A.   All lots shall abut upon a public thoroughfare with at least thirty feet (30') of frontage unless a variance or planned development project is approved.
   B.   Only one principal structure shall be located, erected or moved onto any lot or parcel of land.
   C.   No zoning permit shall be issued for a lot which abuts a public street dedicated to only a portion of its proposed width, and located on that side thereof for which the required dedication has not been secured.
   D.   No lot, yard, parking area, building area or other space shall be reduced in area or dimension so as not to meet the provisions of this title. No part of any lot, yard, parking area or other space required for a structure or use shall be used for any other structure or use.
   E.   Any lot in a single ownership, which ownership was of record at the effective date hereof, that does not meet the requirements of this title for yards, courts or other area of open space may be utilized for single residence purposes; provided, the requirements for such yard or court area, width, depth or open space is within seventy five percent (75%) of that required by the terms of this title. The purpose of this subsection is to permit utilization of recorded lots which lack adequate width or depth as long as reasonable living standards can be provided. (Ord., 8-24-1974)
   F.   No wall, fence or hedge more than four feet (4') in height shall be permitted in the front yard or side yard abutting a public street. Every wall, fence or hedge shall be constructed or planted in such a manner that it can be maintained by the owner or owners without trespassing on the abutting property. Every wall, fence or hedge shall be set back not less than eighteen inches (18") from the abutting property line. The decorative side of the fence shall be facing toward the abutting neighbor's property. (Ord., 11-14-1989)
   G.   No wall, fence or hedge which would obstruct motor vehicle visibility of traffic approaching the corner or intersection shall be erected, placed or maintained within a triangular area formed by the intersecting lot lines nearest the street intersection and a straight line joining said lot lines at points which are thirty feet (30') distant from the point of intersecting lot lines 1 .
   H.   The space in any minimum required yard shall be open and unobstructed except for the ordinary projections of windowsills, belt courses, eaves, roof overhangs and other architectural features of residential properties; provided, however, that such features do not project closer than three feet (3') from the side lot lines. (Ord., 8-24-1974)
   I.   Any accessory building shall be at least five feet (5') from the side lot line and five feet (5') from the rear lot line; provided, however, where the accessory building is a private garage used to store one or more passenger motor vehicles or trucks of three-fourths (3/4) ton or less, access to which garage is by a public alley only, then the private garage shall be at least twenty feet (20') from the rear lot line. (Ord., 3-27-1990)
   J.   All overhanging canopies, marquees, awnings and similar structures must be at least eight feet (8') above a sidewalk at any point, and overhanging signs must be a minimum of ten feet (10') above the sidewalk at any point. Such structures cannot project nearer than one foot (1') from any driveway 2 . (Ord., 8-24-1974; amd. 1977 Code)
   K.   The minimum setback from any portion of a lot bordering a public street shall be the same as the required front setback for that district. (Ord., 8-24-1974)
   L.   No satellite receiver dish antennas or microwave receiver dish antennas shall be permitted in the front yard or side yard abutting a public street, or be erected, placed or maintained in a manner that would obstruct motor vehicle visibility of traffic approaching the corner or intersection within a triangular area formed by the intersecting lot lines nearest the street intersection and a straight line joining said lot lines at points which are thirty feet (30') distant from the point of intersecting lot lines 3 . (Ord., 12-13-1988)



1. See also subsection L of this section and section 8-1-18 and subsections 8-4-5J and K of this code.
2. See also section 8-3-6 of this code and subsection 10-6-1F1 of this title.
3. See also subsection G of this section and section 8-1-18 and subsections 8-4-5J and K of this code.