It is hereby declared and found that the business of transporting passengers for hire by motor vehicle in the city of New York is affected with a public interest, is a vital and integral part of the transportation system of the city, and must therefore be supervised, regulated and controlled by the city.
For the purpose of this chapter:
a. "Coach" means a motor vehicle carrying passengers for hire in the city, designed to comfortably seat not more than seven passengers, operating from coach hack stands designated by the commission, and duly licensed as a coach by the commission.
b. "Commission" means the New York city taxi and limousine commission.
c. "Driver" means a person licensed hereunder to drive a licensed vehicle in the city.
d. "Driver's license" means a license for a driver issued by the commission.
e. "Vehicle license" means taxicab license, coach license, wheelchair accessible van license or for-hire vehicle license issued by the commission.
f. "Licensed vehicle" means a taxicab, coach, wheelchair accessible van or for-hire vehicle licensed by the commission.
g. "For-hire vehicle" means a motor vehicle carrying passengers for hire in the city, with a seating capacity of twenty passengers or less, not including the driver, other than a taxicab, coach, wheelchair accessible van, commuter van or an authorized bus operating pursuant to applicable provisions of law. For the purpose of this subdivision, "seating capacity" shall include any plain view location which is capable of accommodating a normal adult is as part of an overall seat configuration and design and is likely to be used as a seating position while the vehicle is in motion. For purposes of the provisions of this chapter relating to prohibitions against the operation of an unauthorized for-hire vehicle, the enforcement of such prohibitions and the imposition of penalties for violations of such prohibitions and to the seizure and forfeiture of for-hire vehicles, the term shall also include any common carrier of passengers by motor vehicle not subject to licensure as a taxicab, commuter van, or wheelchair accessible van and not operating as a public or private bus transit service operated pursuant to a contract with the city, any county within the state of New York, the state of New York or any other state or local government that follows the applicable procurement rules and regulations of such jurisdiction regardless of the seating capacity of any such vehicle.
h. "Medallion" means the metal plate issued by the commission for displaying the license number of a licensed taxicab on the outside of the vehicle.
i. Except as is otherwise provided in subdivision f of section 19-506 "owner" means any person, firm, partnership, corporation or association owning and operating a licensed vehicle or vehicles and shall include a purchaser under a reserve title contract, conditional sales agreement or vendors lien agreement, and a lessee of any such vehicle or vehicles under a written lease or similar contract approved by the commission. Provided, however, that with respect to a commuter van, "owner" means a person, other than a lien holder, having the property in or title to a vehicle. The term includes a person entitled to the use and possession of a vehicle subject to a security interest in another person and also includes any lessee or bailee of a vehicle having the exclusive use thereof, under a lease or otherwise, for a period greater than thirty days. If a vehicle is sold under a contract of sale which reserves a security interest in the vehicle in favor of the vendor, such vendor or his assignee shall not, after delivery of such vehicle, be deemed to be an owner within the provisions of this subdivision, but the vendee, or his or her assignee, receiving possession thereof, shall be deemed an owner notwithstanding the terms of such contract, until the vendor or his or her assignee shall retake possession of such vehicle. A secured party in whose favor there is a security interest in any vehicle out of his or her possession shall not be deemed to, be an owner within the provisions of this subdivision.
j. "Rate card" means a card, issued by the commission for each vehicle, which displays the vehicle license number, rates of fare, and such other data as the commission may prescribe.
k. "Taximeter" means an instrument or device approved by the commission by which the charge to a passenger for hire of a licensed vehicle is automatically calculated and on which such charge is plainly indicated.
1. "Taxi", "taxicab" or "cab" means motor vehicle carrying passengers for hire in the city, designed to carry a maximum of five passengers, duly licensed as a taxi cab by the commission and permitted to accept hails from passengers in the street.
m. "Wheelchair accessible van" means any motor vehicle equipped with a hydraulic lift or ramps designed for the purpose of transporting persons in wheelchairs or containing any other physical device or alteration designed to permit access to and enable the transportation of physically handicapped persons.
n. "Handicapped transportation service" means one or more motor vehicles for hire or operated by a non-profit organization for carrying passengers for hire in the city by means of a wheelchair accessible van or vans and not permitted to accept hails from prospective passengers in the street.
o. "Central business district of the borough of Manhattan" means that area of the borough of Manhattan lying south of, and including, ninety-sixth street.
