a. The corporation counsel shall publish a Compilation of city rules and thereafter keep such Compilation up to date through supplements issued at least every six months and at such other times as the corporation counsel shall determine. The Compilation and its supplements shall be certified by the corporation counsel and shall include every rule currently in effect. The Compilation and its supplements may contain such other information as the corporation counsel deems necessary and appropriate for full understanding of any rule or which the corporation counsel in his or her discretion determines may be of interest or assistance to the public. The Compilation and its supplements shall be organized by agency and indexed by subject matter. An indexed edition of the Compilation shall be published by the first day of July, nineteen hundred and ninety-one, which date shall be deemed the publication date of the Compilation, and shall be updated and republished by the first day of March of every fourth year thereafter.
b. The rules contained within the Compilation and its supplements shall be certified by the corporation counsel and shall be the rules of the city unless added to, amended or repealed in accordance with section ten hundred forty-three of the charter. Materials included in the Compilation may be edited, rearranged and updated for clarity, accuracy and reorganization without change in substance. Section numbers, stylistic and organizational formats and other non-substantive revisions to the rules effected by the law department pursuant to this subdivision shall become effective on the publication date of the Compilation and upon the publication of each supplement.
c. Documents submitted by an agency pursuant to subdivision a of section ten hundred forty-four of the charter which were not formally adopted by the agency as rules pursuant to section eleven hundred five of the charter as in effect prior to November eighth, nineteen hundred eighty-eight shall either be included in the Compilation or filed in the municipal reference and research center in the manner provided below. All documents which the corporation counsel, in his or her discretion, determines should not be included in the Compilation shall be organized by agency and subject matter in a form which shall be easily accessible to the public and filed by the corporation counsel in the municipal reference and research center on or prior to July first nineteen hundred ninety-one. Notice of such filing and a list of the documents filed shall be published in the City Record. Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of section ten hundred forty-four of the charter, any of such documents so filed shall, if otherwise valid, continue to be effective provided, however, that the amendment or repeal of any document which is within the definition of rule set forth in subdivision five of section ten hundred forty-one of the charter shall be in accordance with section ten hundred forty-three of the charter.
Editor's note: For related unconsolidated provisions, see Administrative Code Appendix A at L.L. 1989/042 and L.L. 1991/018.
Where any agency is authorized to conduct an adjudication, it shall act, at a minimum, in accordance with the provisions set forth below. The parking violations bureau shall not be subject to the requirements of this section.
a. Notice. All parties shall be given reasonable notice of such hearing, which shall include:
1. a statement of the nature of the proceeding and the time and place it will be held, if applicable;
2. a statement of the legal authority and jurisdiction under which the hearing is to be held, and a reference to the particular sections of the law and rules involved; and
3. a short and plain statement of the matters to be adjudicated, including reference to the particular sections of law and rule involved.
b. Notice of agency procedures. Agencies shall adopt rules governing agency procedures for adjudications and appeals. Agencies shall make a copy of any such rule available, upon request, to any party who has received notice of violation of the laws, rules or orders enforced by the agency.
c. Hearing.
1. All parties shall be afforded an opportunity for a hearing within a reasonable time. At the hearing the parties shall be afforded due process of law, including the opportunity to be represented by counsel, to issue subpoenas or request that a subpoena be issued, to call witnesses, to cross-examine opposing witnesses and to present oral and written arguments on the law and facts. Adherence to formal rules of evidence is not required. No ex parte communications relating to other than ministerial matters regarding a proceeding shall be received by a hearing officer, including internal agency directives not published as rules.
2. Findings of fact shall be based exclusively on the record of the proceeding as a whole. Except as otherwise provided for by state or local law, the party commencing the adjudication shall have the burden of proof.
3. The hearing shall be transcribed or recorded and a copy of the transcript or record, or any part thereof, shall be made available to any party to the hearing upon request therefor. A typed or recorded copy of such transcript shall be provided upon request for a reasonable cost.
d. Informal disposition. Unless precluded by law, informal disposition may be made of any matter which is the subject of an adjudication by methods of alternative dispute resolution, stipulation, agreed settlement, or consent order.
e. Hearing officer. Except as otherwise provided for by this charter the person presiding at a hearing shall be assigned solely to adjudicative and related duties. Except as otherwise provided for by the rules of the agency or by order of the mayor issued in accordance with subdivisions two and three of section one thousand forty-eight, such hearing officer shall make final findings of fact and shall not make any final decision, determination, or order, but shall only recommend such, and shall forward such recommendation and the record of the adjudication to the agency, who may adopt, reject or modify any such recommended decision, determination or order.
f. Recommendation or decision. Any recommended decision, final decision, determination or order shall be in writing, or stated in the record if the parties are present, and shall include findings of fact and conclusions of law. A copy of any written recommended decision, final decision, determination, or order shall be delivered or mailed forthwith to each party.
On the written petition of any person, an agency may issue a written declaratory ruling on the applicability of any rule adopted by it, to any person, property, or state of facts. A declaratory ruling shall be binding only with respect to the person who makes the petition and only with respect to the stated facts contained in the petition.