(a) Other than words that are capitalized in the normal course (such as "Mayor of the City of New York" or the first word in a sentence) any word (or group of words) in these Rules that has its first letter capitalized will be a "defined term."
(b) Most defined terms appear in this Chapter. For ease of reference, certain defined terms may also appear in the "Definitions Applicable to this Chapter" section of Chapters in which the terms are most relevant. Certain general terms (Driver, License, Owner, for example) will have a more specific meaning in individual Chapters. In some cases, a defined term in a Chapter can have a meaning different from that in this Chapter (for example, a Broker in 35 RCNY Chapter 65 is different). Those different definitions will appear in the relevant Chapters.
(Amended City Record 9/22/2016, eff. 10/22/2016)
Accessible Medallion is a Restricted Medallion valid for use only with an Accessible Taxicab.
Accessible Street Hail Livery. An Accessible Street Hail Livery is a Street Hail Livery that is required to be used with a Commission approved vehicle that is designed to transport persons in wheelchairs or whose design is altered to permit access and enable the transportation of persons in wheelchairs or contains a physical device permitting such access, in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act.
Accessible Taxi Dispatcher. The Accessible Taxi Dispatcher is the entity which, under contract with the Commission, will convey dispatches, or requests for accessible service to Drivers of Accessible Taxicabs and to Drivers of Accessible Street Hail Liveries to provide transportation for a Passenger or group of Passengers, at least one of whom must be mobility-impaired, for trips that originate in New York City.
Accessible Taxicab is a Vehicle that is licensed by the Commission and that meets the specifications of the Americans with Disabilities Act as described in 35 RCNY § 67-05.2.
Accessible Vehicle is a TLC-licensed vehicle designed to permit access to and enable the transportation of persons who use wheelchairs and is authorized by the Commission to transport passengers for hire, by prearrangement.
Administrative Code refers to the Administrative Code of the City of New York, including Title 19, "Transportation of Passengers for Hire by Motor Vehicles."
Administrator means the duly appointed administrator, executor, executrix or personal representative of an estate.
Agent is an individual or Business Entity that has been licensed by the Commission to operate or facilitate the operation of one or more Taxicabs on behalf of the Taxicab owner.
Appeal is the request for review of a decision of a Hearing Officer.
Appeals Unit is a unit within the Taxi and Limousine Tribunal at OATH responsible for deciding cases on Appeal, who do not hear cases in the first instance.
Applicant is an individual or Business Entity seeking approval from the Commission for a new or renewed License or authorization, or for a change, transfer or other action requiring Commission approval.
Associated Base is a For-Hire Base using the same name or trade, business, or operating name as another For-hire Base.
Authorization means the Commission's approval to operate a Commuter Van Service within the geographic boundaries specified by the Commission.
Authorized means that a Commuter Van Service has been given permission to operate by the Commission.
Authorized Driver Education Training refers to a course of training that contains instruction on topics such as Commission rules and procedures, geography, map reading, passenger relations, and courtesy.
Authorized License Renewal Course refers to a course of training that is required for renewal of a Driver's License, and that includes topics such as an update of Rule changes, a review of Driver Responsibilities and duties, passenger relations, and an awareness of serving passengers with disabilities.
Available Vehicle means a For-Hire Vehicle that is available to accept dispatched trips from a High-Volume For-Hire Service.
Base Affiliation is a business arrangement by which a Vehicle is affiliated or associated with a Base. Certain Vehicles must be associated with a specific type of Base and work only with the Base with which it is affiliated.
Base (or Base Station) is the Commission licensed business dispatching a particular type of Vehicle. This term is used more specifically in some Chapters.
Bidder means an individual submitting a sealed bid for one or more Lots of Taxicab Medallions or a Business Entity to which an individual Bidder assigns a bid.
Black Car is a Vehicle that affiliates with a Black Car Base or with a High-Volume For-Hire Service.
Black Car Base is a "central dispatch facility" (as the term is defined in New York Executive Law, § 160-cc) and For-Hire Base, excluding a High-Volume For-Hire Service, that operates as follows:
(1) All Black Car Vehicles are dispatched on a pre-arranged basis;
(2) All Black Car Vehicles are owned by franchisees of the Base or are members of a cooperative that operates the Base; and
(3) More than ninety percent (90%) of the Base's business is on a payment basis other than direct cash payment by a Passenger.
Black Car Fund is the New York Black Car Operators' Injury Compensation Fund, Inc. established under Article 6-F of the NYS Executive Law.
Broker is an individual or Business Entity licensed by the Commission to act as an agent for another person or Business Entity in negotiating either of the following:
(1) The transfer of any interest in a Medallion
(2) A loan to be secured by a Medallion or a Taxicab.
Brokerage is the business of being a Broker.
Business Entity is a sole proprietorship, corporation, partnership or limited liability company. A Business Entity can be further limited in a Chapter.
Business Entity Persons may mean:
(1) The proprietor of a sole proprietorship
(2) All shareholders of a corporation
(3) All officers of a corporation
(4) All partners of a partnership
(5) All members of a limited liability company.
Certified Taximeter Technician means a technician certified by a Licensed Taximeter Manufacturer to perform work on its Taximeters.
Chairperson shall mean the Chairperson of the Taxi and Limousine Commission or his or her designee.
Chapter refers to a chapter in these Rules.
Chauffeur's License means:
(1) A Valid NYS driver's license Class A, B, C or E; or
(2) A Valid license of similar class from another state of which the Licensee is a resident.
Claim Letter is a letter asserting a possible Excess Claim against an Owner of a Taxicab Medallion.
Clean Air Vehicle is a Vehicle that uses a type of fuel which allows the Vehicle to:
(1) Receive an air pollution score of 9.0 or higher from the U.S. EPA and
(2) Emit 6.4 tons or less of equivalent carbon dioxide per year, as estimated by the U. S. Department of Energy.
Clean Air Vehicle Level I is a vehicle that uses a type of fuel which allows the vehicle to:
(1) Receive an air pollution score of 9.5 or higher from the U.S. EPA and
(2) Emit 5.0 tons or less of equivalent carbon dioxide per year, as estimated by the U. S. Department of Energy.