p. "Commuter van" means a commuter van service having a seating capacity of at least nine passengers but not more than twenty passengers or such greater capacity as the commission may establish by rule and carrying passengers for hire in the city duly licensed as a commuter van by the commission and not permitted to accept hails from prospective passengers in the street. For purposes of the provisions of this chapter relating to prohibitions against the operation of an unauthorized commuter van service or an unlicensed commuter van, the enforcement of such prohibitions and the imposition of penalties for violations of such prohibitions and to the seizure and forfeiture of commuter vans, the term shall also include any common carrier of passengers by motor vehicle not subject to licensure as a taxicab, for-hire vehicle, or wheelchair accessible van and not operating as a public or private bus transit service operated pursuant to a contract with the city, any county within the state of New York, the state of New York or any other state or local government that follows the applicable procurement rules and regulations of such jurisdiction regardless of the seating capacity of any such vehicle. The commission shall submit to the council the text of any proposed rule relating to the maximum capacity of commuter vans at the time such proposed rule is published in the City Record.
q. "Commuter van service" means a subclassification of common carriers by passengers of motor vehicles as such term is defined in subdivision seven of section two of the transportation law, that provides a transportation service through the use of one or more commuter vans on a prearranged regular daily basis, over non-specified or irregular routes, between a zone in a residential neighborhood and a location which shall be a work related central location, a mass transit or mass transportation facility, a shopping center, recreational facility or airport. A "commuter van service" shall not include any person who exclusively provides: (1) any one or more of the forms of transportation that are specifically exempted from article seven of the transportation law; or (2) any one or more of the forms of transportation regulated under this chapter other than transportation by commuter vans.
r. "Security interest" means an interest in a vehicle reserved or created by an agreement and which secures pavement or performance of an obligation. The term includes the interest of a lessor under a lease intended as security. A security interest is perfected when it is valid against third parties generally, subject only to specific statutory exceptions.
s.* "Agent" means an individual, partnership or corporation that acts, by employment, contract or otherwise, on behalf of one or more owners to operate or provide for the operation of a taxicab in accordance with the requirements of this chapter and any rule promulgated by the commission. The term "agent" shall not include an attorney or representative who appears on behalf of one or more owners before the commission or an administrative tribunal, and taxicab drivers licensed pursuant to this chapter when acting in that capacity.
* Editor's note: there are two divisions designated as s. in this section.
s.* "Affiliated vehicle" means a for-hire vehicle other than a black car or a luxury limousine which a base station is authorized by the commission to dispatch.
* Editor's note: there are two divisions designated as s. in this section.
t. "Base station" means a central facility which manages, organizes or dispatches affiliated vehicles licensed under this chapter, not including luxury limousines or black cars.
u. "Black car" means a for-hire vehicle dispatched from a central facility whose owner holds a franchise from the corporation or other business entity which operates such central facility, or who is a member of a cooperative that operates such central facility, where such central facility has certified to the satisfaction of the commission that more than ninety percent of the central facility's for-hire business is on a payment basis other than direct cash payment by a passenger.
v. "Luxury limousine" means a for-hire vehicle which is dispatched from a central facility which has certified to the satisfaction of the commission that more than ninety percent of its for-hire business is on a payment basis other than direct cash payment by a passenger, for which there is maintained personal injury insurance coverage of no less than five hundred thousand dollars per accident where one person is injured and one million dollars per accident for all persons injured in that same accident, whose passengers are charged on the basis of garage to garage service and on a flat rate basis or per unit of time or mileage.
w. "Wheelchair accessible vehicle" shall mean a for-hire vehicle which is designed for the purpose of transporting persons in wheelchairs or containing any physical device or alteration designed to permit access to and enable the transportation of persons in wheelchairs.
x. "HAIL vehicle" means a for-hire vehicle or wheelchair accessible van whose owner holds a license issued by the commission authorizing such vehicle to accept hails from passengers on the street in specified geographical areas of the city.
y. "Facilitate sex trafficking with a vehicle" shall mean (1) committing any of the following crimes set forth in the penal law, as evidenced by conviction of such crime: promoting prostitution in the third degree; promoting prostitution in the second degree; promoting prostitution in the first degree; sex trafficking; or compelling prostitution and (2) using a vehicle licensed by the commission to commit such crime.
z. "Dispatch service provider" means an entity licensed by the commission to dispatch, reserve, or refer trips to drivers on behalf of a base station, black car base, or luxury limousine base through a publicly-available, passenger-facing booking tool.
