This district is designed to assist in the implementation of the Newport City Center Study. The purpose of this overlay district, along with the underlying zoning districts and articles of the City of Newport Zoning Regulations is to:
   1.    Provide a framework to guide appropriate development for future growth in the center of the City of Newport;
   2.    To further detail and compliment the Newport Comprehensive Plan for this area due to the vital nature of the area;
   3.    To evaluate potential development in terms of land use, density, traffic, parking impact and infrastructure in order to minimize negative impacts;
   4.    To provide development design review, streetscaping and special signage regulations that provide appropriate exterior appearance to the general public while exhibiting excellence in design.
Location & Definition
The City Center Study Overlay District (CCO) is an overlay zoning district illustrated on the City of Newport Zoning Map to which it is applied; the rights and obligations herein as set forth and in addition to those specified in the Zoning Regulations, the underlying zoning district and those described in the City Center Study. The boundaries or location of the CCO are identified on page 5 of the City Center Study and shall be designated as the suffix CCO. The current zoning of the overlay district shall also be identified on the Newport Zoning Map.
Applicability & Review
The City Center Study Overlay District (CCO) application and review requirements shall be applied to all properties within the area identified on page 5 of the City Center Study and other applicable articles of this zoning order. Specific land uses, building densities and zoning of parcels in the study area are identified in the "Concept Development Plan" and "Implementation" sections of the City Center Study. Application and review procedural requirements are specified in the City Center Study in addition to other appropriate articles in this zoning order.
Public Hearing
As part of the formal review of the Concept Development Plan, a Public Hearing shall be required. All notification and procedural requirements for the Newport Planning Commission to take action on approval or disapproval of each Concept Development shall be made in accordance with Article 17 and 18 of the zoning order.