For the purposes of this chapter, unless the context clearly requires otherwise, the words and phrases used in this chapter shall have the following meanings:
"County" means the county of Riverside.
"Department" means the department of environmental services of the county of Riverside.
"Enforcement officer" means the director of the department of environmental health services of the county and his or her duly authorized environmental health specialists.
"Food establishment" means a food establishment as defined in the California Uniform Retail Food Facilities Law, Section 27520 of the California Health and Safety Code. These are commonly referred to as restaurants, markets, delis or similar operations.
"Food facilities" means a food facility as defined in Section 27521 of the California Health and Safety Code. These are commonly referred to as wholesale food facilities, vehicles, vending machines, satellite food distribution facilities, open-air barbecues, certified farmers markets, stationary food preparation units and mobile food preparation units. This definition also includes commercial food establishments.
"Food preparation" means food preparation as defined in Section 27522 of the California Health and Safety Code.
"Official inspection form" means the form provided by the county's department of environmental health services.
(Ord. 91 § 1 (part), 1994: Ord. 3 § 1 (part), 1991: prior code § 6.10.010)
A. All food establishments and food facilities shall be inspected and graded uniformly using an official inspection form. The grade of each food establishment shall be determined by the enforcement officer using the scoring method provided on the official inspection form. The grade of each food establishment shall be evidenced by the posting of a grade card bearing the letter, "A," "B" or "C."
1. The letter “A” shall indicate a score of ninety (90) percent or higher, and indicates that the food establishment passed the inspection by meeting those minimum health standards as set forth by the state of California in the California Retail Food Facilities Law, California Health and Safety Code, Sections113700 through 114476, and interpreted by the enforcement officer. Grade “A” cards shall be printed in blue on high-impact white styrene plastic.
2. The letter "B" shall indicate a score of less than ninety (90) percent, but not less than eighty (80) percent, and indicates that the food establishment has not passed the inspection and does not meet minimum health standards. Grade "B" cards shall be printed in green on high-impact white styrene plastic.
3. The letter "C" shall indicate a score of less than eighty (80) percent, and indicates that the food establishment has failed the inspection and has conditions existing which may pose a potential or actual threat to public health and safety. The facility may also be ordered closed, with its permit being suspended or revoked by the enforcement officer. Grade "C" cards shall be printed in red on high-impact white styrene plastic.
B. The grade card shall be provided by the enforcement officer and shall be nine inches by eleven (11) inches in size. The grade letter shall not be more than five inches in height.
C. The grade card shall be posted in a conspicuous place selected by the enforcement officer, at or near each entrance to the food establishment used by its patrons, and shall be removed only by the enforcement officer.
D. It is unlawful to operate a food establishment unless the grade card is in place as posted by the enforcement officer.
E. Private schools and public schools shall not be required to post a grade card.
F. Food facilities and food establishments which are not engaged in food preparation shall not be required to post a grade card.
(Ord. 91 § 1 (part), 1994: Ord. 3 § 1 (part), 1991: prior code § 6.10.020)
A. The enforcement officer shall inspect each food facility and food establishment at regular intervals. All food establishments and food facilities shall comply with those requirements set forth in the California Uniform Retail Food Facilities Law, as amended appearing in California Health and Safety Code Sections 27500, et seq.
B. A signed copy of the official inspection form shall be delivered to the owner, operator, or person in charge of the food establishment or food facility who shall sign in receipt therefor.
C. Any food establishment or facility that has received a "B" or "C" grade shall receive a reinspection within five working days of the initial inspection, or as otherwise arranged with the facility operator, to assure that the violations have been corrected. The grade "B" or "C" shall remain posted at the food establishment, indicating to the public that the particular food establishment failed to maintain minimum health standards during its most recent routine inspection performed by the department.
D. If, after a reinspection of the food establishment or facility, the score is not ninety (90) percent or higher, any or all of the following legal actions may ensue:
1. Administrative hearing offered for the suspension or revocation of the license pursuant to Health and Safety Code Sections 27580, et seq.
2. Issuance of a citation.
3. Initiation of civil, criminal or other legal proceedings.
E. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the enforcement officer may order immediate closure of a facility or establishment pursuant to Health and Safety Code Section 27582 whenever he or she reasonably believes the facility or establishment to present an immediate danger to the public health or safety.
F. Any reinspections following legal actions, other than one reinspection following an initial administrative hearing, will result in the operator being charged an hourly on-site fee.
(Ord. 91 § 1 (part), 1994: Ord. 3 § 1 (part), 1991: prior code § 6.10.030)