aa. "Breach of the security of the system" has the same meaning as in paragraph c of subdivision 1 of section 899-aa of the general business law.
bb. "Personal information" has the same meaning as in paragraph a of subdivision 1 of section 899-aa of the general business law and includes such information pertaining to passengers and drivers.
cc. "Passenger geolocation information" means information concerning the location of a wireless communication device that, in whole or in part, is generated by or derived from the operation of such device and that could be used to determine or infer information regarding the present, prospective, or historical location of an individual.
dd. Repealed.
ee. Repealed.
ff. Base. The term "base" has the same meaning as "for-hire base (or "base")" in subdivision (f) of section 59B-03 of title 35 of the rules of the city of New York.
gg. High-volume for-hire service. The term "high-volume for-hire service" means an individual, partnership, limited liability company, business corporation, sole proprietorship or any combination of one or more individuals, partnerships, limited liability companies, business corporations or sole proprietorships operating under, or in affiliation with, one brand or trade name or a common brand, trade, business or operating name, that offers, facilitates or otherwise connects passengers to for-hire vehicles by prearrangement, including through one or more licensed black car bases, luxury limousine bases or livery base stations, as these terms are defined in section 51-03 of title 35 of the rules of the city of New York, utilizing software that allows a passenger or prospective passenger to arrange for transportation using a passenger-facing booking tool, including a smartphone or other electronic device, and that dispatches, or facilitates the dispatching of, 10,000 or more trips in the city in one day. Any and all bases using a common brand, trade, business or operating name will be considered together for purposes of determining whether they satisfy the definition of high-volume for-hire service.
hh. The term "vehicle utilization standard" means the standard for the efficient use of for-hire vehicles as determined by the commission based on the time spent, distance traveled or both by drivers of for-hire vehicles transporting passengers on trips dispatched by a base or, as applicable, a high-volume for-hire service; the time spent, distance traveled or both by drivers who have made themselves available to accept dispatches from such base or from such high-volume for-hire service; and the number of passengers transported by such drivers.
(Am. L.L. 2016/043, 4/21/2016, eff. 8/19/2016; Am. L.L. 2016/049, 4/21/2016, eff. 8/19/2016; Am. 2017 N.Y. Laws Ch. 503, 12/29/2017, eff. 3/29/2018; Am. L.L. 2018/147, 8/14/2018, eff. 8/14/2018; Am. L.L. 2018/149, 8/14/2018, eff. 8/14/2018; Am. 2018 N.Y. Laws Ch. 339, 11/5/2018, eff. 3/29/2018; Am. L.L. 2018/197, 12/1/2018, eff. 12/1/2018; Am. L.L. 2019/037, 2/9/2019, eff. 2/9/2019)
Editor's note: For related unconsolidated provisions, see Appendix A at L.L. 1986/076, L.L. 1989/090, L.L. 1993/115, L.L. 2012/036 and L.L. 2018/147.
a. The commission shall promulgate such rules and regulations as are necessary to exercise the authority conferred upon it by the charter and to implement the provisions of this chapter.
b. No rule or regulation promulgated subsequent to the effective date of this local law may be inconsistent with or supersede any provision of this local law and any rule or regulation in effect on the effective date of this local law that is inconsistent with any provision of this local law shall be of no further force and effect.
Editor's note: For related unconsolidated provisions, see Appendix A at L.L. 1999/020.
a. The commission shall have the authority to promulgate rules and regulations which classify for-hire vehicles according to the nature of the service or services provided and the type of vehicle used and adopt regulations appropriate for each such classification setting forth standards for operation, including but not limited to standards of service, insurance and safety, and promulgate rules imposing reasonable fines, suspension or revocation upon the holder of a license issued pursuant to section 19-511 where such holder has violated any of the provisions of this chapter or a rule of the commission.
b. For the purposes of this chapter, a for-hire vehicle shall not include a motor vehicle carrying fewer than nine passengers which is operated solely for the purpose of carrying passengers from a specific location to a funeral parlour or cemetery and the return of said passengers to a specific location.
