When used in this chapter the following terms shall mean or include:
1. "Person." Includes any individual, partnership, society, association, joint-stock company, corporation, estate, receiver, lessee, trustee, assignee, assignee of rents, referee, or any other person acting in a fiduciary or representative capacity, whether appointed by a court or otherwise, and any combination of individuals.
2. "Comptroller." The comptroller of the city.
3. "Commissioner of finance." The commissioner of finance of the city.
4. "Gross income." All receipts received in or by reason of any sale made including receipts from the sale of residuals and by-products (except sale of real property) or service rendered in the city, including cash, credits and property of any kind or nature (whether or not such sale is made or such service is rendered for profit) without any deduction therefrom on account of the cost of the property sold, the cost of material used, labor or services, delivery costs, any other costs whatsoever, interest or discount paid, or any other expense whatsoever; also profits from the sale of securities; also profits from the sale of real property growing out of the ownership or use of or interest in such property; also profit from the sale of personal property (other than property of a kind which would properly be included in the inventory of the taxpayer if on hand at the close of the taxable period for which a return is made); also receipts from interest, dividends and royalties without any deductions therefrom for any expense whatsoever incurred in connection with the receipt thereof, and also gains or profits from any source whatsoever; but shall not include gross income of railroads from the transportation of freight, gross income from the operation of hotels, multiple dwellings or office buildings by persons in the business of operating or leasing sleeping or parlor railroad cars or of operating railroads other than street surface, rapid transit, subway and elevated railroads, or interest or dividends received from a corporation by such persons or by persons subject to taxation under the provisions of section one hundred eighty-six-a of the tax law. Rents or rentals shall not be deemed to be gross receipts subject to tax, except rents or rentals derived from facilities used in the public service; provided, however, that in the case of persons in the business of operating or leasing sleeping or parlor railroad cars or of operating railroads other than street surface, rapid transit, subways and elevated railroads, such last-mentioned rents or rentals derived from other such utilities with respect to the operation of terminal facilities shall not be deemed to be gross income subject to tax except for the amount in excess of a user proportion of New York city real property and special franchise taxes and expenses of maintenance and operation. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this subdivision or any other provision of law, for taxable periods beginning on or after August first, two thousand two, gross income shall include eighty-four percent of charges for the provision of mobile telecommunications services where the place of primary use of the mobile telecommunications services is within the territorial limits of the city except to the extent that such inclusion would result in the taxation of charges for the provision of mobile telecommunications services that is prohibited by federal law.
5. "Gross operating income." Includes receipts received in or by reason of any sale made or service rendered, of the property and services specified in subdivision seven of this section in the city, including cash, credits and property of any kind or nature (whether or not such sale is made or such service is rendered for profit), without any deduction therefrom on account of the cost of the property sold, the cost of materials used, labor or other services, delivery costs or any other costs whatsoever, interest or discount paid or any other expenses whatsoever, provided however, that if a vendor of utility service purchases gas, electricity, steam, water or refrigeration or gas, electric, steam, water or refrigeration service in a transaction the receipts from which are not subject to the tax imposed under this chapter, the gross operating income derived by such vendor of utility service from the resale of such gas, electricity, steam, water or refrigeration or such gas, electric, steam, water or refrigeration service to its tenants as an incident to such vendor's activity of renting premises to tenants, shall, if subject to the tax imposed under this chapter on such vendor, be conclusively presumed to be equal to the amount of such vendor's cost (including any associated transportation cost) for the purchase of such gas, electricity, steam, water or refrigeration or gas, electric, steam, water or refrigeration service for resale by such vendor. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this subdivision or any other provision of law, for taxable periods beginning on or after August first, two thousand two, gross operating income shall include eighty-four percent of charges for the provision of mobile telecommunications services where the place of primary use of the mobile telecommunications services is within the territorial limits of the city except to the extent that such inclusion would result in the taxation of charges for the provision of mobile telecommunications services that is prohibited by federal law.
6. "Utility." Every person subject to the supervision of the department of public service and, for taxable periods beginning on or after August first, two thousand two, every person, whether or not supervised by the department of public service, eighty percent or more of the gross receipts of which consists of charges for the provision of mobile telecommunications services to customers. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in any other provision of law, for purposes of this subdivision, the gross receipts of a person shall not include the gross receipts of any other related or unrelated person.
