(a)   Uses which are customary in the course of or associated with a permitted or conditional use are allowed.
   (b)   Flagpoles, television and radio antennas for the exclusive use of the property owner.
   (c)   Within any dwelling the occupant may have an office provided there are(is):
      (1)   No visible signs of any type.
      (2)   No goods of any type sold or exchanged from inventory on site.
      (3)   No customers coming to the dwelling.
      (4)   No employees working at the dwelling other than members of the occupant's immediate family.
      (5)   Not more than one delivery per day in addition to the regular daily mail delivery from the U.S. Postal Service.
      (6)   No parking or storage of vehicles related to the business, which exceed a gross vehicle weight rating (GVWR) of 12,000 pounds.
      (7)   No more than one vehicle related to the business may be parked outside an enclosed structure.
      (8)   No space used for the office shall be outside the dwelling.
(Ord. 08-33. Passed 5-4-09.)