   Any removal or trimming of trees or shrubs on private property or in easements of the town which is done for any other reason shall be at the homeowner’s expense.
(1992 Code, § 4-63) (Ord. 776, § 4, passed 11-13-1990)
   The Park Board of the town shall be able to plant or remove any trees or vegetation under its jurisdiction with the permission of the Town Council or Clerk-Treasurer.
(1992 Code, § 4-64) (Ord. 776, § 5, passed 11-13-1990)
   (A)   Before a permit shall be issued by the Town Clerk-Treasurer under this subchapter to any person or firm applying for a permit, the person or firm shall give, execute, and deliver a surety bond or proof of homeowner’s insurance to the town in the penal sum of $5,000, to be approved by the Clerk-Treasurer and conditioned upon the faithful performance and compliance with all the rules and regulations adopted by the town. The surety bond shall provide evidence of registration with the state, the evidence constituting approval to do business in the state.
   (B)   The bond shall also be conditioned to indemnify the town against any loss to property or person. The requirement for a surety bond may be waived at the discretion of the Town Council.
   (C)   Any person or firm may furnish the bond referred to herein upon an annual basis, and which shall be binding upon any permit subsequently issued during the year to the applicant.
   (D)   Any public utility operating under the jurisdiction of the Public Service Commission of the state, having an indemnifying agreement shall not relieve any contractor doing work for the utility of the requirements for bonding.
   (E)   Any person or firm required to furnish bond or indemnifying agreement shall also furnish evidence of insurance for any and all claims which may arise, and which shall cover personal injury or property damage. The amount of the insurance shall be established by the Town Council. The insurer shall be a company holding a certificate of authority issued by the Indiana State Insurance Commissioner to do business in the state.
(Ord. 776, § 6, passed 11-13-1990)
   (F)   The cost of obtaining a permit to remove a tree or trees within the tree lawn or any other right-of-way area within the town limits shall be pursuant to the Fee Schedule, Chapter 98. The permit shall be valid for 90 days from the date of issue.
(Ord. 798, passed 4-9-1991)
(1992 Code, § 4-65)
§ 91.99 PENALTY.
   (A)   Any person violating any provision of this chapter for which no specific penalty is prescribed shall be subject to § 10.99.
   (B)   Any person violating any of the provisions of §§ 91.10 through 91.16 shall be fined as set forth in § 10.99(B).
(1992 Code, § 7-107)
   (C)   Any person violating any of the provisions of §§ 91.25 through 91.32 shall, upon conviction thereof, be fined as set forth in § 10.99(B).
(1992 Code, § 7-119)
   (D)   Any person or company who does not obtain the required permit from the Clerk-Treasurer’s office for tree removal in § 91.45 shall be fined as set forth in § 10.99(A).
(1992 Code, § 4-65)