For taxable years beginning on or after January first, nineteen hundred seventy-five and before January first, nineteen hundred eighty-five, the tax imposed by section 11-639 of this part shall be the greater of the following computations:
(a) Basic tax.
(1) Except for a savings bank and savings and loan association, thirteen and eight hundred twenty-three one-thousandths percent of the taxpayer's entire net income, or the portion thereof allocated to this city, for the taxable year, or part thereof.
(2) For a savings bank and savings and loan association, twelve and one hundred thirty-four thousandths percent of the taxpayer's entire net income, or the portion thereof allocated to this city, for the taxable year, or part thereof.
(b) Alternative minimum tax. If the tax under subdivision (a) is less than any of the following amounts, the tax shall be the largest of the following amounts:
(1) Except for a savings bank and savings and loan association, two and six-tenths mills upon each dollar of such part of the taxpayer's issued capital stock on the last day of the taxable year, at its face value, but if such taxpayer has stock without par value, such stock shall be taken at its actual or market value, and not less than five dollars per share, as may be determined by the commissioner of finance, as the gross income of such taxpayer derived from business carried on within the city during such taxable year bears to its gross income derived from all business, both within and without the city during said year; except that if the period covered by the return is other than twelve months, the tax shall be prorated on the basis of the number of months or major portions thereof included in the return. For purposes of this paragraph, the term "gross income" shall have the same meaning as it has in the laws of the United States relating to federal income taxes.
(2) Except as otherwise provided in paragraph three of this subdivision, for a savings bank and savings and loan association, two and five hundred seventy-four one-thousandths percent of the interest or dividends credited by it to depositors or shareholders during any taxable year, provided that, in determining such amount, each interest or dividend credit to a depositor or shareholder shall be deemed to be the interest or dividend actually credited or the interest or dividend which would have been credited if it had been computed and credited at the rate of three and one-half percent per annum, whichever is less.
(3) (i) For a savings bank and savings and loan association, for any quarterly accounting period in which such savings bank or savings and loan association credits or pays dividends to its depositors or shareholders on or after the first day of October, nineteen hundred eighty-one but before the first day of July, nineteen hundred eighty-six, and after such credit or payment the net worth of such savings bank or savings and loan association is less than five percent of the amount due depositors, one and eight hundred twenty-four one-thousandths percent of the interest or dividends credited by it to a depositor or shareholder during such accounting period, provided that, in determining such amount, each interest or dividend credit to depositors or shareholders shall be deemed to be the interest or dividend actually credited or the interest or dividend which would have been credited if it had been computed and credited at the rate of three and one-half percent per annum, whichever is less. In determining the lesser of the amount of interest or dividends actually credited to depositors or shareholders or the amount of interest or dividends which would have been credited if such interest or dividends had been computed and credited at the rate of three and one-half percent per annum, the provisions of subparagraph (ii) of this paragraph shall not be considered.