Clean Air Vehicle, Level II is any Clean Air Vehicle that does not meet the standards of a Clean Air Vehicle Level I.
Closing Deadline is the date by which a winning Bidder must close on any Lot as established in 35 RCNY § 65-07(a).
Collision is a traffic incident involving the impact of a vehicle with another vehicle, person, animal or property. Collisions shall include those events referenced as "incidents" and "accidents" by the New York State Vehicle and Traffic Law.
Commercial Motor Vehicle Tax is the tax imposed by §§ 11-801 et seq. of the Administrative Code and includes the amount of any fines and penalties that are due for late or non-payment. Under § 11-802 of the Administrative Code, the vehicle owner, as defined in § 11-801 of the Administrative Code, is responsible for payment of the Commercial Motor Vehicle Tax.
Commission means the New York City Taxi and Limousine Commission.
Commuter Van Driver's License is a License to drive a Commuter Van Vehicle
Commuter Van Service. A service that is Authorized by the Commission to use Commuter Vans to provide transportation into, out of, or within New York City:
(1) on a prearranged, regular daily basis,
(2) over non-specified or irregular routes, and
(3) between a zone in a residential neighborhood and a location which will be a work related central location, a mass transit or mass transportation facility, a shopping center, recreational facility or airport.
Commuter Van Vehicle. A motor vehicle having a seating capacity of at least nine (9) but not more than twenty (20) passengers that has been licensed by the Commission to carry passengers for hire in an Authorized Commuter Van Service.
Congestion Zone is the geographic area of Manhattan south of and excluding 96th Street.
Continuing Sex Trafficking Awareness Training refers to written materials developed and approved by the Commission that meet the requirements of subdivision q of § 19-505 of the Administrative Code.
Critical Injury is any injury determined to be critical by the emergency medical service personnel responding to a crash.
Cruising is the time a For-Hire Vehicle spends available to receive dispatches from a Base or High-Volume For-Hire Service while not transporting a passenger. Cruising includes the time a For-Hire Vehicle spends driving to pick up a passenger on a trip dispatched by a Base or a High-Volume For-Hire Service.
Decal is a sticker issued by the Commission and attached to a For-Hire Vehicle as evidence that it is a Licensed Vehicle.
De-licensed means an individual or Business Entity whose License is suspended or revoked.
Default is a decision against a Respondent after a Respondent fails to appear for a hearing, enter a plea, or make a request to reschedule as required by 48 RCNY Chapter 5.
Defensive Driving Course refers to a course in defensive driving and accident prevention that is approved by the Commission and by the New York State Department of Motor Vehicles.
Digital Wallet Application. An application residing on an electronic device which passes user payment data to a point-of-sale device using Near-Field Communication ("NFC") technology, does not receive payment amount information regarding the transaction, and does not modify or edit the amount to be paid.
Discretionary Revocation is the imposition of the penalty of revocation when a Rule does not specify that revocation must be imposed (for example, when "revocation" follows "or" or "and/or" in a penalty box); Discretionary Revocation can be sought by the Chairperson for any Rule violation, if the Chairperson determines that the continued licensure of the Respondent presents a threat to public health, safety, or welfare.
Dispatch is a request made from a Base Station to a Driver, directing the Driver to provide transportation to a passenger who has previously arranged for such transportation.
Dispatch and Pay. A type of E-Payment for a licensed E-Hail Application that allows passengers to pay for E-Hailed Taxicab or Street Hail Livery fares through the E-Hail Application.
Dispatch Equipment. The "Dispatch Equipment" is the communications equipment provided by the Accessible Taxi Dispatcher or an acceptable interface with the Taxicab Technology System and the Street Hail Livery Technology System, that allows Approved Drivers operating Accessible Vehicles to receive dispatches from the Accessible Taxi Dispatcher.
Dispatch Fee is the fee payable to the Driver of an Accessible Taxicab, according to the Dispatch Fee schedule, for completing or attempting to complete a trip dispatched by the Accessible Taxi Dispatcher. The Dispatch Fee schedule, including cancellation fees and passenger no-show fees, will be determined by the Commission, and posted on the Commission's website, every six months based on a review of available funds and the Accessible Taxi Dispatcher's service rates.
Distracted Driving Course means a course of training that is approved by the Commission and that covers the dangers of driving while Using an Electronic Communication Device and about the rules governing the Using of an Electronic Communication Device.
DMV means the NYS Department of Motor Vehicles.
DMV Points means points assessed by the New York State Department of Motor Vehicles or an equivalent licensing agency of the Driver’s state of residence on a Driver’s Chauffer’s License.
Driver is a person licensed by the Commission to drive a Commission-Licensed Vehicle.
Driver Authorization Statement is the document an Owner files with the Commission indicating that a Taxicab will be operated by the Named Drivers listed or by Unspecified Drivers, along with the required additional information.
Drugs mean any drug or other substance defined as a controlled substance in § 3306 of the Public Health Law.
E-Hail is a Hail requested through an E-Hail Application, which can either be a metered fare trip or a Flex Fare trip.
E-Hail Application or E-Hail App. A Software program licensed by the TLC under 35 RCNY Chapter 78 residing on a smartphone or other electronic device and integrated with the Technology System which performs one or more of the following functions:
1) allows a passenger to identify the location(s) of available Taxicabs or Street Hail Liveries in a given area and allows a Taxicab or Street Hail Livery Driver to identify the location of a passenger who is currently ready to travel;
2) allows a passenger to hail a Taxicab or Street Hail Livery via the electronic device;
3) allows a Taxicab or Street Hail Livery Driver to receive a hail request from such a passenger if the application provides for connecting a passenger to a Taxicab or Street Hail Livery Driver; or
4) E-Payment.
E-Payment. A feature of a licensed E-Hail Application that is either Dispatch and Pay or Hail and Pay.
Electronic Communication Device means any portable or hands-free electronic device able to do any of the following:
(1) Make a telephone call.
(2) Send or receive a text message.
(3) Allow a user to speak on the device hands-free or operate the device by voice command, even when allowed by New York State Law.
(4) Act as a personal digital assistant.
(5) Send or receive data, voice or images from the internet or from a wireless network.
(6) Act as a laptop or portable computer.
