Any matter or requirement essential for fire or structural safety or essential for the safety or health of the occupants or users of a structure or the public, and which is not covered by the provisions of this code or other applicable laws and rules, shall be subject to determination and requirements by the commissioner in specific cases.
Whenever there is insufficient evidence of compliance with the provisions of this code, or evidence that a material or method of construction does not conform to the requirements of this code, or in order to substantiate claims for alternative materials or methods, the commissioner shall have the authority to require tests as evidence of compliance to be made at no expense to the city. Test methods shall be as specified in this code, or by other recognized test standards approved by the commissioner. In the absence of recognized and accepted test methods, the commissioner shall approve the testing procedures. Tests shall be performed as directed by the commissioner. Reports of such tests shall be retained by the department for the period required for retention of public records.
Whenever this code or the rules of the department permits the use of material regulated in its use by this code or the 1968 building code without the prior approval of the commissioner, the commissioner may, in the interest of public safety, require the submittal of supporting documentation that any material used or proposed to be used complies with the applicable code standard for such use. Such supporting documentation may consist of but shall not be limited to certification documents of an approved agency, test reports, analysis, computations or other evidence of such compliance.
The department shall receive and review applications, construction documents, and other related documents and shall issue permits, in accordance with the provisions of this code. The department shall, on a weekly basis, send council members and community boards, by electronic mail, a copy of all completed applications for a new building or an alteration that will require a new certificate of occupancy for a building, received during the prior week, disaggregated by community board. In addition, the department shall post such information on its website on a weekly basis.
(Am. L.L. 2016/010, 2/8/2016, eff. 5/8/2016)
The commissioner or his or her authorized representatives, in the discharge of their duties, shall have the right to enter upon and inspect, at all reasonable times, any buildings, enclosure, premises, or any part thereof, or any signs or service equipment contained therein or attached thereto for the purpose of determining compliance with the provisions of this code and other applicable building laws and rules. Officers and employees of the department shall identify themselves by exhibiting the official badge or other identification prescribed by the department; and other authorized representatives of the commissioner shall identify themselves by producing and exhibiting their authority in writing signed by the commissioner. If access is not obtained, the commissioner shall have recourse to remedies provided by law to secure entry.
The department shall keep official records of applications received, permits and certificates issued, fees collected, reports of inspections, and notices and orders issued. Such records shall be retained in the official records for the period required for retention of public records.
The commissioner shall maintain a separate list of alteration permits issued for the erection or placement of antennae used to provide cellular telephone or similar service or any structure related to such service which shall, at a minimum, set forth the name, business address and business telephone number of the applicant, the date of the application, the date the permit was issued, the location for which the permit was issued, including the premises address and the zoning district, whether residential, commercial, or manufacturing, and the number of permits issued for such purpose at the same location. Such list shall be made available to the public upon request between regular business hours and shall be available to the public in electronic format on a 24-hour basis on the department's website.
The commissioner may require applicants for permits to obtain and furnish proof of workers' compensation, disability and general liability insurance in such amounts and in accordance with such specifications as shall be set forth in the rules of the department or as otherwise required by law.