Editor's note: For related unconsolidated provisions, see Appendix A at L.L. 1986/076 and L.L. 1989/086.
a. (1) A taxi-cab, coach, wheelchair accessible van, commuter van or for-hire vehicle shall operate within the city of New York only if the owner shall first have obtained from the commission a taxicab, coach, wheelchair accessible van, commuter van or for-hire vehicle license for such vehicle and only while such license is in full force and effect. Vehicle licenses shall be issued for a term of not less than one nor more than two years and shall expire on the date set forth on the license unless sooner suspended or revoked by the commission. No motor vehicle other than a duly licensed taxicab shall be permitted to accept hails from passengers in the street. No commuter van shall be operated within the city of New York unless it is operated as part of a current, valid authorization to operate a commuter van service duly issued by the commission pursuant to section 19-504.2 of this chapter.
(2) No commuter van license shall be issued unless the following conditions are satisfied:
(i) such commuter van is to be operated as part of a current, valid authorization to operate a commuter van service issued pursuant to section 19-504.2 of this chapter;
(ii) the commission determines that the applicant is fit, willing and able to operate a commuter van;
(iii) the applicant is in compliance with the provisions of section 19-504.3 of this chapter, and the applicant has not engaged in any conduct that would be a basis for suspension or revocation of such license pursuant to rules promulgated by the commission; and
(iv) the applicant has satisfied such other criteria as the commission deems to be in the interest of the safety and convenience of the public and necessary to effectuate the purposes of this chapter.
b. The license fee for each taxi-cab and coach shall be five hundred fifty dollars annually. The license fee for each wheelchair accessible van and each for-hire vehicle shall be two hundred seventy-five dollars annually. If a license is granted for a period other than one year, the fee shall be prorated accordingly. There shall be an additional fee of twenty-five dollars for late filing of a wheelchair accessible van or for-hire vehicle license renewal application where such filing is permitted by the commission. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the license fee authorized by this subdivision shall be waived for any for-hire vehicle license that shall be used with a wheelchair accessible vehicle, as defined in subdivision w of section 19-502, or a taxi-cab license used with an accessible vehicle, as defined in section 53-03 of title 35 of the rules of the city of New York, as of the date such license fee is due and payable.
c. In the event of the loss, mutilation or destruction of any medallion or vehicle license issued hereunder, the owner may file such statement and proof of the facts as the commission may require, with a fee of twenty-five dollars, at the office of the commission and the commission shall issue a duplicate or substitute medallion or license.
d. Applications for vehicle licenses shall be filed with the commission upon forms which shall be provided by the commission. The date and time of the receipt of each application shall be noted by the commission.
d-1. An application for a taxicab license and for the renewal thereof shall be filed with the commission and shall be in such form as the commission shall prescribe. Each application and renewal application for such license shall be submitted on behalf of a sole proprietorship by the proprietor; on behalf of a partnership by a general partner thereof; on behalf of a corporation by an officer or director thereof; or by any other type of business entity by the chief executive officer thereof, irrespective of organizational title. The application shall contain a sworn and notarized statement by such individual that the statements therein are true under the penalties of perjury.
1. In addition to any other information required by the commission, each applicant and renewal applicant shall provide:
(a) Fingerprints unless the applicant has previously submitted fingerprints to the commission;
(b) Proof of payment of all penalties, fines, fees, taxes and surcharges, including any tax or surcharge required to be paid pursuant to section 1281 of the tax law or article 29-C of the tax law, and proof of compliance with subdivision q of this section; and
(c) The applicant's current mailing address, business address where applicable, and an email address for the applicant and for each officer if the applicant is a partnership or corporation; and
(d) The applicant's social security number.
2. In addition to other information required by this section, each applicant that is a business entity shall also provide proof of active status with the department of state and the following information:
(a) An applicant that is a sole proprietorship shall provide a copy of the certificate required to be filed with the clerk of the county in which such sole proprietor conducts or transacts business pursuant to section 130 of the general business law.
(b) An applicant that is a partnership shall provide a copy of the certificate required to be filed with the clerk of the county in which such partnership conducts or transacts business pursuant to section 130 of the general business.
(c) An applicant that is a corporation shall provide a certified copy of its certificate of incorporation, a list of all officers and shareholders and a certified copy of the minutes of the meeting at which the current officers were elected.
(d) An applicant that is a limited liability company shall provide a copy of its articles of organization and a list containing the name of each member and the percentage of such company owned by each member.
