8.36.170 City cooperation.
   The city intends to cooperate with other agencies with jurisdiction over regulated discharges to its MS4 to ensure that the regulatory purposes underlying the NPDES permit promulgated pursuant to the Clean Water Act (33 U.S.C. 1251 et. seq.) are met.
(Ord. 472 § 1, 2012)
8.36.180   Contracting for services.
   The city may, to the extent authorized by law, elect to contract for the services of any public agency or private enterprise to carry out the planning approvals, inspections, permits and enforcement authorized by this chapter.
(Ord. 472 § 1, 2012)
Article 2
Prohibited Discharges
and Illegal Connections
8.36.200 Prohibited discharges.
   All discharges to the city's MS4 prohibited pursuant to the NPDES permit are prohibited.
(Ord. 472 § 1, 2012)
8.36.210 Prohibited illicit connections.
   Any connection to the city's MS4 deemed to be an "illicit connection" pursuant to the NPDES permit is prohibited. The prohibition against illicit connections shall apply regardless of whether the connection was established prior to the date on which this chapter was enacted.
(Ord. 472 § 1, 2012)