(ii) For purposes of the computation provided for in subparagraph (i), except where the tax computed under subparagraph (i) of this paragraph is computed as if the interest or dividends were computed and credited at the rate of three and one-half percent per annum, that portion of the interest or dividends credited on or after the first day of October, nineteen hundred eighty-one but before the first day of July, nineteen hundred eighty-six by:
(A) a savings bank to a depositor or shareholder which is attributable to an increase or a deemed increase in the gross earnings, surplus fund, or net worth of the savings bank, which increase became available for interest or dividends upon the prior written approval of the superintendent of banks pursuant to the provisions of subdivision four of section two hundred forty-four of the banking law; or
(B) a savings and loan association to a depositor or shareholder which is attributable to an increase or a deemed increase in gross income, undivided profits, surplus account or net worth of the savings and loan association, which increase became available for interest or dividends upon the prior written approval of the superintendent of banks pursuant to the provisions of subdivision two of section three hundred eighty-seven of the banking law; or
(C) a federal savings bank or a federal savings and loan association to a depositor or shareholder, which would have required and received prior written approval of the superintendent of banks in respect to increases in gross income, gross earnings, undivided profits, surplus funds, surplus accounts or net worth available for dividends pursuant to the provisions of subdivision four of section two hundred forty-four of the banking law and subdivision two of section three hundred eighty-seven of the banking law, respectively, were the provisions of sections two hundred forty-four and three hundred eighty-seven of the banking law applicable to federal savings banks and federal savings and loan associations shall not be considered to have been credited to depositors or shareholders. Where the tax computed under subparagraph (i) of this paragraph is computed as if the interest or dividends were computed and credited at the rate of three and one-half percent per annum, the amount of interest or dividends which shall not be considered to have been credited to depositors or shareholders is an amount which bears the same ratio to the interest or dividends which would have been credited at the rate of three and one-half percent per annum as the amount of that portion of the interest or dividends paid or credited on or after the first day of October, nineteen hundred eighty-one but before the first day of July, nineteen hundred eighty-six, which is attributable to an increase or deemed increase in gross income, gross earnings, undivided profits, surplus funds, surplus account or net worth available for dividends pursuant to the provisions of subdivision four of section two hundred forty-four of the banking law or subdivision two of section three hundred eighty-seven of the banking law, bears to the amount of interest or dividends actually credited. For purposes of this clause, the determination of whether a federal savings bank or federal savings and loan association would have required and received prior written approval of the superintendent of banks shall be made by the superintendent of banks, upon application and upon such forms as he or she may require, by applying the provision of subdivision four of section two hundred forty-four of the banking law, as if such provisions were applicable to federal savings banks, and subdivision two of section three hundred eighty-seven of the banking law, as if such provisions were applicable to federal savings and loan associations, and the superintendent of banks may require and examine such information as he or she may deem necessary to make such determinations.
(4) (i) Except for a savings bank and savings and loan association, twenty-five dollars.
(ii) For a savings bank and savings and loan association, twenty dollars.
For each taxable year beginning in nineteen hundred seventy-four and ending in nineteen hundred seventy-five, two tentative taxes shall be computed, the first as provided in section 11-643.1 and the second as provided in section 11-643.3 of this part, and the tax for each such year shall be the sum of that proportion of each tentative tax which the number of days in nineteen hundred seventy-four and the number of days in nineteen hundred seventy-five, respectively, which fall within the taxable year, bears to the number of days in the entire taxable year.
For taxable years beginning on or after January first, nineteen hundred eighty-five, the tax imposed by section 11-639 shall be the greater of the following computations:
(a) Basic tax. Nine percent of the taxpayer's entire net income, or the portion thereof allocated to the city, for the taxable year or part thereof.
(b) Alternative minimum tax. If the tax under subdivision (a) of this section is less than any of the following amounts, the tax shall be the larger of the following amounts:
(1) For taxable years beginning before two thousand eleven, except in the case of a corporation organized under the laws of a country other than the United States, one-tenth of a mill upon each dollar of taxable assets, or the portion thereof allocated to the city. For taxable years beginning after two thousand ten, except in the case of a taxpayer described in clause (i), (ii), or (iii) below, one-tenth of a mill upon each dollar of taxable assets, or the portion thereof allocated to the city.
(i) In the case of a taxpayer whose net worth ratio is less than five percent but greater than or equal to four percent and whose total assets are comprised of thirty-three percent or more of mortgages, one-twenty-fifth of a mill upon each dollar of taxable assets, or the portion thereof allocated to the city.
(ii) In the case of a taxpayer whose net worth ratio is less than four percent and whose total assets are comprised of thirty-three percent or more of mortgages, one-fiftieth of a mill upon each dollar of taxable assets, or the portion thereof allocated to the city.
(iii) A taxpayer (whether or not a qualified institution as defined in subparagraph (B) of paragraph five of subsection (f) of section four hundred six of the federal national housing act, as amended, or as defined in paragraph two of subsection (i) of section thirteen of the federal deposit insurance act, as amended) shall not be subject to the provisions of this paragraph for that portion of the taxable year in which it had outstanding net worth certificates issued in accordance with paragraph five of subsection (f) of section four hundred six of the federal national housing act, as amended, or issued in accordance with subsection (i) of section thirteen of the federal deposit insurance act, as amended.