3. Before issuing a taxicab license or the renewal thereof, the commission shall investigate and make an assessment of the good character, honesty, and integrity of each applicant. The commission may refuse to issue or renew such a license upon finding that an applicant lacks good character, honesty, and integrity. As part of such assessment, the commission shall consider:
(a) Failure by such applicant to provide truthful information in connection with the application;
(b) A conviction of such applicant or any officer thereof for a crime which, considering the factors set forth in section 753 of the correction law, would provide a basis for the refusal or revocation of such license;
(c) A finding of liability in a civil or administrative action that bears a direct relationship to the fitness of the applicant or an officer thereof to conduct the business for which such license is sought;
(d) Whether the applicant or an officer thereof is or has been a principal or officer of a business entity conducting business as a licensed taxicab business where the commission would be authorized to deny a license to such business entity pursuant to this paragraph;
(e) Failure to pay any tax, fine, penalty or fee related to the applicant's business for which judgment has been entered by a court or administrative tribunal of competent jurisdiction; and
(f) Any other relevant information.
4. A taxicab license shall be valid for a period of 2 years, upon the expiration of which a taxicab licensee may submit an application for renewal. Where a renewal application has been submitted prior to the expiration date, a license shall remain in full force and effect until a determination to approve or deny such renewal application has been made.
5. In addition, the commission may also deny or revoke a taxicab license where the licensee or applicant has:
(a) Made a material misstatement or misrepresentation on an application for a taxicab license or the renewal thereof; or
(b) Made a material misrepresentation or committed a fraudulent, deceitful or unlawful act or omission while engaged in the business or occupation of or holding such licensee or applicant out or acting temporarily or otherwise as a taxicab licensee.
e. Any owner operating a vehicle under a license issued by the commission, or by the New York city police department prior to the effective date of this chapter, shall be entitled to renew such license as a matter of right upon compliance with all the other provisions of this section and sections 11-808 and 11-809.2 of the code relating to the licensee's vehicle.
f. All taxicabs now or hereafter licensed pursuant to the provisions of this chapter shall be inspected at an inspection facility operated by the commission at least once every four months, in accordance with a procedure to be established by the commission. All other vehicles now or hereafter licensed pursuant to the provisions of this chapter other than commuter vans shall be inspected at official inspection stations licensed by the commissioner of motor vehicles pursuant to section three hundred three of the vehicle and traffic law at least once every four months in accordance with the regulations of the commissioner of motor vehicles, codified in part seventy-nine of title fifteen of the official compilation of codes, rules and regulations of the state of New York (15 N.Y.C.R.R. part 79). All commuter vans now or hereafter licensed pursuant to the provisions of this chapter shall be inspected and shall meet safety standards as provided in paragraph two of subdivision a of section 19-504.3 of this chapter. If any taxicab fails to pass its inspection for any reason relating to the requirements established by the New York state department of motor vehicles, it shall be reinspected. The fee payable to the commission for each inspection and each reinspection required for the issuance of a certificate of inspection for a taxicab, inclusive of the issuance of such certificate, shall not exceed ninety dollars for the first inspection and fifty dollars for each reinspection. The fees payable to the official inspection station for the inspection and the issuance of a certificate of inspection for all other licensed vehicles other than commuter vans shall be the fees charged and collected pursuant to section three hundred five of the vehicle and traffic law. The commission or any other agency authorized by law may conduct on-street inspections of vehicles licensed pursuant to the provisions of this chapter. The date of the inspection of a taxicab and the signature of the persons making the inspection shall be recorded upon the rate card in the space provided therefor. An owner shall be ordered by the commission to repair or replace his or her licensed vehicle where it appears that it no longer meets the reasonable standards for safe operation prescribed by the commission. Upon failure of such owner to have his or her vehicle inspected or to comply with any such order within ten days after service thereof, the license shall be suspended; upon failure of such owner to comply with any such order within one hundred twenty days after service thereof, the license may, at the discretion of the commission, be deemed to have been abandoned by nonuser.
g. The commission may revoke any license for nonuse in the event it shall determine that the vehicle has not been operated for sixty consecutive days, provided that such failure to operate shall not have been caused by strike, riot, war or other public catastrophe or other act beyond the control of the owner; or in the event the owner has sold his or her vehicle and has failed to replace the vehicle within one hundred and twenty days from the date of sale. However, in the event that it is shown to the commission by competent proof that an owner-driver has been disabled through illness, his or her license shall not be revoked because of such nonuse as provided in this subdivision.
h. A medallion or license may be transferred from one vehicle to another, subject to the approval of the commission and upon payment of such fee as the commission shall require, but not to exceed fifty dollars. A vehicle licensee may change the base communications system with which it is affiliated, subject to the approval of the commission and upon payment of such fee as the commission shall require, but not to exceed fifty dollars.
