L.L. 1989/090
Enactment date: 11/22/1989
Int. No. 957-A
By Council Member Eisland (by request of the Mayor); also Council Members McCaffrey, Horwitz, Berman, Messinger, Albanese, and Castaneira-Colon
A Local Law to amend the administrative code of the city of New York, in relation to the seizure and forfeiture of vehicles subject to the jurisdiction of the taxi and limousine commission which are operated without the appropriate licenses issued by such commission
Be it enacted by the Council as follows:
Section 1. Declaration of legislative findings and intent. The council finds that vehicles operating as taxicabs, for-hire vehicles, coaches and wheelchair accessible vans without an appropriate license issued by the taxi and limousine commission are a threat to the health, safety and well-being of their passengers and the general public. Many of the vehicles operated in disregard of the commission's regulatory authority lack adequate insurance coverage, are mechanically unsafe and are not driven by responsible drivers. Most persons charged with operating a vehicle without an appropriate license issued by the taxi and limousine commission simply ignore summonses they receive and continue to operate vehicles without the appropriate license having been duly issued. Thus, the overwhelming majority of summonses issued for operating without a license have resulted in unsatisfied default judgments.
Therefore, in order that the taxi and limousine commission may effectively enforce the vehicle licensing requirements of chapter five of title nineteen of the administrative code of the city of New York, the council hereby provides that the commission shall have the power to seize and subject to forfeiture vehicles operating as taxicabs, for-hire vehicles, coaches or wheelchair accessible vans without the appropriate license issued by the commission. These more stringent enforcement measures are clearly necessary to reduce the large number of illegally operating vehicles, compel compliance with the commission's licensing and other requirements, and to assure that the public is served by vehicles meeting the legal requirements for service, safety and insurance.
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[Consolidated provisions are not included in this Appendix A]
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§ 4. This local law shall take effect ninety days after it shall have been enacted into law.