No building shall be erected or structurally altered nor shall any grading take place on any lot or parcel in districts where a development plan is required (except for those activities that are defined as exempt from these requirements according to paragraph 2 under this section) without first obtaining the approval of a development plan as hereinafter required:
      1.   Before a permit is issued for construction, one (1) copy of the development plan of the area at a scale of no smaller than one (1) inch equals one hundred (100) feet shall be filed with the Building Inspector and the Zoning Administrator setting forth, identifying and locating the following:
         a.   Total area in development project including legal description.
         b.   Present zoning of property in question and adjacent properties.
         c.   All public and private rights of way and easement lines located on and adjacent to the property which are proposed to be continued, created, relocated or abandoned.
         d.   Existing topography with a maximum of two foot contour intervals. Where existing ground is on a slope of less than two percent (2%) either one foot contours or spot elevations where necessary, but not more than fifty (50) feet apart in both directions. Soil classification shall also be indicated along with the source from which soil classification was obtained.
         e.   The proposed finish grade of the development area shown by contours with intervals not larger than two (2) feet, supplemented where necessary by spot elevations.
         f.   The location of every existing and proposed building in the described parcel or parcels, the use or uses to be contained therein, the number of buildings including dimensions and height, the gross floor area and number of floors.
         g.   Location and dimension of all curb cuts, curbing, driving lanes, off street parking and loading and/or unloading areas including number of spaces, angle of stalls, grades, and illumination facilities.
         h.   All walks, malls, and other open areas.
         i.   Location of all walls, fences, and screening plantings.
         j.   Location, size, height and orientation of all signs.
         k.   Types of surfacing proposed on the various off street parking and driveways including cross sections and drainage plans.
         l.   Location of all existing and proposed streets, highways, and alleys.
         m.   All existing and proposed water and sanitary sewer lines, indicating pipe sizes, types and grades.
         n.   A drainage plan of the area showing size and location of each existing and proposed structure. The approximate volume of water generated by development of the subject area and the proposed method of disposing of said water. Provisions shall be included for adequate control of erosion and sedimentation, indicating the proposed temporary and permanent control practices and measures which will be implemented during all phases of clearing, grading and construction.
         o.   A schedule of development including the staging and phasing of:
            1.   Residential areas, in order of priority, by type of dwelling unit;
            2.   Streets, utilities, and other public facility improvements in order of priority;
            3.   Dedication of land to public use or set aside for common ownership with a preliminary statement indicating how maintenance of the latter will be handled; and
            4.   The construction of nonresidential buildings, in order of priority.
         p.   Such other information with regard to the development area as may be required by the Planning and Zoning Commission to determine conformance with this Ordinance.
         q.   A Landscaping Plan showing the location, orientation, height, caliper, and type of vegetation to be used.
         All such development plans shall be reviewed by the Planning and Zoning Commission or its duly authorized representative, and the factual determination approving or rejecting such plans shall be made in accordance with requirements of this or other applicable sections of this Ordinance, and the Comprehensive Plan for the City of Newport. All development plans approved shall be binding upon the applicants, their successors and assigns and shall limit the development to all conditions and limitations established in such plans. Amendments to plans may be made in accordance with the procedure required by this Ordinance subject to the same limitations and requirements as those under which such plans were originally approved. After final approval the subject area may be developed in stages, providing all of the procedures required by the Planning and Zoning Commission, or its duly authorized representatives, have been complied with.
      2.   A. Where necessary the Planning Commission may ask a developer to post a Bond in anticipation any damage that may occur to a street by construction traffic. This shall apply to all City owned roadways.
      a.   Applicant must identify truck routes.
      b.    Applicant must photograph existing conditions prior to project.
      c.    Applicant must post bond.
   B.   For construction off state routes a developer will submit a letter of understanding and meet all requirements of the state.
      3.   The new construction or substantial remodeling of a single residential one or two family unit shall be exempt from the requirements of Section 9.19, Development Plan Requirements. Except houses for the hillside development guideline area.