TITLE FOUR - Zoning Code
EDITOR'S NOTE: The Zoning Code of the City, previously a codification of Ordinance 65-75, passed September 7, 1965, Ordinance 71-68, passed October 18, 1971, Ordinance 77-8, passed September 19, 1977, Ordinance 77-13, passed February 7, 1977, Ordinance 77-29, passed June 6, 1977, Ordinance 77-40, passed June 6, 1977, Ordinance 77-82, passed December 5, 1977, Ordinance 78-32, passed April 3, 1978, Ordinance 78-70, passed September 18, 1978, Ordinance 78-73, passed October 2, 1978, Ordinance 83-51, passed October 17, 1983, Ordinance 83-52, passed October 17, 1983, Ordinance 84-41, passed July 16, 1984, Ordinance 85-69, passed November 4, 1985, Ordinance 86-30, passed May 5, 1986, Ordinance 86-61, passed August 4, 1986, Ordinance 86-65, passed October 6, 1986, Ordinance 87-41, passed November 16, 1987, Ordinance 87-43(B), passed November 16, 1987, Ordinance 87-61, passed March 21, 1988, Ordinance 87-62, passed March 21, 1988, Ordinance 92-43, passed July 20, 1992, Ordinance 99-44, passed October 4, 1999, Ordinance 01-42, passed January 7, 2002, Ordinance 02-10, passed July 15, 2002, Ordinance 07-8, passed March 19, 2007, was re-enacted in its entirety by Ordinance 08-33-A, passed May 4, 2009. (References in this Code to Ordinance 08-33 are to be interpreted as Ordinance 08-33-A.)
   Chap. 1230.   General Provisions and Definitions.
   Chap. 1232.   Administration, Enforcement and Penalty.
   Chap. 1234.   Board of Zoning Adjustment.
   Chap. 1236.   District Changes and Regulation of Amendments.
   Chap. 1238.   Districts and Boundaries.
   Chap. 1240.   General Regulations.
   Chap. 1242.   Nonconforming Uses, Buildings, Structures, Lots.
   Chap. 1244.   Temporary Board of Zoning District Revision.
   Chap. 1246.   CD Conservation District.
   Chap. 1247.   AD Agricultural District.
   Chap. 1248.   RS Suburban – RL Low Density – RM Medium Density – RH High Density Single-Family Residence Districts.
   Chap. 1249.   RZLL Single-Family Residence Zero Lot Line District.
   Chap. 1250.   RMH Single-Family Manufactured Home District.
   Chap. 1251.   SFC Single-Family Condominium District.
   Chap. 1252.   TFR Two-Family Residence District.
   Chap. 1253.   MFR Multi-Family Residence District.
   Chap. 1254.   MFC Multi-Family Condominium District.
   Chap. 1255.   MFH Multi-Family High Rise District.
   Chap. 1256.   CSI Church School Institutional District.
   Chap. 1257.   LO Limited Office District.
   Chap. 1258.   GO General Office District.
   Chap. 1259.   LB Limited Intensity Business District.
   Chap. 1260.   MB Medium Intensity Business District.
   Chap. 1261.   HB High Intensity Business District.
   Chap. 1262.   GB General Business District.
   Chap. 1263.   LC Limited Commercial District.
   Chap. 1264.   GC General Commercial District.
   Chap. 1265.   DC Downtown District.
   Chap. 1266.   LI Limited Industrial District.
   Chap. 1267.   GI General Industrial District.
   Chap. 1268.   Planned Unit Development.
   Chap. 1269.   Overlay Historic District.
   Chap. 1270.   Yard and Frontage Modification in R-District.
   Chap. 1271.   Yard Projections in R-Districts.
   Chap. 1272.   Lot Area Requirements – Private Water or Sewage Disposal System.
   Chap. 1274.   Accessory Structures.
   Chap. 1276.   Fences, Walls, and Similar Structures.
   Chap. 1278.   Height Modifications.
   Chap. 1280.   Adult Entertainment Businesses.
   Chap. 1282.   Lots of Record.
   Chap. 1284.   Dwelling Groups.
   Chap. 1286.   Public and Private Swimming Pools.
   Chap. 1288.   Regulation of Satellite Signal Receiving Antennas.
   Chap. 1290.   Off-Street Parking and Loading Regulations.
   Chap. 1292.   Landscaping, Buffering, Green Space.
   Chap. 1294.   Display Signs and Outdoor Advertising.
   Chap. 1296.   Performance Standards.