This code shall be enforced by the commissioner of buildings, pursuant to the provisions of section six hundred forty-three of the New York city charter. However, the commissioner of small business services may also enforce all of the provisions of this code with respect to buildings under the jurisdiction of the department of small business services and the fire commissioner may also enforce all the provisions of this code relating to:
1. The approved number of persons in places of assembly (overcrowding);
2. Obstruction of aisles, corridors, and exits;
3. The posting and availability for inspection of certificates of occupancy or other authorization of lawful occupancy, certificates of compliance and place of assembly certificates of operation;
4. The maintenance of fire, smoke and carbon monoxide detection and alarm systems, fire extinguishing systems, refrigerating systems, storage tanks and auxiliary storage tanks for oil burning equipment, exit signs and path markings, and any fire or life safety system, equipment or device intended for use by fire fighting personnel or whose use or operation is subject to the New York city fire code or other law or rule enforced by the New York city fire department, and any related installation and signage;
5. The installation and testing of fire alarm systems, smoke-detecting and carbon monoxide detecting devices that are interconnected with a fire alarm system or monitored by a central station, alternative automatic fire extinguishing systems, including but not limited to fire extinguishing systems for commercial cooking equipment, and fire protection plans;
6. Fire fighting equipment, access to and within premises upon or in which construction and demolition work is being conducted, and the conduct of all construction or demolition work affecting fire prevention and fire fighting;
7. Any exhaust system designed or used for commercial cooking equipment, when such commercial cooking equipment is required to be protected by a fire extinguishing system; and
8. The installation and testing of natural gas distribution piping systems designed for or operated at a gas pressure of 15 psig (103 kPa gauge) or greater.
(Am. L.L. 2018/195, 12/1/2018, eff. 5/30/2019)
Editor's note: For related unconsolidated provisions, see Appendix A at L.L. 2008/026 and L.L. 2018/195.
Where the installation of exit signs, emergency means of egress illumination, special mechanical ventilation, sprinkler systems, fire alarm systems and alternative automatic fire extinguishing systems is required by the New York city fire code, the fire commissioner shall require such installations to be in accordance with this code.
(Am. L.L. 2018/195, 12/1/2018, eff. 5/30/2019)
Editor's note: For related unconsolidated provisions, see Appendix A at L.L. 2018/195.
This code and the 1968 building code shall apply to property within the jurisdiction of the department of small business services pursuant to the New York city charter including, but not limited to, structures on waterfront property used in conjunction with and in furtherance of waterfront commerce and/or navigation. It shall be administered and enforced by the department of small business services in the same manner as property within the jurisdiction of the department.
There is hereby established within the department an innovation review board which shall include as members in addition to the commissioner, the commissioners of environmental protection, health and mental hygiene and design and construction and the chairperson of the city planning commission, or their respective designees. The commissioner shall also designate members from among the fire commissioner and the commissioners of transportation, parks and recreation, consumer and worker protection, emergency management, housing preservation and development and sanitation and the chairperson of the landmarks preservation commission, and non-governmental organizations and individuals, or their respective designees, with respect to specific matters being considered by the board where the commissioner determines it appropriate to do so.
(Am. L.L. 2020/080, 8/28/2020, eff. 8/28/2020)
Editor's note: For related unconsolidated provisions, see Appendix A at L.L. 2010/005 and L.L. 2020/080.
The commissioner shall convene the innovation review board at least quarterly, or more often as the commissioner may deem necessary to address issues in a timely manner to (i) review specific projects that propose to employ new technologies, design or construction techniques, materials or products, (ii) review proposals for approval of and to initiate reviews of such of new technologies, design or construction techniques, materials or products in order to determine their environmental and sustainability benefits, (iii) make recommendations as to under what conditions and for what purposes each may be appropriately employed in New York city, and (iv) streamline approvals of specific innovative projects. If the board recommends that a technology, design or construction technique, material or product may appropriately be employed, the commissioner shall consider such recommendation and may by rule or other method as the commissioner deems appropriate, authorize the use of such technology, design or construction technique, material or product and under what conditions and for what purposes each may be appropriately employed. The commissioner shall state in writing to the interagency green team established pursuant to subdivision i of section twenty of the charter what action the commissioner shall take with respect to each such recommendation and the reasons for the action taken.
Editor's note: For related unconsolidated provisions, see Appendix A at L.L. 2010/005.
The requirements and standards prescribed in this code shall be subject to variation in specific cases by the commissioner, or by the board of standards and appeals, under and pursuant to the provisions of paragraph two of subdivision (b) of section six hundred forty-five and section six hundred sixty-six of the New York city charter, as amended.
An appeal from any decision or interpretation of the commissioner may be taken to the board of standards and appeals pursuant to the procedures of the board, except as provided in section 25-204 of the administrative code or as otherwise provided in this code.
Editor's note: For related unconsolidated provisions, see Appendix A at L.L. 2008/008.
The commissioner may design and adopt a seal for the department for use in the authentication of the orders and proceedings of the department, and for such other purposes as the commissioner may prescribe. The courts shall take judicial notice of such seal, and of the signature of the commissioner, the deputy commissioners, and the borough superintendents of the department.