Article 1. General Provisions
8.36.100 Title.
8.36.110 Purpose and intent.
8.36.120 Administration.
8.36.130 Definitions.
8.36.140 Jurisdictional runoff management program.
8.36.150 Regulatory consistency.
8.36.160 Compliance disclaimer.
8.36.170 City cooperation.
8.36.180 Contracting for services.
Article 2. Prohibited Discharges and Illicit Connections
8.36.200 Prohibited discharges.
8.36.210 Prohibited illicit connections.
Article 3. Control of Discharges and Runoff
8.36.300 New development projects and modifications to existing development.
8.36.310 Permit requirements for all construction and for industrial/ commercial activities.
8.36.320 Water quality management plan.
8.36.330 Expiration of, adherence to and continuation of WQMPs.
8.36.340 Jurisdictional runoff management plan.
Article 4. Existing Development and Litter Control
8.36.400 Existing development and operations.
8.36.410 Litter control.
Article 5. Inspections and Enforcement
8.36.500 Inspections.
8.36.510 Violation.
8.36.520 Liability.
8.36.530 City-issued permits, enforcement.
8.36.540 Violation a nuisance.
8.36.550 Enforcement of violations.
8.36.560 Administrative compliance order.
Article I. General Provisions