(7) Send or receive pages.
(8) Allow two-way communications between different people or parties.
(9) Play games.
(10) Play music, audio, or video.
(11) Make or display images.
(12) Transfer images, sound, text or messages.
(13) Provide a function which can distract a Driver.
Exceptions: Any device specifically authorized to be used while a Driver is driving a Vehicle by a Rule is NOT an Electronic Communication Device. A GPS is NOT an Electronic Communication Device as long as the Vehicle is legally standing or parked while the Driver is inputting or transmitting data.
Electronic Trip Record System is the hardware and software that collects and stores the data that must be recorded for each passenger trip.
Electronic Tablet / Approved Tablet / Approved Electronic Tablet are terms used interchangeably referring to all Interior Advertising System hardware in For-Hire Vehicles.
Email Address is the email address designated by a Licensee or an Applicant for a License where the Licensee or Applicant will receive notices, appointments, reminders or other correspondence from the Commission. Any communication from the Commission, except notices and summonses for which the manner of service is specified in 35 RCNY § 68-05, is sufficient if sent by email to the Email Address. The Email address is not the Mailing Address.
Escrow Amount is the amount for which an escrow account is required to be established in order to satisfy one or more Excess Claims.
Excess Claim is a tort claim asserted against the Owner of a Taxicab Medallion for more than the amount of insurance covering the Taxicab at the time the claim arose.
Exclusive Listing means that the Broker has been given the right to be the only Broker for a particular transaction. Usually the right will be limited to a specific period of time.
Facilitate Sex Trafficking with a Vehicle means (1) conviction of any of the following crimes set forth in the New York State penal law: promoting prostitution in the third degree; promoting prostitution in the second degree; promoting prostitution in the first degree; sex trafficking; or compelling prostitution, and (2) using a vehicle licensed by the Commission to commit such a crime.
Fair Market Value in reference to the transfer of a Taxicab Medallion is the average value of arms-length transactions for similar Medallions during the prior calendar month, as determined by the Commission.
Finding of Public Need is a determination that a CommuterVan Service being proposed will be required either now or in the future for the convenience and necessity of the public.
Feed Line is the line of Taxicabs that feeds into the specific pick-up location to pick up a Passenger.
Fit to Hold a License means
• The Applicant or Licensee meets and will continue to meet all of the qualifications for the License sought or held as established by applicable Rules and laws.
• The Applicant or Licensee is of good moral character.
• The Applicant or Licensee has been and will be candid and forthcoming with the Commission and honest in dealing with the public.
• The Applicant or Licensee has reliably complied with and will reliably comply with all of the rules and laws associated with holding the particular TLC License.
• Where an Applicant has engaged in conduct that resulted or could have resulted in the suspension or revocation of a TLC License, the Applicant shows that he or she will not engage in similar conduct in the future.
Flat Rate is a definite dollar amount that will be charged to a Taxicab passenger for a specific trip, and is fixed before the trip begins (NOTE: "double the Taximeter" is not a Flat Rate)
Fleet is a Business Entity organized for the purpose of owning or operating Taxicabs that meets the following requirements:
(1) Controls a minimum of 25 Taxicabs
(2) has a single business location that is adequate for the storage, maintenance, repair and dispatch of the Fleet Taxicabs and the storage and maintenance of records
(3) operates with a dispatcher on the premises at least 18 hours every day, who assigns Drivers to Fleet Taxicabs.
Flex Fare Trip is an E-Hail requested through a TLC-licensed E-Hail application for yellow taxicabs and Street Hail Liveries with an upfront, non-metered, binding fare in dollars and cents, inclusive of all taxes, fees, and any price multiplier, for the specific trip requested, prior to dispatching the trip.
Flex Fare Rate Schedule is a rate schedule subject to approval by the Commission, outlining the manner in which the E-Hail App will calculate fares, including the rate of fare it will use, any variable or surge pricing policies, the breakdown of surcharges (no-show fees, cancelation fees, MTA Tax, Taxicab/SHL Improvement, etc.) and any other fees charged to the passengers.
For-Hire Base (or "Base") is the Commission-licensed business for dispatching For-Hire Vehicles and the physical location from which For-Hire Vehicles are dispatched; a For Hire Base can be any of the following: A Black Car Base, A Livery Base (or Base Station), A Luxury Limousine Base, A High-Volume For-Hire Service.
For-Hire Driver is the Driver of a For-Hire Vehicle.
For-Hire Vehicle is a motor Vehicle licensed by the Commission to carry Passengers for-hire in the City, which:
(1) Has a seating capacity of 20 or fewer Passengers
(2) Has three or more doors;
(3) Is not a Taxicab, a Commuter Van, or an authorized bus as defined by NYS law.
GPS means a device using a global positioning navigation system to which all of the following apply:
(1) The GPS uses a voice function to convey directions.
(2) The Driver does not input or transmit data unless legally standing or parked.
(3) The GPS transmits only geographical direction information.
(4) Except for the transmission of geographical direction information, the GPS cannot be used as an Electronic Communication Device in any other way.
(Note: A GPS which a Driver is operating by inputting or transmitting data while the Vehicle is not legally standing or parked is an Electronic Communication Device.)
Government means the United States, any state or territory, or any political subdivision of a state or territory.
Hack-up means to outfit a vehicle as a Medallion Taxicab and obtain approval from the Commission for that vehicle to serve as a Taxicab for the first time.
Hail. A request, either through a verbal (audio) action such as calling out, yelling, or whistling, and/or a visible physical action such as raising one's hand or arm, or through an electronic method such as an E-Hail App, for on-demand Taxicab or Street Hail Livery service at the metered rate of fare as set forth in 35 RCNY § 58-26 and 35 RCNY § 82-26 by a person who is currently ready to travel.
Hail and Pay. A type of E-Payment for a licensed E-Hail Application that allows passengers to pay for Street-Hailed Taxicab or Street Hail Livery fares through the E-Hail Application.
Hail Exclusionary Zone. The Hail Exclusionary Zone is the area in which Street Hail Liveries are NOT permitted to accept a passenger by hail. The Hail Exclusionary Zone is:
(1) Manhattan south of East 96th St. and West 110th St.
(2) The New York City Airports.