i. [Repealed.]
j. The commission shall replace the medallion for every taxicab license which is renewed pursuant to this section once every two years, or more frequently at the discretion of the commission. The commission may charge a fee not to exceed ten dollars for each replacement medallion.
k. The commission may charge a fee not to exceed twenty-five dollars per vehicle for the replacement of license plates issued by the New York state department of motor vehicles.
l. Prior to the issuance of a commuter van license, the applicant shall be fingerprinted for the purpose of securing criminal history records from the state division of criminal justice services. The applicant shall pay any processing fee required by the state division of criminal justice services. Fingerprints shall be taken of the individual owner if the applicant is a sole proprietorship; the general partners if the applicant is a partnership; the officers, principals, and stockholders owning more than ten percent of the outstanding stock of the corporation if the applicant is a corporation.
m. The commission shall approve or disapprove an application for a commuter van license within one hundred and eighty days after the completed application is filed. The failure to approve or disapprove such completed application within such time shall be deemed a disapproval of such application.
n. Every commuter van license shall be issued on the condition that the applicant is in compliance with the registration and insurance requirements set forth in section 19-504.3 of this chapter and any rules promulgated pursuant thereto during the time that such license is in effect. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the failure to comply with either such registration or insurance requirements shall render the commuter van license suspended on and after the date of such noncompliance and during the period of such noncompliance, and any person using such commuter van in the course of operations of a commuter van service during such period of noncompliance shall be deemed to be operating without a license required by this section.
o. The annual license fee for each commuter van license shall be two hundred seventy-five dollars. Commencing two years after the date of enactment of the local law that added this subdivision, the annual license fee for each commuter van shall be an amount equal to the license fee for a for-hire vehicle set forth in subdivision b of this section, as it may be amended. The license fee shall be prorated to the term of the license.
p. A commuter van license shall not be transferable or assignable.
q. Notwithstanding any contrary provision of law, the commission shall not issue or renew a taxicab license unless the applicant or holder, as the case may be, avows under penalty of perjury that such person has fully paid all and any tax imposed on such person by article twenty-nine-A of the tax law. The commission may ask the commissioner of taxation and finance for confirmation that such person has paid such tax. Nothing in this subdivision shall prevent a person to whom a taxicab license has been issued from moving the medallion which evidences the license to a standby vehicle if the TLC's regulations permit such person to do so.
r. Notwithstanding any contrary provision of law, there shall be no more than 735 licenses for commuter vans. The commission shall not accept new applications for such licenses and shall not issue any such license if such issuance would result in the total number of such licenses exceeding 735; provided, however, that the number of licenses for commuter vans may exceed 735, and the commission may accept applications for and issue licenses for commuter vans in a number exceeding 735, if the commission determines, pursuant to item 12 of section 19-529.7, that there is a need for commuter vans in a number exceeding 735.
(Am. L.L. 2017/007, 2/15/2017, eff. 2/15/2017; Am. L.L. 2017/059, 3/21/2017, eff. 3/21/2017; Am. L.L. 2018/148, 8/14/2018, eff. 8/14/2018; Am. L.L. 2020/110, 11/15/2020, eff. 5/14/2021; Am. L.L. 2023/164, 12/3/2023, eff. 12/3/2023)
Editor's note: For related unconsolidated provisions, see Appendix A at L.L. 1986/076, L.L. 1988/048, L.L. 1989/050, L.L. 1989/083, L.L. 1993/115, L.L. 2012/035 and L.L. 2020/110.
a. No person shall operate a commuter van service wholly within the boundaries of the city or partly within the city if the partial operation consists of the pick up and discharge of passengers wholly within the city without first obtaining authorization from the commission.
b. The commission shall not issue or renew an authorization to operate a commuter van service unless the following conditions have been satisfied:
(1) the commission determines that the applicant is fit, willing and able to provide the transportation for which authorization is sought;
(2) the applicant is in compliance with the provisions of section 19-504.3 of this chapter, and the applicant has not engaged in any conduct that would be a basis for suspension or revocation of such authorization pursuant to rules promulgated by the commission; and
(3) the applicant has satisfied such other criteria as the commission deems to be in the interest of the safety and convenience of the public and necessary to effectuate the purposes of this chapter.
