A permit for planting, trimming or care of trees or shrubs on public property may be granted if there is compliance with the following regulations: (1977 Code; amd. Ord., 1-26-1993)
A. There shall not be planted any of the following trees: poplar, silver maple, box elder, Chinese elm, black locust, willow, honey locust, catalpa, ailanthus (tree of heaven), cottonwood, mulberry, sweet gum or any fruit tree; nor shall any mulberry tree be allowed to increase in number or growth. (Ord., 5-11-2004)
B. There must not be less than two inches (2") in diameter of trunk one foot (1') above the ground.
C. All trees having a trunk which is two inches (2") to three inches (3") in diameter one foot (1') above the ground must be supported by two (2) or more tree guards.
D. No tree shall hereafter be planted at the intersection of two (2) or more streets, or within twenty feet (20') of such intersection.
E. Trees that are cut down must be removed, and the root and stump thereof must be grubbed out.
F. All pruning cuts above one inch (1") in diameter must be waterproofed.
G. Trees shall be planted at least thirty five feet (35') apart, at least six feet (6') from a driveway and at least ten feet (10') from a streetlamp or other public utility structure.
H. Only the following types of trees shall be planted in any parkway adjoining a roadway where the clear space between the curb and the sidewalk is less than six feet (6'): ginkgo (male only), Mayfield ginkgo, Crimean linden, American linden or basswood, Olmsted columnar Norway maple, Armstrong columnar maple, Scanlon columnar red maple, pyramidial European hornbeam, hop hornbeam or ironwood, hackberry, tulip tree, ash.
I. No tree shall be planted where the soil is too poor to ensure the growth of such tree, unless the planter excavates a suitable hole of not less than thirty six (36) cubic feet and replaces the material removed with loam or other suitable soil.
J. No tree shall be planted nearer than three feet (3') from the curb line or outside line of a sidewalk, nor nearer than six feet (6') from the inside line of a sidewalk; provided, that where the distance between the curb line and the outside line of a sidewalk is less than six feet (6'), then such tree shall be planted an equal distance between the curb line and outside line of the sidewalk 1 .
K. Trees and shrubs on private property shall not overhang the public sidewalk to a height of less than ten feet (10') above the walk, and such trees and shrubs shall not be planted within three feet (3') of any public sidewalk 2 . (1977 Code; amd. Ord., 1-26-1993)
L. The owner of any lot, parcel or property abutting the intersection of any two (2) public rights of way, including alleys, shall trim or caused to be trimmed, so as not to obstruct the view, all shrubs and bushes located within thirty feet (30') of said intersection, so that no bush or shrub shall exceed three feet (3') in height above the surface of the abutting public right of way.
1. "Intersection" is hereby defined as "the area embraced within the prolongation or connection of the lateral curb lines, or, if none, then the lateral boundary lines of the roadways of two highways which join one another at, or approximately at, right angles or the area within which vehicles traveling upon different roadways joining at any other angle may come in conflict" 3 . (Ord., 4-9-2013)
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3 | 3. 625 ILCS 5/1-132a. |