(iv) For the purposes of this part:
(A) the term "taxable assets" shall mean the average value of total assets reduced by any amount of money or other property received from or attributable to amounts received from the federal deposit insurance corporation pursuant to subsection (c) of section thirteen of the federal deposit insurance act, as amended, or the federal savings and loan insurance corporation pursuant to paragraph one, two, three or four of subsection (f) of section four hundred six of the federal national housing act, as amended. Total assets are those assets which are properly reflected on a balance sheet the income or expenses of which are properly reflected (or would have been properly reflected if not fully depreciated or expensed or depreciated or expensed to a nominal amount) in the computation of alternative entire net income for the taxable year or in the computation of the eligible net income of the taxpayer's international banking facility for the taxable year.
(B) The term "net worth ratio" shall mean the percentage of net worth to assets on the last day of the taxable year. The term "net worth" means the sum of preferred stock, common stock, surplus, capital reserves, undivided profits, mutual capital certificates, reserve for contingencies, reserve for loan losses and reserve for security losses minus assets classified loss. The term "assets" means the sum of mortgage loans, nonmortgage loans, repossessed assets, real estate held for development or investment or resale, cash, deposits, investment securities, fixed assets and other assets (such as financial futures, goodwill and other intangible assets) minus assets classified loss. In no event shall assets be reduced by reserves for losses.
(C) The term "mortgages" shall mean loans secured by real property within or without the state, participations in and securities collateralized by pools of residential mortgages, whether or not issued or guaranteed by a United States government agency, and loans secured by stock in a cooperative housing corporation. The percentage of total assets comprised of mortgages shall be an amount equal to the ratio of the average of the four quarterly balances of such mortgages ending within the taxable year, to the average of the four quarterly balances of all assets ending within the taxable year. Such quarterly balances shall be computed in the same manner as the report of condition required for federal deposit insurance corporation or federal savings and loan insurance corporation purposes, whether or not such report is required. For taxable periods of less than one year, the taxpayer shall compute such ratio using the number of such quarterly balances ending within such taxable period.
(2) For taxable years beginning before two thousand eleven, in the case of a corporation organized under the laws of a country other than the United States, (i) two and six-tenths mills upon each dollar of such part of the taxpayer's issued capital stock on the last day of the taxable year, at its face value, but if such taxpayer has stock without par value, such stock shall be taken at its actual or market value, and not less than five dollars per share, as may be determined by the commissioner of finance, or (ii) if the taxpayer does not have issued capital stock, two and six-tenths mills upon each dollar of such part of the amount by which its average total assets exceeds its average total liabilities, as the gross income of such taxpayer derived from business carried on within the city during such taxable year bears to its gross income derived from all business, both within and without the city during said year; except that if the period covered by the return is other than twelve months, the tax shall be prorated on the basis of the number of months or major portions thereof included in the return. For purposes of this paragraph, the term "gross income" shall have the same meaning as it has in the laws of the United States relating to federal income taxes.
(3) Three percent of the taxpayer's alternative entire net income, or portion thereof allocated to the city, for the taxable year, or part thereof.
(4) One hundred twenty-five dollars.
(c) [Repealed.]
Editor's note: For related unconsolidated provisions, see Appendix A at L.L. 1987/049.