Hail Trip. A Hail Trip, for a Street Hail Livery, is a trip commenced by the Street Hail Livery Driver accepting a passenger by hail.
Hail Zone. The Hail Zone is the area in which Street Hail Liveries are permitted to accept passengers by hail. The Hail Zone is all areas of New York City except:
(1) Manhattan south of East 96th St. and West 110th St.
(2) The New York City Airports.
Hardware. Equipment or machinery, together with all associated components, media, firmware and other embedded software and instructions provided, operated or maintained in connection with the functioning of a Technology System.
Hearing is the presentation and consideration of evidence before an Administrative Law Judge.
Hearing Induction Loop is a device that transmits sound directly to hearing aids equipped with a "T-coil" (a small copper wire located inside the hearing aid) or cochlear implants.
Hearing Officer is a person designated by the Chief Administrative Law Judge of OATH, or his or her designee, to carry out the adjudicatory powers, duties and responsibilities of the Taxi and Limousine Tribunal.
High-Volume For-Hire Service is a central dispatch facility, as such term is defined in New York Executive Law §160-cc, that (1) is a Commission-licensed business, (2) facilitates or otherwise connects passengers to for-hire vehicles by prearrangement, including through one or more licensed For-Hire Bases, using a passenger-facing booking tool, and (3) dispatches or facilitates the dispatching of ten-thousand (10,000) or more trips in the City per day. Any and all bases using a common brand, trade, business or operating name will be considered together for purposes of identifying a High-Volume For-Hire Service.
Hybrid Electric Vehicle is a commercially available, mass-produced vehicle originally equipped by the manufacturer with a combustion engine system and an electric propulsion system that operate in an integrated manner.
Independent Base Station is a Livery Base Station that is designated as an independent livery base under § 18-c of the NYS Workers' Compensation Law because it has joined the Livery Fund.
Independent Livery Driver is the Driver of a Livery which is affiliated with an Independent Base Station.
Independent Medallion is a class of Medallion Taxicab License, the owner of which may only own one Medallion.
Initial High-Volume For-Hire Service Issuance Period is the three month period beginning on a date posted on the Commission's website during which a Base, or collection of Bases operating under the same brand, trade, business, or operating name, that connects passengers to For-Hire Vehicles by prearrangement and dispatches or facilitates the dispatching of ten thousand or more trips in the City per day using a passenger-facing booking tool must apply for a High-Volume For-Hire Service License under Subchapter 59D of 35 RCNY Chapter 59 or be listed as a Base through which a High-Volume For-Hire Service dispatches trips on an application for a High-Volume For-Hire Service License.
Initial Street Hail Livery Base Issuance Period. The Initial Street Hail Livery Base Issuance Period will be the one month period beginning on a date posted on the Commission's Web site during which Street Hail Livery Base Licenses will be issued.
Initial Street Hail Livery License Issuance Period. The Initial Street Hail Livery License Issuance Period is the one-year period beginning on the date of issuance of the first Street Hail Livery License.
Interior Advertising Provider is a business that has been licensed by the Commission to own, sell, lease, make available for use, provide and/or supply Approved Electronic Tablets and Software for Interior Advertising Systems in For-Hire Vehicles.
Interior Advertising/Interior Advertising System are terms used interchangeably referring to an integrated system consisting of an Approved Electronic Tablet and Software, complying with the technical requirements set forth in Subchapter 59E of 35 RCNY Chapter 59, installed in a For-Hire Vehicle.
Issuing Jurisdiction is a county within New York State and covered by and compliant with section 498 of the New York Vehicle and Traffic Law that issues its own approval to allow a vehicle within its jurisdiction to contract for hire and perform pre-arranged pick-ups and drop-offs of one or more Passengers.
Legatee means someone to whom the proceeds of an estate are to be distributed.
License is the formal approval given by the Commission certifying that a Driver, Owner, Vehicle, Base Station or other service, business or equipment has met the relevant criteria and is now qualified to operate under the supervision of the Commission. An Authorization is a License.
Licensed Taxicab. See "Taxicab" (The terms "Medallion Taxicab," "Licensed Medallion Taxicab," and "Taxicab" mean the same thing, and may be used interchangeably.)
Licensee is an individual or Business Entity that has been issued a License by the Commission, and shall include Licensees whose Licenses have been suspended unless the context of these rules clearly dictate otherwise.
Limited Business Entity Persons are all Business Entity Persons except shareholders holding less than 10% of the stock of the Business Entity.
Livery is a For-Hire Vehicle that is affiliated with a Livery Base Station.
Livery Base Station ("Base" or "Base Station") is a For-Hire Base that operates as follows:
(1) All Livery Vehicles are dispatched from the Base on a pre-arranged basis.
(2) All Livery Vehicles are designed to carry fewer than six (6) Passengers
(3) Passengers are charged for service on the basis of a flat rate, time, mileage, or zones.
Livery Fund is the independent livery driver benefit fund established under Article 6-G of the NYS Executive Law.
Long-Haul is a trip that begins at certain transportation terminals and is of at least a certain distance or time.
Long-Term Driver is a Licensed Medallion Taxicab Driver who meets all of the following conditions:
(1) Personally drives the Taxicab at an annual rate of at least 160 hours per month;
(2) Owns the Medallion or is leasing the Medallion for a term of no less than five months; and
(3) Is a Long-Term Driver on no more than one Taxicab.
Lot is one or more Medallions being sold in a single unit. See 35 RCNY Chapter 65, Medallion Sales.
A Luxury Limousine is a For-Hire Vehicle that is affiliated with a Luxury Limousine Base.
A Luxury Limousine Base is a For-Hire Base that operates as follows:
(1) All Luxury Limousines are dispatched from the Base by pre-arrangement;
(2) Luxury Limousine Vehicles have a seating capacity of 20 or fewer Passengers;
(3) More than ninety percent (90%) of its business is on a payment basis other than direct cash payment by a Passenger.
(4) Passengers are charged "garage to garage" service on the basis of a flat rate, time or mileage.
Mailing Address is the address (other than the Email Address) designated by a Licensee or an Applicant for a License where Licensee or Applicant will receive notices, summonses and other communications sent by mail; specific requirements are noted as applicable in Chapter definitions. Any communication from the Commission is sufficient if sent to the Mailing Address.