7. "Vendor of utility services." Every person not subject to the supervision of the department of public service, and not otherwise a utility as defined in subdivision six of this section, who furnishes or sells gas, electricity, steam, water or refrigeration, or furnishes or sells gas, electric, steam, water, refrigeration or telecommunications services, or who operates omnibuses (whether or not such operation is on the public streets); regardless of whether such furnishing, selling or operation constitutes the main activity of such person or is merely incidental thereto.
8. "Return." Includes any return filed or required to be filed as herein provided.
9. "Telecommunications services." Telephony or telegraphy, or telephone or telegraph service, including, but not limited to, any transmission of voice image, data, information and paging, through the use of wire, cable, fiber-optic, laser, microwave, radio wave, satellite or similar media or any combination thereof and shall include services that are ancillary to the provision of telephone service (such as, but not limited to, dial tone, basic service, directory information, call forwarding, caller-identification, call waiting and the like) and also include any equipment and services provided therewith; provided, however, that the definition of telecommunication services shall not apply to separately stated charges for any service that alters the substantive content of the message received by the recipient from that sent; and that such services shall not include (i) cable television services that consist of the transmitting to subscribers of programs broadcast by one or more television or radio stations or any other programs originated by any person by means of wire, cable, microwave or any other means or (ii) air safety and navigation services where such telecommunication service is provided by an organization, at least ninety percent of which (if a corporation, ninety percent of the voting stock of which) is owned, directly or indirectly, by air carriers, and which organization's principal function is to fulfill the requirements of (a) the federal aviation administration (or the successor thereto) or (b) the international civil aviation organization (or the successor thereto), relating to the existence of a communication system between aircraft and dispatcher, aircraft and air traffic control or ground station and ground station (or any combination of the foregoing) for the purposes of air safety and navigation.
10. "Limited fare omnibus company." An omnibus company whose principal source of revenue is derived from the daily transportation of passengers wholly within the city on a route or zoned portion thereof pursuant to a franchise agreement with, or consent of, the city, at the following fares: for the period from August first, nineteen hundred sixty-five until and including December thirty-first, nineteen hundred seventy-five, at a fare not in excess of thirty-five cents per passenger; for the period from January first, nineteen hundred seventy-six until and including June twenty-seventh, nineteen hundred eighty, at a fare not in excess of fifty cents per passenger; for the period from June twenty-eighth, nineteen hundred eighty until and including August thirty-first, nineteen hundred eighty, at a fare not in excess of sixty cents per passenger; for the period from September first, nineteen hundred eighty and thereafter, at a fare not in excess of the regular rate of fare charged per passenger for comparable service both local and express on regular rapid transit and surface lines operated by the New York city transit authority. For purposes of this subdivision, the term "regular rate of fare" shall be exclusive of fares for special train or bus service, or additional charges for bridge or tunnel tolls or transfer privileges.
11. "Commuter service." Mass transportation service (exclusive of limited stop service to airports, racetracks or any place where entertainment, amusement or sport activities are held or where recreational facilities are supplied) provided pursuant to a franchise with, or consent of, the city of New York.
12. "Tax appeals tribunal." The tax appeals tribunal established by section one hundred sixty-eight of the charter.
13. "Base Year." Means the calendar year ending immediately prior to the calendar year containing the taxable period or periods for which a return is required to be filed pursuant to the provisions of section 11-1104 of this chapter.
14. "Taxable Period." Means the period for which a return is required to be filed pursuant to the provisions of this chapter and shall be either (i) the semiannual period beginning the first day of January or the first day of July of the calendar year, or (ii) the calendar month.
15. "Premises." Means for purposes of section 11-1102 of this chapter, any real property or part thereof, and any structure thereon or space therein.
16. "Tenant." Means a person paying, or required to pay, rent for premises as a lessee, sublessee, licensee or concessionaire.
17. "Mobile telecommunications services." Telecommunications services that are commercial mobile radio services.
18. "Commercial mobile radio services." Commercial mobile radio services as defined in 47 CFR § 20.3 as in effect on June first, nineteen hundred ninety-nine.
19. "Charges for mobile telecommunications services." Any charge for, or associated with, the provision of mobile telecommunications services and any charge for, or associated with, a service provided as an adjunct to mobile telecommunications services that is billed to the customer by or for the customer's home service provider regardless of whether individual transmissions originate or terminate within the licensed service area of the home service provider.
