1019.4 Group I-2 and I-3 occupancies.
In Group I-2 and I-3 occupancies, floor openings between stories containing exit access stairways or ramps are required to be enclosed with a shaft enclosure constructed in accordance with Section 713.
Exception: In Group I-3 occupancies, exit access stairways or ramps constructed in accordance with Section 408 are not required to be enclosed.
1020.1.1 Interior corridors.
Interior corridors shall be fire-resistance rated in accordance with Table 1020.1.1.
1. A fire-resistance rating is not required for corridors in an occupancy in Group E where each room that is used for instruction has not less than one door opening directly to the exterior and rooms for assembly purposes have not less than one-half of the required means of egress doors opening directly to the exterior. Exterior doors specified in this exception are required to be at ground level and open to a public way.
2. A fire-resistance rating is not required for corridors contained within a dwelling unit or sleeping unit in an occupancy in Group R.
3. A fire-resistance rating is not required for corridors in open parking garages.
4. A fire-resistance rating is not required for corridors in an occupancy in Group B that is a space requiring only a single means of egress complying with Section 1006.2.
5. Corridors adjacent to the exterior walls of buildings shall be permitted to have unprotected openings on unrated exterior walls where unrated walls are permitted by Table 602 and unprotected openings are permitted by Table 705.8.
Occupancy | Occupant Load Served by Interior Corridor | Required Fire Resistance Rating (hours) | |
Without sprinkler system | With sprinkler system c |
Occupancy | Occupant Load Served by Interior Corridor | Required Fire Resistance Rating (hours) | |
Without sprinkler system | With sprinkler system c | ||
H-1, H-2, H-3 | All | Not Permitted | 1 |
H-4, H-5 | Greater than 30 | Not Permitted | 1 |
A, B, E, F, M,S, U | Greater than 30 | 1 | 0 |
R | Greater than 30 | 1
| 0 |
, I-4 | All | Not Permitted | 0 |
I-1, I-3 | All | Not Permitted | 1
a. For requirements for occupancies in Group I-2, see Sections 407.2 and 407.3.
b. For a reduction in the fire-resistance rating for occupancies in Group I-3, see Section 408.8.
c. Buildings equipped throughout with an automatic sprinkler system in accordance with Section 903.3.1.1 or 903.3.1.2 where allowed.
d. Interior corridors within dwelling or sleeping units in Group R occupancies pursuant to Section 1020.1.1, Exception 2 shall not require fire-resistance rating.
1020.1.2 Public corridors.
Public corridors shall be fire-resistance rated in accordance with Table 1020.1.2.
Occupancy | Required Fire Resistance Rating (hours) |
Occupancy | Required Fire Resistance Rating (hours) |
H-1, H-2, H-3 | 2 |
H-4, H-5 | 1 |
A, E, F, M, S, U | 1 |
B | 1
a |
R (Noncombustible) | 1
c |
R (Combustible) | 2
b |
I-1, I-2, I-3, I-4 | 1 |
a. Public corridors need not be fire-rated in high-rise buildings in occupancy Group B equipped throughout with an automatic sprinkler system in accordance with Section 903.3.1.1, where such building is provided with smokeproof enclosures in stairways in accordance with Section 403.5.4.
b. Public corridors in buildings not exceeding two stories in height, or that are three stories in height and occupied by not more than one family on each story, may be constructed with one hour fire-resistance rating.
c. Corridors serving accessory rooms or spaces in Group R-2 occupancies pursuant to Section 1004. shall be constructed with fire barriers with 1-hour fire-resistance rating, and 2-hour fire-resistance rating where the dead-end distance exceeds 40 feet (12 192 mm) in length.
1020.2 Width and capacity.
The required capacity of corridors shall be determined as specified in Section 1005, but the minimum width shall be not less than that specified in Table 1020.2.
Exception: In Group I-2 occupancies, corridors are not required to have a clear width of 96 inches (2438.4 mm) in areas where there will not be stretcher or bed movement for access to care or as part of the defend-in-place strategy.
Occupancy | Minimum Width (inches) |
Occupancy | Minimum Width (inches) |
Any facilities not listed below | 44 |
Access to and utilization of mechanical, plumbing or electrical systems or equipment | 24 |
With an occupant load of 50 or less, except as otherwise required by Chapter 11 | 36 |
Within a dwelling unit, in Occupancy Groups I-1 and R-1, except as otherwise required by Section 1107 | 36 |
Within a dwelling unit, in Occupancy Groups R-2 and R-3, except as otherwise required by Section 1107 | 30 |
In Group E serving classrooms | 66 |
In corridors and areas serving stretcher traffic in occupancies where patients receive outpatient medical care that causes the patients to be incapable of self-preservation | 72 |
Group I-2 in areas where required for bed movement | 96 |
For SI: 1 inch = 25.4 mm.
1020.3 Obstruction.
The minimum width or required capacity of corridors shall be unobstructed.
Exception: Encroachments complying with Section 1005.7.
1020.4 Dead ends.
Where more than one exit or exit access doorway is required, the exit access shall be arranged such that there are no dead ends in corridors more than 20 feet (6096 mm) in length.
1. In occupancies in Group I-3 of Condition 2, 3 or 4, the dead end in a corridor shall not exceed 50 feet (15 240 mm).
2. In occupancies in Groups B, E, F, I-1, M, R-1, S and U, where the building is equipped throughout with an automatic sprinkler system in accordance with Section 903.3.1.1, the length of the dead-end corridors shall not exceed 50 feet (15 240 mm).
3. Dead-end length not exceeding 2.5 times the least width of the dead-end corridor.
4. In occupancies in Group R-2, the dead end in a corridor shall not exceed 40 feet (12 192 mm). However, where the corridors are completely enclosed in construction having a 2-hour fire-resistance rating with all doors opening into the corridor being self-closing and having a fire-resistance rating of 1 1/2 hours, the length of dead-end corridor shall not exceed 80 feet (24 384 mm).
1020.5 Air movement in corridors.
Use of corridors as part of direct supply, return, or exhaust air system shall be subject to the limitations of the New York City Mechanical Code.