Mandatory Revocation is the imposition of the penalty of revocation when a Rule specifies that revocation must be imposed.
Manufacturer's Representative. An individual or Business Entity appointed by a Taximeter Manufacturer to hold a License on behalf of that manufacturer and to carry out that manufacturer's duties and responsibilities as a Licensee under this chapter.
Market Value in reference to the transfer of a Taxicab Medallion will be the greater of: (i) the actual consideration being paid for the transfer; or (ii) the Fair Market Value.
Maximum Escrow Amount means:
(1) the Market Value of the Taxicab Medallion being transferred less the value of any debt or liens secured by the Medallion and the Transfer costs
(2) the value of any proceeds of any refinancing received by the Owner which was not used to reduce any previously existing debt or liens secured by the Medallion following the date of an occurrence of an alleged tort involving the Taxicab which tort gives rise to a potential Excess Claim.
Medallion is the numbered plate originally issued by the Commission and affixed to the outside of a Taxicab as physical evidence that the Taxicab has been licensed to operate as a Medallion Taxicab.
Medallion Taxicab. See "Taxicab". (The terms "Medallion Taxicab," "Licensed Taxicab," and "Taxicab" mean the same thing, and may be used interchangeably.)
Merchant means an individual or Business Entity who holds a Commission License and who has agreed to do the following:
(1) Facilitate contracts between Taxicab Technology Service Providers or Street Hail Livery Technology System Providers and, for each Provider, one of the ten largest, by volume, merchant banks in the United States or one credit/debit card services processor who meets PCI standards (as defined in 35 RCNY Chapter 66), and
(2) Enter into a contract for the provision of credit/debit card services for in-vehicle payment of Taxicab or Street Hail Livery fares.
Minifleet is a Business Entity licensed by the Commission to own and operate two or more taxicabs; Minifleets often contract with a Fleet for the daily storage and dispatch of its Taxicabs.
Minifleet Medallion means a Medallion Taxicab License that is classified and must be owned in groups of at least two.
MTA Tax is the 50 cent tax on taxicab trips imposed by Article 29-A of the NYS Tax Law.
New Rules means Title 35 of the Rules of the City of New York and any amendments that become effective on and after the Activation Date.
Notice of Seizure is a document served upon and mailed to an owner of a vehicle that has been seized and removed to a secure facility.
NYC (or "the City") means New York City.
NYS means New York State.
OATH is the New York City Office of Administrative Trials and Hearings
OATH Administrative Law Judge (OATH ALJ) is a person appointed by the Chief Administrative Law Judge of OATH, or his or her designee, pursuant to Section 1049(1)(a) of the Charter, to carry out the adjudicatory powers, duties and responsibilities of the OATH Tribunal.
Official Bus Route means the route, including all stops, traveled upon by a bus line that is operated by:
(1) The New York City Transit Authority
(2) The City of New York, or
(3) A private bus company that is regulated or franchised by local law or Charter provision in accordance with section 80(4) of the Transportation Law.
Old Rules means Title 35 of the Rules of the City of New York as in effect before the Activation Date.
Owner means the legal owner and is further defined in each relevant Chapter.
Paratransit Base or Base Station is the facility from which a paratransit service operates a transportation service for Persons with Disabilities, including all ambulette services.
Paratransit Disability is a physical or mental impairment, including a mobility impairment which requires the use of a wheelchair, three-wheeled motorized scooter or other mobility aid, or prevents a person from boarding, riding or disembarking from a vehicle without the assistance of a wheelchair lift or other boarding assistance device.
Paratransit Vehicle (also know as a wheelchair accessible van) is any motor vehicle, equipped with a hydraulic lift or ramp(s) designed for the purpose of transporting persons who use wheelchairs or containing any other physical devices designed to permit access to and the transportation of a person with a Paratransit Disability
Passenger means a person riding in a Vehicle, other than the Driver.
Passenger Assistance and Wheelchair Accessible Vehicle Training refers to a course of training that contains instruction on: (i) the legal requirements that apply to transportation of People with Disabilities; (ii) passenger assistance techniques, including a review of various disabilities, disability etiquette, mobility equipment training (including direct hands-on familiarity with lift/ramp operations and various types of wheelchairs), and safety procedures; (iii) individual hands-on training with an actual person using a wheelchair; (iv) sensitivity awareness, including customer service and conflict resolution policies; and (v) the dispatch of vehicles by an accessible dispatcher.
Passenger-Facing Booking Tool is an application on a smartphone or other electronic device that allows communication between a Passenger and a For-Hire Base or High-Volume For-Hire Service. Such communication includes but is not limited to allowing a Passenger to request, book, or pay for a trip.
Passenger Manifest is the document on which a Commuter-Van Driver enters the name of each passenger to be picked up.
Penalty Point is a non-monetary penalty assessed against either a Base Owner or the Owner of a For-Hire Vehicle if they are convicted of certain violations of these Rules.
Persistent Violator Program establishes additional penalties for Drivers who repeatedly violate certain laws and rules within a certain amount of time. Persistent Violator penalties are determined based on DMV Points and TLC Points.
Persons with a Disability (or People with Disabilities) means an individual or individuals with a physical or mental disability, including a person who uses a wheelchair, crutches, three-wheeled motorized scooter, other mobility aid, or a Service Animal, but who can transfer from such a mobility aid to a Taxicab, For-Hire Vehicle or Commuter Van with or without reasonable assistance.
Petition is a request or application for the Commission to adopt a rule.
Point Reduction Course refers to a course that drivers can voluntarily take to reduce points accumulated under the Persistent Violator Program.
Pre-Arranged Exclusionary Zone. The Pre-Arranged Exclusionary Zone is the area in which Street Hail Liveries are NOT permitted to begin a Pre-Arranged Trip. The Pre-Arranged Exclusionary Zone is:
(1) Manhattan south of East 96th St. and West 110th St.