c. Prior to the issuance or renewal of an authorization to operate a commuter van service, the applicant shall be fingerprinted for the purpose of securing criminal history records from the state division of criminal justice services. The applicant shall pay any processing fee required by the state division of criminal justice services. Fingerprints shall be taken of the individual owner if the applicant is a sole proprietorship; the general partners if the applicant is a partnership; the officers, principals, and stockholders owning more than ten percent of the outstanding stock of the corporation if the applicant is a corporation.
d. An application for an authorization to operate a commuter van service or for renewal thereof shall be made to the commission in the form and manner prescribed by the commission.
e. (1) The applicant shall have the burden of demonstrating that the service proposed will be required by the present or future public convenience and necessity. The commission shall not issue an authorization to operate a commuter van service unless the commissioner of transportation determines that the service proposed will be required by the present or future public convenience and necessity. Such determination that the service proposed will be required by the present or future public convenience and necessity shall be in effect until such authorization has been revoked by the commission or such determination has been revoked by the commissioner of transportation. After the revocation of such authorization or such determination of public convenience and necessity, no authorization to operate a commuter van service shall be renewed unless a new determination is made by the commissioner of transportation that the service proposed will be required by the present or future public convenience and necessity.
(2) When such a determination by the commissioner of transportation is required by this subdivision, the application for authorization to operate a commuter van service shall set forth the geographic area proposed to be served by the applicant and the maximum number of vehicles to be operated and the capacity of each such vehicle, and the commission shall forward a copy of such application to the commissioner of transportation.
(3) The commissioner of transportation, after consultation with the state department of transportation, shall make a determination whether the service proposed in the application will be required by the present or future public convenience and necessity. The commissioner of transportation may request that the applicant provide any additional information relevant to such determination; provided, however, that public support statements shall not be required. The commissioner of transportation shall notify the New York city transit authority and all council members and community boards representing any portion of the geographic area set forth in the application for the purpose of obtaining comment on the present or future public convenience and necessity for any proposed service. The commissioner of transportation shall provide for publication in the City Record of a notice of any such application and shall allow for public comment on such application for a period not to exceed sixty days after the date of publication of such notice. If any such application is protested by a bus line operating in the city or by the New York city transit authority, and such bus line and/or transit authority has timely submitted objections to the application to the commissioner of transportation, the commissioner shall, in making such determination, evaluate such objections in accordance with the following criteria:
(a) the adequacy of the existing mass transit and mass transportation facilities to meet the transportation needs of any particular segment of the general public for the proposed service; and
(b) the impact that the proposed operation may have on any existing mass transit or mass transportation facilities. Any determination by the commissioner that a service proposed will be required by the present or future public convenience and necessity shall specify the geographic area where service is authorized and the number of commuter vans authorized to be used in providing such service.
f. (1) The commission, after consultation with the state department of transportation, shall approve or disapprove such application for authorization to operate a commuter van service within one hundred eighty days after the date a completed application has been filed. The failure to approve or disapprove such completed application within such one hundred eighty day period shall be deemed a disapproval of such application.
(2) Any determination by the commission to approve an application for authorization to operate a commuter van service pursuant to this section shall be in writing and shall be submitted to the council within five days of such determination being made. Within twenty days of such submission the council may adopt a resolution by majority vote of all council members to review that determination.
(3) Within thirty days of the adoption of the council of a resolution pursuant to this subdivision, the council, may act by local law to approve or disapprove the determination of the commission. In the event that the council fails to act by local law within the thirty day period provided for in this paragraph the determination of the commission shall remain in effect.
g. An authorization to operate a commuter van service shall be issued for a term of not less than one nor more than two years and shall expire on the date set forth in such authorization unless sooner suspended or revoked by the commission.
h. The commission shall not issue a temporary authorization to operate a commuter van service. An authorization to operate a commuter van service shall not be assignable or transferable, unless otherwise provided by the commission.
i. In the event of the loss, mutilation or destruction of any authorization to operate a commuter van service the owner shall file such statement and proof of the facts as the commission may require, with a fee not to exceed twenty-five dollars for each authorization, at the offices of the commission, and the commission may issue a duplicate or substitute authorization.
j. No application for authorization to operate a commuter van service shall be approved if the applicant has been found guilty of operating a commuter van service without authorization to operate such commuter van service two times within a six-month period prior to the date of application, provided that such violations were committed on or after the date occurring six months after the effective date of this subdivision.
k. The commission shall post on its website links to all New York city laws and rules governing the operation of commuter vans. Not more than three days after issuing an authorization to operate a commuter van service, the commission shall post on its website the geographic area where such service is authorized and the number of commuter vans authorized to be used in providing such service.
