403.5.3.1 Stairway communication system.
A telephone or other two-way communications system connected to an approved constantly attended station shall be provided at not less than every fifth floor in each stairway where the doors to the stairway are locked in accordance with Section 403.5.3.
403.5.4 Smokeproof enclosures.
Every required interior exit stairway serving floors more than 75 feet (22 860 mm) above the lowest level of fire department vehicle access shall comply with Sections 909.20 and 1023.11
Exception: Smokeproof enclosures are not required in occupancy Group R-2 unless provided pursuant to Exception 2 of Section 917.1.
403.5.5 Luminous egress path markings.
Luminous egress path markings shall be provided in accordance with Section 1025 and Appendix S.
Exception: Egress paths serving Group R-2.
403.5.6 Emergency escape and rescue.
Emergency escape and rescue openings specified in Section 1030 are not required.
403.6 Elevators.
Elevator installation and operation in high-rise buildings shall comply with Chapter 30 and Sections 403.6.1 and 403.6.2.
403.6.1 Fire service access elevator.
In buildings with an occupied floor more than 120 feet (36 576 mm) above the lowest level of fire department vehicle access, a minimum of one fire service access elevator shall be provided in accordance with Section 3007.
403.6.2 Occupant evacuation elevators.
Where installed in accordance with Section 3008, passenger elevators for general public use shall be permitted to be used for occupant self-evacuation.