Pre-Arranged Trip. A Pre-Arranged Trip, for a Street Hail Livery, is a trip commenced by a Passenger pre-arranging a trip through a Base, by telephone, smartphone application, website, or other method. Note that a Street Hail Livery cannot accept a Pre-Arranged Trip beginning in the Pre-Arranged Exclusionary Zone. A Pre-Arranged Trip does NOT include a trip that is regular paratransit service or is service provided to individuals with disabilities by or on behalf of the Metropolitan Transportation Authority.
Prior Claim Letter is a Claim Letter received by the Commission prior to February 1, 2009.
Qualified Vehicle License (or "QVL") is the license issued by a Qualified Jurisdiction to that jurisdiction's vehicles authorizing them to provide pre-arranged, for-hire transportation within its boundaries.
Qualified Driver's License (or "QDL") is a license issued by a Qualified Jurisdiction to that jurisdiction's drivers authorizing them to operate an authorized vehicle to provide pre-arranged, for-hire transportation within its boundaries.
Rate Card is a card issued by the Commission for each Medallion Taxicab, which displays the Taxicab Medallion number, Rates of Fare, and such other data as the Commission may require.
Rate Schedule is the Commission-approved listing of the manner in which and the amount of fare a Commission service is permitted to charge a passenger.
Rates of Fare is a listing of the manner and amount of fares Medallion Taxicab Drivers may charge passengers, as established by the Commission.
Reciprocity (or Reciprocal Recognition) means that:
(1) New York City For-Hire Vehicles and Drivers can pick up or drop off Passengers in a Qualified Jurisdiction for trips ending or beginning in NYC, and
(2) Vehicles and drivers that are licensed to perform for-hire transportation by a Qualified Jurisdiction can pick up or drop off Passengers in NYC for trips ending or beginning in a Qualified Jurisdiction.
Recommended Decision. A Recommended Decision is a decision made by an OATH ALJ following a Hearing that must be reviewed by the Chairperson, either in its entirety or for the appropriateness of the penalty being imposed, before it becomes final.
Reserve Status Bids are the highest ten percent of the non-winning bids in each category, unless the Chairperson determines that a greater number of non-winning bids will receive Reserve Status and sets a higher qualifying percentage. A bid holding Reserve Status is a Reserve Status Bid and is converted to a winning bid when a winning Bidder fails to comply with the Closing Deadlines established in these Rules.
Respondent is an individual or Business Entity who has been noticed and charged with a violation of one or more of these Rules or the Administrative Code, or with being not Fit to Hold a License.
Restricted Medallion is a Medallion restricted to use with a particular type of vehicle, such as either an Accessible Medallion or an Alternative Fuel Medallion;
Roof Light is a light attached to the roof of a vehicle, or extending above the roofline of a vehicle, for the purpose of displaying information.
Rule(s) refers to any rule adopted by the Commission, or this set of Rules that comprises Title 35 of the Rules of the City of New York.
Safety and Emissions Inspection means the required vehicle inspections conducted at the Commission's inspection facility.
Seal means a prophylactic device, approved by the Commission, that is used on a Taximeter, wire, wiring mechanism, gear or other device, so that no adjustment, repair, alteration or replacement can be made without removing or mutilating the Seal or Seals.
Seating Capacity means the maximum number of adult passengers a vehicle is intended to carry according to the manufacturer's specifications.
Second Street Hail Livery Base Issuance Period. The Second Street Hail Livery Base Issuance Period will be the five month period beginning the day after the Initial Street Hail Livery Base Issuance Period ends and will be the second period during which Street Hail Livery Base Licenses will be issued.
Second Street Hail Livery License Issuance Period. The Second Street Hail Livery License Issuance Period is the one-year period beginning the day after the Initial Street Hail Livery License Issuance Period ends, and ending 12 months later.
Secondary Owner is an individual or Business Entity that has a lien or mortgage or any other type of legal interest in a Vehicle.
Secured Lender Escrow Amount means the Market Value of the Taxicab Medallion being transferred less the value of any debt or liens secured by Medallion and the Transfer Costs.
Secured Lender Recipient means a secured creditor seeking to repossess or foreclose upon a Taxicab Medallion in order to realize the value of its secured interest, but not applying to operate the Taxicab Medallion and not eligible to be considered a Transferee, provided the Secured Lender Recipient places the Medallion in storage as required in 35 RCNY § 58-46(c).
Serious Crash is a crash in which any person has suffered Critical Injury or death.
Service Animal means an animal that performs a task or specific set of tasks to assist a person with a disability.
Sex Trafficking Awareness Training refers to a training course developed and approved by the Commission that meets the requirements of subdivision q of § 19-505 of the Administrative Code.
Sexual Contact means any touching of the sexual or other intimate parts of a person by the licensee. It also includes the touching of the licensee by the member of the public when the touching is forced by the licensee. Touching can be direct or through clothing, as well as the emission of ejaculate by the licensee upon any part of the member of the public, clothed or unclothed.
Sexual Harassment means engaging in any conversation or conduct related to sexual acts, sexual contact, or sexual/intimate body parts, or expressing a desire to enter into a sexual relationship or asking about a person's sexual relationships.
Short Haul is a trip that begins at certain transportation terminals and is less than of less than a certain distance or time.
Software. The object code versions of any applications, programs, operating system software, computer software languages, utilities, other computer programs and related documentation in whatever form or media, including the tangible media upon which such applications, programs, operating system software, computer software languages, utilities, other computer programs and related documentation are recorded or printed, together with all corrections.
Stand-By Vehicle means any vehicle licensed by the Commission to be used by a Fleet as a replacement for a Licensed Taxicab that is temporarily out of service.
Stop-Use Directive is a notice sent to an Owner by the Commission directing the Owner to stop using a designated Agent because that Agent's License has been revoked or suspended or the Agent is not permitted to manage the Owner's Medallion(s).
Street Hail Livery. A Street Hail Livery is a Commission-licensed For-Hire Vehicle, or, for purposes of being a Street Hail Livery, a Commission-licensed Paratransit Vehicle, that is authorized to accept persons by hail in the Hail Zone. A Street Hail Livery must be affiliated with a Street Hail Livery Base.
Street Hail Livery Base. A Street Hail Livery Base is a Commission-licensed Base that affiliates and dispatches Street Hail Liveries and For-Hire Vehicles or affiliates and dispatches Street Hail Liveries and Paratransit Vehicles, or affiliates and dispatches only Street Hail Liveries, and the physical location from which Street Hail Liveries or other Vehicles are dispatched.