(Am. L.L. 2017/006, 2/15/2017, eff. 6/15/2017)
Editor's note: For related unconsolidated provisions, see Appendix A at L.L. 1993/115 and L.L. 1997/083.
a. A commuter van service and an owner of a commuter van shall be responsible for compliance with the following provisions and shall be liable for violations thereof:
(1) No commuter van shall be used in the course of operations of a commuter van service unless a commuter van license has been obtained for such vehicle pursuant to section 19-504 of this chapter and such commuter van displays a license identification in the manner prescribed by the commission.
(2) No commuter van shall be used in the course of operations of a commuter van service unless such vehicle (a) is inspected by the state department of transportation as provided under section one hundred forty of the transportation law or any rules or regulations promulgated thereunder or as provided under an agreement between the state department of transportation and the commission entered into pursuant to subparagraph one of paragraph a of subdivision five of section eighty of the transportation law, (b) prominently displays the name of the holder of the authorization and certificate evidencing an inspection, and (c) meets the vehicle safety standards prescribed by rule or regulation of the state commissioner of transportation pursuant to section one hundred forty of the transportation law.
(3) No commuter van shall be used in the course of operations of a commuter van service unless such vehicle is in compliance with the registration requirements of the vehicle and traffic law.
(4) No commuter van shall be used in the course of operations of a commuter van service unless a surety bond or policy of insurance is maintained covering such commuter van conditioned for the payment of all claims and judgments for damages or injuries caused in the operation, maintenance, use or the defective construction of such commuter van in at least the following amounts unless higher amounts are established by rule of the commission:
(a) if the commuter van has a carrying capacity of twelve passengers or less: for personal injury or death to one person, one hundred thousand dollars; for personal injury or death to all persons in one accident, three hundred thousand dollars, with a maximum of one hundred thousand dollars for each person; and for property damage, fifty thousand dollars.
(b) if the commuter van has a carrying capacity of more than twelve passengers and less than twenty-one passengers: for personal injury or death to one person, one hundred thousand dollars; for personal injury or death to all persons in one accident, five hundred thousand dollars, with a maximum of one hundred thousand dollars for each person; and for property damage, fifty thousand dollars.
(c) if the commuter van has a carrying capacity of more than twenty passengers: for personal injury or death to one person, one hundred thousand dollars; for personal injury or death to all persons in one accident, one million dollars, with a maximum of one hundred thousand dollars for each person; and for property damage, fifty thousand dollars.
(5) No commuter van shall be used in the course of operations of a commuter van service unless the driver holds (a) a commercial driver's license which pursuant to the vehicle and traffic law is valid for the operation of such commuter van for the transportation of passengers for-hire and (b) a commuter van driver's license issued pursuant to section 19-505 of this chapter.
(6) No commuter van that utilizes a two-way radio or other communications system shall be used in the course of operations of a commuter van service unless such commuter van service and the owner of such commuter van are in compliance with all regulations of the federal communications commission applicable to such use.
(7) A commuter van service and an owner of a commuter van shall maintain such records as the commission shall prescribe by rule. Such records shall be subject to inspection by authorized officers or employees of the commission during regular business hours.
(8) A commuter van service shall designate each and every driver who operates pursuant to an authorization to operate such commuter van service as agent for service of any and all legal process from the commission which may be issued against such commuter van service. An owner of a commuter van shall designate each and every driver who operates such commuter van as agent for service of any and all legal process from the commission which may be issued against such commuter van owner.
b. A commuter van service shall certify annually in accordance with rules of the commission that such commuter van service is in compliance with title III of the federal Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (42 U.S.C. § 12101, et seq.) and any regulations promulgated thereunder, as such act and regulations may be amended.
c. A commuter van service shall comply with such provisions of section five of the federal omnibus transportation testing act of 1991 (49 U.S.C. App. § 2717) and any regulations promulgated thereunder, as that act and regulations may be amended, as are applicable to such commuter van service. A commuter van service shall certify such compliance annually in accordance with rules of the commission.
(Am. L.L. 2017/006, 2/15/2017, eff. 6/15/2017)
Editor's note: For related unconsolidated provisions, see Appendix A at L.L. 1993/115.