20. "Place of primary use." The street address representative of where the customer's use of the mobile telecommunications services primarily occurs, which must be (i) the residential street address or the primary business street address of the customer; and (ii) within the licensed service area of the home service provider.
21. "Licensed service area." The geographic area in which the home service provider is authorized by law or contract to provide commercial mobile radio services to the customer.
22. "Home service provider." The facilities-based carrier or reseller with which the customer contracts for the provision of mobile telecommunications services.
23. "Customer." The person or entity that contracts with the home service provider for mobile telecommunications services. If the end user of mobile telecommunications services is not the contracting party, then, solely for purposes of subdivision twenty of this section, the term "customer" shall mean the end user of the mobile telecommunications services. The term customer does not include a reseller of mobile telecommunications services, or a serving carrier under an arrangement to serve the customer outside the home service provider's licensed service area.
24. "Reseller." A provider who purchases telecommunications services from another telecommunications service provider and then resells, uses as a component part of, or integrates the purchased services into a mobile telecommunications service. The term reseller does not include a serving carrier with which a home service provider arranges for the services to its customers outside the home service provider's licensed service area.
25.* "Serving carrier." A facilities-based carrier providing mobile telecommunications service to a customer outside a home service provider's or reseller's licensed service area.
* Editor's note: there are two divisions designated 25 in this section.
25.* "Cogeneration facility" means (i) a facility that was in operation before January first, two thousand four and that produces electric energy and steam or other forms of useful energy (such thermal energy) that are supplied to and used by tenants and/or occupants of a cooperative corporation for industrial, commercial, or residential heating or cooling purposes; or (ii) a cogeneration facility, as defined in clause (i) of this subparagraph, that has been replaced by any other facility used to generate electricity and steam or other forms of useful energy (such as thermal energy), when such electricity and steam or other forms of useful energy (such as thermal energy) are supplied to and used by tenants and/or occupants of a cooperative corporation.
* Editor's note: there are two divisions designated 25 in this section.
26.* "Enhanced zip code." A United States postal zip code of nine or more digits.
* Editor's note: there are two divisions designated 26 in this section.
26.* "Cooperative corporation" means a corporation organized under the laws of New York, at least some of the stockholders of which are entitled, by reason of the stockholders' ownership interest of stock in the corporation, to occupy for dwelling purposes an apartment in a building owned by the corporation pursuant to a lease or occupancy agreement with the corporation.
* Editor's note: there are two divisions designated 26 in this section.
27. [Repealed.]
Editor's note: For related unconsolidated provisions, see Appendix A at L.L. 1987/049.
a. Notwithstanding any other provisions of law to the contrary, for the privilege of exercising its franchise or franchises, or of holding property, or of doing business in the city, on or after August first, nineteen hundred sixty-five, every utility shall pay to the commissioner of finance an excise tax which shall be equal to two per centum of its gross income until and including December thirty-first, nineteen hundred sixty-five, and shall be equal to two and thirty-five hundredths per centum thereafter, except that the rate as to persons engaged in the business of operating omnibuses with a carrying capacity of more than seven persons shall be one per centum until and including December thirty-first, nineteen hundred sixty-five, and one and seventeen hundredths per centum thereafter, and except that as to persons engaged in the business of operating or leasing sleeping and parlor railroad cars or of operating railroads other than street surface, rapid transit, subway and elevated railroads, the rate shall be three per centum until and including December thirty-first, nineteen hundred sixty-five, and three and fifty-two one hundredths per centum thereafter, and every vendor of utility services in the city shall pay to the commissioner of finance an excise tax which shall be equal to two per centum of its gross operating income until and including December thirty-first, nineteen hundred sixty-five, and shall be equal to two and thirty-five one hundredths per centum thereafter, except that as to persons engaged in the business of operating omnibuses with a carrying capacity of more than seven persons other than omnibuses used exclusively for the transportation of children to and from schools operated under contracts made pursuant to the provisions of the education law, and not subject to the jurisdiction of the department of public service, the rate shall be one per centum of its gross operating income until and including December thirty-first, nineteen hundred sixty-five, and one and seventeen hundredths per centum thereafter. Such tax shall be in addition to any and all other taxes, charges and fees imposed by any other provision of law and shall be paid at the time and in the manner hereinafter provided, but any person to the extent that it is subject to tax hereunder shall not be liable to any tax under any other of the local laws of the city enacted pursuant to chapter ninety-three of the laws of nineteen hundred sixty-five as amended, or article two-b of the general city law, with respect to its gross income or gross operating income hereunder taxed, as the case may be.