Street Hail Livery Base License. A Street Hail Livery Base License is the Commission issued License which authorizes a Base to act as a Street Hail Livery Base. A Street Hail Livery Base License is not transferrable.
Street Hail Livery Driver. A Street Hail Livery Driver is a Driver who is authorized to drive a Street Hail Livery as set forth in 35 RCNY Chapter 80.
Street Hail Livery Improvement Fund is the City-managed fund, which is funded by the Street Hail Livery Surcharge and from which subsidy payments will be made to Street Hail Livery Licensees who are required to purchase an Accessible Vehicle, and to Drivers who operate Accessible Street Hail Liveries. Certain monies remitted to the Street Hail Livery Improvement Fund will be used to make grants of equal, set amounts to all vehicle owners who will be required to purchase Accessible Vehicles or for other programs to enhance the accessibility of Street Hail Liveries. Monies in the Fund may also be used for other purposes, including, but not limited to, offsetting the costs associated with driver training and funding the Accessible Vehicle dispatch program established in 35 RCNY Chapter 53. Monies in the Fund will also be paid to Drivers who operate Accessible Street Hail Liveries.
Street Hail Livery Improvement Surcharge is the surcharge of $1.00 per trip that will be added to every Hail Trip in a Street Hail Livery. The Street Hail Livery Improvement Surcharge will be deposited into the Street Hail Livery Improvement Fund, except for any amounts paid directly to the Drivers of Accessible Street Hail Liveries.
Street Hail Livery License. A Street Hail Livery License is the License authorizing a Commission-licensed For-Hire Vehicle or Paratransit Vehicle to act as a Street Hail Livery. A Street Hail Livery License is transferrable in the manner provided by 35 RCNY Chapter 82.
Street Hail Livery Licensee. A Street Hail Livery Licensee is an individual or Business Entity which owns a Street Hail Livery License.
Street Hail Livery License Priority Issuance Period. The Street Hail Livery License Priority Issuance Period is the three year period beginning on the first day of the Street Hail Livery Initial Issuance Period and ending three years later.
Substantial Interest in Taxicab Medallions means direct or indirect ownership of four or more Medallions that can result from one or more of the following:
(1) Ownership of 25 percent or more of the stock in one or more corporations that own Medallions
(2) Ownership of 25 percent or more of the membership interests in one or more limited liability companies that own Medallions
(3) A partnership interest in one or more partnerships that own Medallions
(4) Being an officer in one or more corporations that, in the aggregate, have a direct or indirect equity interest in four or more Medallions.
Summary Suspension means that a Licensee's License is suspended before a hearing is held on the violation.
Taxi and Limousine Tribunal at OATH (or Taxi and Limousine Tribunal) is the Office of Administrative Trials and Hearings tribunal established under 48 RCNY Chapter 5 that has, except as otherwise provided in these Rules, jurisdiction over:
(1) Violations of Title 19, Chapter 5 of the Administrative Code
(2) Violations of Commission Rules
(3) Review of the fitness of an Applicant or a Licensee to hold a License.
Taxi Stand is a place where Taxicabs are authorized (either by NYC Department of Transportation or a transportation terminal operator) to line up and wait for customers.
Taxicab means a motor vehicle, yellow in color, bearing a Medallion indicating that it is licensed by the Commission to carry up to five passengers for hire and authorized to accept hails. (The terms "Medallion Taxicab," "Licensed Taxicab," and "Taxicab" mean the same thing, and may be used interchangeably.)
Taxicab Candidate is a vehicle being considered for use as a Taxicab Model.
Taxicab Identification Braille Plaque is a plaque required to be attached to the interior of a taxicab that identifies in Braille its medallion number, and contains in Braille the word COMPLAINTS and a telephone number.
Taxicab Identification Raised Lettering Plaque is a plaque required to be attached to the interior of a taxicab that identifies in raised lettering its medallion number, and contains in raised lettering the word COMPLAINTS and a telephone number.
Taxicab Improvement Fund is the City-managed fund, which is funded by the Taxicab Improvement Surcharge and from which subsidy payments will be made to Medallion Owners or their Agents, or Drivers, who are required to purchase an Accessible Vehicle pursuant to 35 RCNY § 58-50, and to Drivers who operate Taxicabs required to be accessible pursuant to 35 RCNY § 58-50. Monies remitted to the Taxicab Improvement Fund will be used to make grants of equal, set amounts to all vehicle owners of vehicles in use with Medallions who will be required to purchase Accessible Vehicles under 35 RCNY § 58-50. Monies in the Fund may also be used for other purposes, including, but not limited to, offsetting the costs associated with driver training and funding the Accessible Vehicle dispatch program established in 35 RCNY Chapter 53. Monies in the Fund will also be paid to Drivers who operate Accessible Taxicabs, including those required to be accessible pursuant to 35 RCNY § 58-50.
Taxicab Improvement Surcharge is the surcharge of $1.00 per trip that will be added to every taxicab trip. The Taxicab Improvement Surcharge will be deposited into the Taxicab Improvement Fund, except for any amounts paid directly to the Drivers of Accessible Taxicabs.
Taxicab License is the authority granted by the Commission for an Applicant to own and operate a designated vehicle as a Taxicab within the Commission's jurisdiction, as evidenced by the Medallion affixed to the hood of the vehicle.
Taximeter is an instrument or device approved by the Commission that automatically calculates and plainly indicates the charge to a passenger for hire in a Taxicab or Street Hail Livery.
Taximeter Business is a business licensed by the Commission that sells new or used Taximeter equipment or installs, repairs, adjusts, tests, seals, or calibrates Taximeters and/or Taxicab Roof Lights.
Taximeter Manufacturer means an entity licensed by the Commission that manufacturers Taximeters; only Taximeters made by a licensed Taximeter Manufacturer may be installed or used in Taxicabs.
Taxpayer is a person or Business Entity required to pay the MTA Tax.
Technology System is an integrated system of Hardware and Software installed in a Taxicab or Street Hail Livery that complies with the technical requirements set forth in 35 RCNY § 66-24.
