Streets and Public Ways
98.01 Street defined
98.02 Excavations
98.03 Application for permit; fees
98.04 Obstructions, restrictions
98.05 Suspension, revocation of permits
98.06 Additional construction regulations
98.07 Tampering with street signs or barricades
98.08 Moving buildings
98.09 Posting notices
98.10 Signs and signposts
98.11 Erection of utility poles, wires
98.12 Depositing materials on streets prohibited
98.13 Distributing advertising matter
98.14 Liability to city for loss or damage
98.15 Truck routes
98.16 Truck identification
Complete Streets
98.20 Purpose
98.21 Definitions
98.22 Implementation; applicability
98.23 Review of transportation projects
98.25 Sidewalk construction or repair, permit required
98.26 Dangerous and unsafe conditions prohibited
98.27 Notice to repair; work done by city
98.28 Permit required for work on crosswalks, driveway aprons, curb cuts
98.29 Unsafe driveways and crosswalks
98.30 Approval of plans and specifications required
98.31 Public liability insurance required
98.32 Appeal from denial of permit
98.33 Revocation or suspension of permit
98.34 Additional construction regulations
98.35 Removal of materials; suspension of objects
98.36 Driving on sidewalks prohibited
98.37 Snow and ice removal from sidewalks
98.38 Depositing snow and ice restricted
98.99 Penalty