council, or as soon as practicable prior to a special meeting, the council shall publish and make publicly available a proposed agenda for such meeting, including a list of all proposed local laws or resolutions to be considered at such meetings.
The mayor may at any time call special meetings of the council. He shall also call a special meeting when a requisition for that purpose signed by five council members has been presented to him. Not less than one day before a special meeting is held, notice of the time thereof and of the business proposed to be transacted, signed by the mayor, shall be published in the City Record, and at the same time the city clerk shall cause a copy of such notice to be left at or sent by post to the usual place of abode or of business of each council member; but want of service of a notice upon any council member shall not affect the validity of the meeting. No business shall be transacted at such special meetings other than that specified in the notice relating thereto.
The council shall elect from among its members a speaker and such other officers as it deems appropriate. The speaker shall preside over the meetings of the council. During any period when the public advocate is acting as mayor, or when a vacancy exists in the office of the public advocate, the speaker shall act as public advocate pending the filling of the vacancy pursuant to subdivision c of section twenty-four, and shall be a member of every board of which the public advocate is a member by virtue of his or her office.
The council may elect a sergeant-at-arms and such research, drafting, clerical and other assistants as are needful to its purposes, within the appropriation provided therefor. It may appoint committees and shall appoint a finance committee properly staffed to consider budgetary and related matters and a land use committee consisting of at least one council member from each borough; shall be the judge of the election returns and qualifications of its own members, subject, however, to review by any court of competent jurisdiction; shall keep a public journal of its proceedings; shall make a complete transcript of each of its meetings and committee hearings available for public inspection free of charge within sixty days after such meeting or hearing and provide a copy of any requested pages of such transcript at a reasonable fee to cover copying and, if relevant, mailing costs; shall sit with open doors; shall have authority to compel the attendance of absent members and to punish its members for disorderly behavior, and to expel any member, after charges and a hearing, with the concurrence of two-thirds of all the council members.
The council shall determine the rules of its own proceedings at the first stated meeting of the council in each year and shall file a copy with the city clerk. Such rules shall include, but not be limited to, rules that the chairs of all standing committees be elected by the council as a whole; that the first-named sponsor of a proposed local law or resolution be able to require a committee vote on such proposed local law or resolution; that a majority of the members of the council be able to discharge a proposed local law or resolution from committee; that committees shall provide reasonable advance notice of committee meetings to the public; that all committee votes be recorded and made available to the public; that for council members, earning outside income, as defined in such rules, is prohibited.
(Am. L.L. 2016/020, 2/19/2016, eff. 2/19/2016)
Editor's note: For related unconsolidated provisions, see Administrative Code Appendix A at L.L. 2016/020.
Within appropriations for such purpose, the council shall establish a structure within the City Council and retain professional staff to review and analyze proposed budgets and departmental estimates, requests for new taxes or changes in taxes, budget modifications, capital borrowings and mayoral management reports. Such staff shall assist the committees of the council and Council Members in their analysis of proposed legislation and in review of the performance and management of city agencies.