Technology System Provider means a vendor who has been licensed by the Commission to install and maintain Technology Systems in Taxicabs and Street Hail Liveries.
Third Street Hail Livery License Issuance Period. The Third Street Hail Livery License Issuance Period is the period beginning the day after the Second Street Hail Livery License Issuance Period ends.
TLC Driver License means the authority granted by the Commission to an individual to drive a Taxicab, For-Hire Vehicle or Street Hail Livery in the City of New York.
TLC Points means points assessed by the Commission on a Driver’s TLC Driver License, Commuter Van Driver License, or Paratransit Driver’s License for the violation of certain TLC Rules.
Tort Letter is a statement from the insurer of a Taxicab stating whether or not the insurer is aware of any Excess Claims against the Taxicab Medallion or its Owner.
Transfer means the transfer of all or any portion of a Medallion ownership interest, including the transfer of interests in a Business Entity owning Medallions.
Transferee is an Applicant seeking approval from or approved by the Chairperson to own and operate a Medallion Taxicab in which Applicant is acquiring or has acquired an interest, either directly or indirectly, through a transfer described in 35 RCNY § 58-43.
Transfer Costs means the administrative costs involved in processing a transfer of ownership of a Taxicab Medallion, including the costs of any foreclosure or similar action and any outstanding fines or fees owed to the Commission or the Parking Violations Bureau.
Transferor is the Owner of an interest in a Taxicab Medallion being transferred.
Trip Data is the data that is required to be collected and transmitted by a Technology System including those items described in 35 RCNY § 66-24(f).
Trip Record (or Trip Sheet) refers to the hand-written or electronic collection of data that is required to be kept for each passenger trip.
Unlicensed Activity is the provision or advertising of any Commission-regulated for-hire transportation service by any (i) Licensee whose License is suspended, revoked, or expired and not yet renewed, or by any (ii) person who does not hold a Valid License or Authorization for the vehicle, for the driver of the vehicle and, if applicable, for the service. Unlicensed Activity includes these activities specified in § 19-506 and § 19-529 of the Administrative Code, and can subject the violator to the seizure and possible forfeiture of his or her vehicle.
Unrestricted Medallion is a Medallion Taxicab License that may be used with the type of vehicle specified in 35 RCNY § 67-05.
USPS is the United States Postal Service
Unspecified Driver is a term that is entered on a Rate Card indicating that the Taxicab can be driven by any Licensed Taxicab Driver whose name (or category) has been filed with the Commission by the Owner of that Taxicab.
Use an Electronic Communication Device (or Using an Electronic Communication Device) means to:
(1) Operate any function of an Electronic Communication Device in any way, or
(2) Have a device permitting hands-free operation of an Electronic Communication Device in or near the ear.
Valid means a license or other document which is not expired, suspended, revoked, conditional or restricted as to its use by the Commission, the New York State Department of Motor Vehicles or an agency of another state which licenses vehicles and drivers of vehicles or issues violations of traffic laws or regulations.
Valid Claim Letter is a Claim Letter which is not a Prior Claim Letter, and which:
(1) Is dated no more than one year prior to the date documentation is submitted to the Chairperson for a proposed transfer of a Taxicab Medallion;
(2) Sets forth a minimum claim in an amount sufficient to be an "Excess Claim"
(3) Includes a copy of the police report regarding the incident in question; and
(4) Includes a representation by the sender that the party against which the Excess Claim has been asserted has been provided with a copy of the Claim Letter.
Vehicle is a motor vehicle licensed by the Commission for the purpose of providing for hire transportation.
Vehicle Owner means the individual or Business Entity in whose name is Vehicle is registered and in whose name the Vehicle License is issued, as further specified in these Rules.
Weapon is any firearm (as defined in the New York State Penal Law) for which a license has not been issued as provided in the New York State Penal Law and the Administrative Code of the City of New York, electronic dartgun, gravity knife, switchblade knife, cane sword, billy, blackjack, bludgeon, metal knuckles, chuka stick, sandstick, slingshot, pilum ballistic knife, sand bag, sand club, wrist brace type slingshot, shirken, kung fu star, dagger, dangerous knife, dirk, razor, stiletto, imitation pistol or any other instrument or thing whether real or simulated, and capable of inflicting or threatening bodily harm, including but not limited to any other weapons, the possession of which is prohibited pursuant to the New York State Penal Law.
Wheelchair Passenger is a Passenger using a wheelchair.
Wheelchair using Passenger is a Passenger using a Wheelchair.
Wiring Harness means any wire or collection of wires that is connected in any manner to a Taximeter or that in any way affects the operation of a Taximeter.
Zero-Emission Vehicle is a vehicle that produces no direct exhaust or tailpipe emissions and includes, but is not limited to, battery electric vehicles and hydrogen fuel-cell electric vehicles.
(Amended City Record 6/29/2015, eff. 7/29/2015; amended City Record 10/23/2015, eff. 11/22/2015; amended City Record 3/4/2016, eff. 4/3/2016; amended City Record 6/30/2016, eff. 7/30/2016; amended City Record 9/20/2016, eff. 10/20/2016; amended City Record 9/22/2016, eff. 10/22/2016; amended City Record 12/15/2016, eff. 1/14/2017; amended City Record 5/14/2018, eff. 6/13/2018; amended City Record 5/17/2018, eff. 6/16/2018; amended City Record 12/11/2018, eff. 1/10/2019; amended City Record 8/12/2019, eff. 8/12/2019; amended City Record 8/19/2019, eff. 9/18/2019; amended City Record 2/12/2020, eff. 3/13/2020; amended City Record 12/9/2020, eff. 1/8/2021; amended City Record 6/30/2021, eff. 7/30/2021; amended City Record 11/18/2022, eff. 12/18/2022; amended City Record 2/2/2023, eff. 3/4/2023; amended City Record 5/10/2023, eff. 6/9/2023; amended City Record 10/30/2023, eff. 11/29/2023; amended City Record 6/20/2024, eff. 7/20/2024; amended City Record 8/22/2024, eff. 9/21/2024; amended City Record 10/18/2024, eff. 10/18/2024; amended City Record 2/4/2025, eff. 3/6/2025)