b. So much of the gross income of a utility shall be excluded from the measure of the tax imposed by this chapter, as is derived from sales for resale to vendors of utility services validly subject to the tax imposed by this chapter, except to the extent that such gross income is derived from sales of gas, electricity, steam, water or refrigeration or sales or rendering of gas, electric, steam, water or refrigeration service to a vendor of utility services for resale to its tenants as an incident to such vendor's activity of renting premises to tenants.
c. For the purpose of proper administration of this chapter and to prevent evasion of the tax hereby imposed, it shall be presumed that the gross income or gross operating income of any person taxable hereunder is taxable and is derived from business conducted wholly within the territorial limits of the city until the contrary is established, and the burden of proving that any part of its gross income or gross operating income is not so derived shall be upon such person. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in the preceding sentence or in any provision of section twenty-b of the general city law or any other provision of law, for taxable periods beginning on or after August first, two thousand two, gross income and gross operating income derived from the provision of mobile telecommunications services shall be deemed to be derived from business conducted wholly within the territorial limits of the city where the place of primary use of the mobile telecommunications services is within the territorial limits of the city.
d. The tax imposed by this chapter shall be inapplicable to the gross income received by a limited fare omnibus company until and including August thirty-first, nineteen hundred eighty. Thereafter, such tax shall be applicable to such gross income received as follows:
(1) for gross income received from commuter service from September first, nineteen hundred eighty until and including December thirty-first, nineteen hundred eighty-three, the rate of tax shall be one hundredth of one per centum;
(2) for gross income received from commuter service from January first, nineteen hundred eighty-four and thereafter, the rate of tax shall be one tenth of one per centum; and
(3) for gross income received from all other sources, the rate of tax shall be as provided in subdivision a of this section.
e. The gross operating income of a vendor of utility services derived from sales to its tenants of gas, electricity, steam, water, or refrigeration or sales or rendering to its tenants of gas, electric, steam, water or refrigeration service, as an incident to such vendor's activity of renting premises to tenants, shall be excluded from the measure of the tax imposed by this chapter, but, with regard to sales to its tenants of gas, electricity, or steam or sales or rendering to its tenants of gas, electric or steam service, only to the extent that the tax imposed by this chapter has been validly paid or accrued with respect to a prior sale of such gas, electricity or steam or sale or rendering of gas, electric or steam service.
f. (1) Notwithstanding anything contained in this chapter to the contrary, for taxable periods beginning on or after August first, two thousand two, if a partnership is subject to the tax imposed by this chapter as a utility or as a vendor of utility services, no person who is a partner in such a partnership shall be subject to the tax imposed by this chapter on such partner's distributive share of the gross income or gross operating income of such partnership.
(2) If a person is a partner in a partnership subject to the tax imposed by this chapter and that person is separately subject to the supervision of the state department of public service or is a utility or a vendor of utility services based on its activities exclusive of any activities of such partnership, for taxable periods beginning on or after August first, two thousand two, such person shall be subject to the tax imposed by this chapter only on its separate gross income or separate gross operating income, which shall not include such person's distributive share of the gross income or gross operating income of such partnership.
(3) For purposes of this subdivision, the term "partner" shall include a person who receives a distributive share of the gross income or gross operating income, directly or indirectly through one or more tiers of partnerships, of a partnership subject to the tax imposed by this chapter.
(g) Notwithstanding anything else contained in this chapter to the contrary, for the taxable periods beginning on or after January 1, 2006, if a cooperative corporation containing at least fifteen hundred apartments furnishes or sells electricity, steam, refrigeration or water, or furnishes or sells electric, steam, refrigeration or water services that are (i) metered, (ii) generated or produced by a cogeneration facility owned or operated by such cooperative corporation, and (iii) such electricity, steam, refrigeration or water and/or electric, steam, refrigeration or water services are distributed to tenants and/or occupants of a cooperative corporation, then such cooperative corporation shall pay to the commissioner of finance an excise tax which shall be equal to zero per centum of its gross income or its gross operating income, as the case may be.