(a) In addition to any other credit allowed by this part, a taxpayer that has obtained the certifications required by chapter six-B of title twenty-two of the code shall be allowed a credit against the tax imposed by this part. The amount of the credit shall be the amount determined by multiplying five hundred dollars or, in the case of a taxpayer that has obtained pursuant to chapter six-B of such title twenty-two a certification of eligibility dated on or after July first, nineteen hundred ninety-five, one thousand dollars or, in the case of an eligible business that has obtained pursuant to chapter six-B of such title twenty-two a certification of eligibility dated on or after July first, two thousand, for a relocation to eligible premises located within a revitalization area defined in subdivision (n) of section 22-621 of the code, three thousand dollars, by the number of eligible aggregate employment shares maintained by the taxpayer during the taxable year with respect to particular premises to which the taxpayer has relocated; provided, however, with respect to a relocation for which no application for a certificate of eligibility is submitted prior to July first, two thousand three to eligible premises that are not within a revitalization area, if the date of such relocation as determined pursuant to subdivision (j) of section 22-621 of the code is before July first, nineteen hundred ninety-five, the amount to be multiplied by the number of eligible aggregate employment shares shall be five hundred dollars, and with respect to a relocation for which no application for a certificate of eligibility is submitted prior to July first, two thousand three, to eligible premises that are within a revitalization area, if the date of such relocation as determined pursuant to subdivision (j) of such section is before July first, nineteen hundred ninety-five, the amount to be multiplied by the number of eligible aggregate employment shares shall be five hundred dollars, and if the date of such relocation as determined pursuant to subdivision (j) of such section is on or after July first, nineteen hundred ninety-five, and before July first, two thousand, one thousand dollars; provided, however, that no credit shall be allowed for the relocation of any retail activity or hotel services; and provided that in the case of an eligible business that has obtained pursuant to chapter six-B of such title twenty-two certifications of eligibility for more than one relocation, the portion of the total amount of eligible aggregate employment shares to be multiplied by the dollar amount specified in this subdivision for each such certification of a relocation shall be the number of total attributed eligible aggregate employment shares determined with respect to such relocation pursuant to subdivision (o) of section 22-621 of the code. For purposes of this section, the terms "eligible aggregate employment shares," "relocate," "retail activity" and "hotel services" shall have the meanings ascribed by section 22-621 of the code.
(b) The credit allowed under this section with respect to eligible aggregate employment shares maintained with respect to particular premises to which the taxpayer has relocated shall be allowed for the first taxable year during which such eligible aggregate employment shares are maintained with respect to such premises and for any of the twelve succeeding taxable years during which eligible aggregate employment shares are maintained with respect to such premises; provided that the credit allowed for the twelfth succeeding taxable year shall be calculated by multiplying the number of eligible aggregate employment shares maintained with respect to such premises in the twelfth succeeding taxable year by the lesser of one and a fraction the numerator of which is such number of days in the taxable year of relocation less the number of days the eligible business maintained employment shares in the eligible premises in the taxable year of relocation and the denominator of which is the number of days in such twelfth succeeding taxable year during which such eligible aggregate employment shares are maintained with respect to such premises. Except as provided in subdivision (d) of this section, if the amount of the credit allowable under this section for any taxable year exceeds the tax imposed for such year, the excess may be carried over, in order, to the five immediately succeeding taxable years and, to the extent not previously deductible, may be deducted from the taxpayer's tax for such years.
(c) The credit allowable under this section shall be deducted after the credit allowed by section 11-643.8, but prior to the deduction of any other credit allowed by this part.
(d) In the case of a taxpayer that has obtained a certification of eligibility pursuant to chapter six-B of title twenty-two of the code dated on or after July first, two thousand for a relocation to eligible premises located within the revitalization area defined in subdivision (n) of section 22-621 of the code, the credits allowed under this section, or in the case of a taxpayer that has relocated more than once, the portion of such credits attributed to such certification of eligibility pursuant to subdivision (a) of this section, against the tax imposed by this chapter for the taxable year of such relocation and for the four taxable years immediately succeeding the taxable year of such relocation, shall be deemed to be overpayments of tax by the taxpayer to be credited or refunded, without interest, in accordance with the provisions of section 11-677 of this chapter. For such taxable years, such credits or portions thereof may not be carried over to any succeeding taxable year; provided, however, that this subdivision shall not apply to any relocation for which an application for a certification of eligibility was not submitted prior to July first, two thousand three, unless the date of such relocation is on or after July first, two thousand.